Recent Effluvia:

  • Attention New Readers

    If you’re new to Davezilla, and tried to sign up today but couldn’t, it’s not you. It’s me. Really. I had a spate of Russian spammers signing up all day with fake names and emails. I have no patience for the Russians. Blackhats, the lot of them. Anyway, if you are a real live legitimate person and want to sign up to comment, pop me an email and proof that you’re a human (send me a pic or a link to your Facebook profile for example) so I can add you manually.

    Sorry. If you’re a real reader from Russia (say that five times fast), you may be SOL for a while. Your countrymen have spoiled things for the ret of you.

  • Space Girl Dance

    You know. It’s Casual Friday, and all.

  • What I Learned About Car Theft from Movies

    1. All cars can be hotwired. The first time the wires contact, they will spark. The second contact will always start the car.
    2. You’ll never steal a car with bad brakes, poor suspension, etc. Stolen cars can jump cliffs, bridges and take impossible turns.
    3. Stolen cars never have safety glass.
    4. Shooting a criminal’s windshield will always kill the driver instantly, causing the vehicle to roll off a cliff into a fireball. Shooting a hero’s windshield will cause the glass to spider 14″ to the right or left of the driver.
    5. When your car is too narrow to fit through a thin European alley, leaning to the side will angle the car upward on the passenger-side wheels only.
    6. When you steal a car, no matter how intense the security or parking regulations, there will always be a parking space out front.
    7. Wht have you learned about car theft from movies?
  • Screw Tumblr. I’m back.

    Thought it was more fun to post quickly to Tumblr, but it’s not fun to write on Tumblr and I have been itching to write again. And take my own pictures again, instead of reposting others images. With that, I give you this d-bag who decided to park in a no parking spot in front of the local Pei Wei.

  • Davezilla has moved! is back

    Back in 1994 I started this site as a place to store cartoons and anagrams I did of celebrities. I miss doing that. I had a very small, but dedicated audience. I’ve gotten away from that, more to photos, links and videos. My audience is much bigger as a result. I want to go back to my roots, but not lose you, dear readers.

    So I have a solution.

    I started posting Davezilla comedy on my new Tumblr blog. You can find me there, several times a day now. Meanwhile, this site will be redesigned as an anagram site once more. Please follow me on Tumblr now, but I hope you like both sites.

    UPDATE! Comments are now enabled (using DISCUS) on the new site, so you can begin your filthiness once more!

    The address is Please follow! I’ve posted 12 times in the first two days.

  • Seriously. WTF.

    Tinfoil Beast

    Tinfoil Beast

    Tinfoil Beast

    Taken in Royal Oak, Michigan. Of course.


I make things. People buy them.

Tarot of the Unexplained

USD $22.95

  • The first tarot deck to include cryptids, the paranormal, portals, and Forteana.
  • Silver, gilded-edge 30 gsm cards
  • Includes a 96-page full-color book

Magical AI Grimoire

USD $22.95

  • 288 page grimoire chronicling the magical community’s adoption of tech and AI
  • Learn how to use AI for spells from multiple magical systems point of view
  • Forward by Peter J. Carroll