Pallbearer’s arch enemy is flatulence. Note his distended stomach, you guys. He’s the superhero in the world of sinister undertakers because his body emissions kill the living and wake the dead. πΏ
The frightening thing is that Australia had a Prime Minister nicknamed the Pall Bearer ……… Paul Keating …… and it looked like this anti-hero figure of yours…………did he pose for it?
Very funny topic, comments and responses.
However I would dearly like to see a picture/drawing of the most understated of all heroes.
Coward Man
Faster than light
coward man is outta sight
Weaker than re-used toilet paper
Able to hide anywhere
He’s “Coward Man”
The pallbearer has put on a lot of weight from overeating due to the loss of his trusted sidekick Kevorkian. But having found a replacement in Dubya recently his health has improved. Kick some ass Superhero! :^)
The Banana Slug is already a “super hero” of sorts, if being the official mascot of UC-Santa Cruz counts.
21 responses to “Rejected Superhero Ideas”
Meet Savage No.2… his motto? 2B or not 2B! Saving the world with graphite and lead. Doodling away to glory. Arch Enemy? The Eraser Dude.
Now coming in prismacolor at a theatre near you!
Hee, Minn. Would the Banana Slug’s arch enemy be Super Salt Saker?
How about Captain Semantics? I get mistaken for him all the time.
Good one, Nik. π
Is savage No.2 sidekick scantron B.
Of course, NΓΒΊ 2’s secret identity: “Pencil” Dick Farber.
Just like Superman, he has a whole set of duplicates: they’re all mechanical…
π Just wondering…who would be the pallbearers arch enemy?
Niki & Minnie: You guys crack me up!! π
:wtf: Has anyone checked out todays link? Gross! Makes me think swimming in anything but a chemically filled swimming pool would just be nuts!
thank you for not mentioning my failed attempt at superhero-dom.
pallbearer arch enemy? Mr. Liveforever
Pallbearer’s arch enemy is flatulence. Note his distended stomach, you guys. He’s the superhero in the world of sinister undertakers because his body emissions kill the living and wake the dead. πΏ
Nina: Thanks! We try! π
The frightening thing is that Australia had a Prime Minister nicknamed the Pall Bearer ……… Paul Keating …… and it looked like this anti-hero figure of yours…………did he pose for it?
Very funny topic, comments and responses.
However I would dearly like to see a picture/drawing of the most understated of all heroes.
Coward Man
Faster than light
coward man is outta sight
Weaker than re-used toilet paper
Able to hide anywhere
He’s “Coward Man”
The pallbearer has put on a lot of weight from overeating due to the loss of his trusted sidekick Kevorkian. But having found a replacement in Dubya recently his health has improved. Kick some ass Superhero! :^)
The Banana Slug is already a “super hero” of sorts, if being the official mascot of UC-Santa Cruz counts.
Weird, but true.
Are you serious, Lisa? :wtf:
ok…I will never,ever open anything that has the warning “Gross” before 10 am, EVER again! Thank you, Davezilla for this life lesson.
That bug thing is just wrong..
I think I’m swearing off fish for a while..
hey minnie, wouldnt No.2’s arch enemy be his own ass???
‘Fraid so, Dave.