Rejected names for cars

  1. Dodge Battering Ram
  2. BMW 325,000,000
  3. Mercedes Hahaha peasant
  4. Audi, Pardner
  5. Ford Vehicle
  6. Cadillac Emperor
  7. Subaru Hippie Chick
  8. Mercury Expectation
  9. Buick Potentate
  10. Lexus Cougar
  11. Pontiac International Man of Mystery
  12. Saturn Zeus
  13. VW Hipster
  14. Chrysler Going out of Business Sale
  15. Saab Story
  16. Jeep BBQ
  17. Toyota Soccer Mom
  18. Porsche Paprika
  19. Jaguar Commoner
  20. Hummer MILF

Written with help of the indomitable misterarthur

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46 responses to “Rejected names for cars”

  1. Mandy Avatar

    i love these!! 😀

  2. Jennifer Avatar

    Does the BMW 325,000,000 come in an XL version?

  3. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #225143 will appear here]

    I love those! :wang:

  4. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #225143 will appear here]

    I’m right behind ya… :wang:

  5. Supercharged_goddess Avatar

    How about the fish called Honda? Or the Oldsmobile Sellout? Maybe a Mazda WTF minivan? surely that can’t be as good as it gets?! I didn’t see anything about a chevy even! But I did laugh my tatas off at the Jeep BBQ!

  6. Bear Avatar

    Sounds like the best ride would be the Hummer MILF

  7. MrStitch Avatar

    How about the Cadillac Pre-Bankruptcy

    Serious, is it just me or does anyone else see a lot of that brand driving around lately, by people who you KNOW are working one or two part time jobs just to make the payment?

  8. AnnieB Avatar

    Alfa Romeo Arachnid

    Buick Carmen Electra

    Ford Anal Probe

    Honda Prelude to Death

    Porsche Tia Carrera

    AMC Javelin Toss

    Saturn Outlook Bleak

  9. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #225162 will appear here]

    I’m pretty depressed about the lost set of tatas.

  10. Nicolette Avatar

    A little known fact, The Ford Company was trying to market there new cars back in the 70’s to the good people of Mexico. For the life of them, they couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t selling. Finally, a native speaker came along and let the exec’s in on a little secret of the language: The Ford Nova translated into “Ford Doesn’t Go” in Spanish! 😳 😳

    Oh …….and DIAHATSU!


  11. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #225174 will appear here]

    That’s a true story but it was Chevrolet not Ford. 🙂

  12. Nicolette Avatar

    Hell, I can’t afford a new car anyways! 😛

  13. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Studebaker Super Sucker
    Hudson Homo
    Lincoln Lesbian

    Loved yours, AnnieB! ❗ 😆 :kiss:

  14. Pablo Avatar

    Right up my alley!

    Chevrolet S-Cargo van
    Anti-Chrysler Diablo
    Hyundai Sonata ( should have been So is a)
    Jeep Heap
    Cadillac Pimpster
    Kia Disposable
    Ford Explorscapedition
    Lexus Sux El
    Nissan Rammen
    Volvo Anti-venerial
    audi Matik
    Buick that doesn’t make your ass look big
    Daewoo Hooo
    Honda Just buy me I’m a Honda
    Lincoln Slavemaster
    Mazda Zapata
    Mitsubishi Sumbichi
    Gmc E=MC2
    Ferrari Viagra

  15. Brad K. Avatar

    Plymouth Voyager, Spock edition
    Chrysler Mini-Swirl super crew cab SUV

    Harley Davidson Roo. A touring style motorized pogo-cycle. For retired cowboys and pole dancers.

  16. Mjaz Avatar

    Jeep Shot
    Dodge Bullet
    Ford Loveofgod

  17. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    Citroën Citroen (citroen means “lemon”)
    Peugeot Jacques Cousteau
    Mini Maxi
    AMC Beagle
    Ferrari Bacardi
    Rover Runover (only available in red)
    Jaguar Diputmahgun Limited Appalachian Edition
    Bentley Gangbanger (spinning 22″ wheels standard)

  18. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    for Pete’s sake I had them all in a nice list and they went into lines… 😕

    Citroën Citroen (citroen means “lemon”)

    Peugeot Jacques Cousteau

    Mini Maxi

    AMC Beagle

    Ferrari Bacardi

    Rover Runover (only available in red)

    Jaguar Diputmahgun Limited Appalachian Edition

    Bentley Gangbanger (spinning 22″ wheels standard)

  19. Spud Avatar

    Venereal Volvo

    Holden on to me. (Attempted humour from the antipodes)

    That is all.

  20. Lung the Younger Avatar

    The Ford Gerald

    The Daewoo Tang

    The Fiat First

    The Audi Doody

    The Mercedes Master Race

    The Renault Douche

    The Mini Phallus

    The Chevrolet Schmevrolet

  21. junkman Avatar

    amc hairnet

    bentley continental flying spurm

    cadillac fleetwood got the hell out of here cuz he was afraid of annieb and superior to us

    chevrolet el cuminaho

    dodge magnum p.i.

    infiniti Q-tip

    lincoln LOG

    mitt romney ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    nissan stedger

    skoda labia

    smart IES

  22. StevieC Avatar

    Pontiac Asskick

    VW Jedi

    Honda Inbred

    Hummer Poseur

    Hummer Compensator

    Scion Scioff

    Toyota Prius Outahere

    SMART Speedbump

    Toyota Echo Echo Echo

    Subaru WhereAreU

    Ford SUX

    Actually, what’s fun is taking real car names and putting the word “Anal” in front of them, like:

    Dodge Anal Ram

    Plymouth Anal Prowler

    Ford Anal Excursion

    Pontiac Anal Vibe

    Lincoln Anal Navigator

    And the list goes on …..

  23. Steve W Avatar

    Ford The River

    Dodge The Bullet

    Honda Help Me Rhonda

    GMC Hammer

  24. rust Avatar

    Toyota Remon (Lemon)

    Ford Flame Thrower (aka 64 Ford Galaxie 500)

    Sunbeam Mixmaster (a friend had two of these, and there was a family in town that had 7)

    Hummer Gummer (ooh baby)

    Nash Rumbler
    Nash Gambler
    Nash Bumbler
    Nash Fondle Her

    Dodge Ram It Down Her

    VW Rockcoach (figure it out…)

    Pontiac Uranus (I just like the sound of it)

    Trabant Junkpile

    Crosley Puzzle

    Buick Effete Snob

    Mercury Vapor

  25. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #225182 will appear here]

    Shiver me timbers Flash, I thought you were a landlubber. 😛

    Thanks! I knew you’d do Studebaker but couldn’t help noticing you had sort of an interesting trend going on there with Super Sucker, Homo and Lesbian. Hmmm, got something you want to share with us? 😛

  26. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #225419 will appear here]

    Oh, go on, you silly little thing! :wang: :wang: :thong:

    Oldsmobile Onanism

    Pontiac Pussy

    Nash Nibbler

    Geo Gobbler

  27. Meagan Avatar

    Ferrari Bueller’s Day Off.

    Hybrid Hermaphrodite. :wtf: :wang: :boobs: :boobs:

  28. Steve W Avatar

    [Comment ID #225388 will appear here]
    You are obsessed with anal!!! 😆

    Ford F150 Cent

    Ferrari Enzo My God!

  29. Nicolette Avatar

    I am soooooooooooo blonde! I was confusing the Ford Galaxy for the Chevy Nova! 😀

    Oh and just one more….

    Buick Stinksinhere


  30. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #225456 will appear here]

    Hey Steve, (nice name by the way), it’s not an obsession, but if you check the avatar on the first post, you’ll see why it is a passion. :wang:

  31. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Flash – Are you and Willie Nelson one in the same now? I notice we never see the two of you together.

  32. yankeerose Avatar

    :java: nobody had one for the mitsubishi.
    Mitsubishi- I’m faster than you and use less gas doing it.

  33. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #225508 will appear here]

    We are distantly related, but I sing better. :java: 😛 :wtf:

  34. Drusky Avatar

    How about the Ford Taurus CLi? Doesn’t every man want to climb into a CLiTaurus and go for a ride? 😀

  35. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #225768 will appear here]

    Mitsubishi – “You may have won WWII but we have more money…” 🙁

  36. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #225768 will appear here]

    Pablo did (Comment #14, if I didn’t LOSE COUNT :evil:) and it was a goodie! Mitsubishi Sumbichi

  37. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #225827 will appear here]

    We’ll be wanting proof of that! 😛

  38. pablo Avatar

    [Comment ID #225882 will appear here]

    I can always count on AnnieB.

  39. Davezilla Avatar

    I’m so disappointed that no one seems to have gotten the Porsche joke (#18). Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

  40. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #226100 will appear here]


  41. AnnieB Avatar

    At least that’s what I thought you were referring to since I started to put Porsche Pepper but somehow forgot to list it. 😆

  42. AnnieB Avatar

    Shit, now I remember why I didn’t list it … ’cause that’s what I thought you meant and I’d be duplicating yours (sort of).

    I’ll just STFU now. 😛

  43. pablo Avatar

    Ford FUBAR?

    Sorry, that references every Ford ever made.

  44. AnnieB Avatar

    Dave – if that’s not it you should say, so people will keep trying to guess. I finally googled it and I could only find a reference to Porsche’s new SUV and the Japanese animated science fiction film. Frankly I can’t find the funny in any of them. (even mine) 😕

    Have you noticed that the latest comments seems to just quit after awhile? As you can see, it shows you as having made the last comment and there have been 4 since then. You can’t really tell at a glance if there are new comments unless you keep up with the number, which is really just too much trouble and not practical, especially for people checking in while at work.

    Well, since I’m bitching, I might as well get the whole thing out. I really liked it better when you had the previous posts at the side WITH the latest comments. Previous posts seem to just die off ’cause most of us are too lazy to scroll down and again, if the latest comment thingie isn’t working, you can’t tell if you should bother to check it out or not.

    Can you tell us anything about the new smiley’s and the poll?

    Remember how much you like me when you read this. 😛

  45. Pablo Avatar

    [Comment ID #226218 will appear here]


  46. ima boss Avatar
    ima boss

    WTF :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :thong: :puke: 😕 😕 ❗ 👿 👿