What I Learned About Car Theft from Movies

All cars can be hotwired. The first time the wires contact, they will spark. The second contact will always start the car. You'll never steal a car with bad brakes, poor suspension, etc. Stolen cars can jump cliffs, bridges and take impossible turns. Stolen cars never have safety glass. Shooting a criminal's windshield will always kill the driver instantly, causing the vehicle to roll off a cliff into a fireball. Shooting a hero's windshield will cause the glass to spider 14" to the right or left of the driver. When your car is too narrow to fit through a thin…

Screw Tumblr. I’m back.

Thought it was more fun to post quickly to Tumblr, but it's not fun to write on Tumblr and I have been itching to write again. And take my own pictures again, instead of reposting others images. With that, I give you this d-bag who decided to park in a no parking spot in front of the local Pei Wei.

Davezilla has moved! is back

Back in 1994 I started this site as a place to store cartoons and anagrams I did of celebrities. I miss doing that. I had a very small, but dedicated audience. I've gotten away from that, more to photos, links and videos. My audience is much bigger as a result. I want to go back to my roots, but not lose you, dear readers. So I have a solution. I started posting Davezilla comedy on my new Tumblr blog. You can find me there, several times a day now. Meanwhile, this site will be redesigned as an anagram site once…

The Problem with Long Nails

Ever see women with ridiculously long nails? Grown to a length where they begin to curl into talons and turn yellowish? There are some men that grow them long too, but the majority are women. I've always wondered how these people get through their every day lives. Think about the things that would be difficult and painful, if not impossible to do with nails like that. Getting in and out of a taxi Sending a text message Zipping up a zipper Un/Lacing a corset Un/Hooking a bra Juggling axes Braiding hair Push-ups Jenga! Playing hockey Reading Braille Using a jackhammer…