One President to Rule them All

Wow, I should have posted more drinking rules for last night’s Presidential debate. We could have been hammered from the following observations:

  1. One beer every time McCain said “My preciousssssss, I mean, my friennnnds.”
  2. One beer every time Obama ran over the one minute speaking limit
  3. One beer every time McCain hunched over and slunk around in the dark using his nocturnal vision to find blind cave fish.
  4. One beer every time Obama said “I have to correct the Senator”
  5. One beer every time McCain tried to steal the One Ring of Power back from his Master
  6. One beer every time Obama said “Tom, let me respond to that. I know, but let me respond.”
  7. One beer every time McCain led Obama to Shelob’s Palin’s lair
  8. One beer every time Obama said “Afghanistan, not Iraq”
  9. One beer every time McCain bit off one of Obama’s fingers
  10. What rules would you have added?

Today’s post dedicated to Lizz. 😛


25 responses to “One President to Rule them All”

  1. J Avatar

    I did’nt need to see that picture

  2. AnnieB Avatar

    What an effin’ wimp Brokaw was… he couldn’t moderate a grade school debate with authority. :wtf:

  3. misterarthur Avatar

    One drink for every time McCain referenced an ancient technology (overhead projector, telegraph) or ancient history (Roosevelt, Hoover (!) ), or named a new hero.

  4. t1nyturtle Avatar

    One beer any time either candidate said,
    “That’s a good question.”

    Two beers any time either candidate said,
    “That’s a great question.”

    (Like they really believed that!)

  5. fruf Avatar

    am I the only one who keeps thinking that McCain is deliberately trying to sound l like Ronald Regan?
    Abeer for every time Obama actually answered the question

  6. junkman Avatar

    i would like to see a cage match between gwen iffil and tom brokaw. i think she would gracefully kick the living shit out of him. her hair would be the picture of helmetine perfection after. then she would bat her lashes at obama and they would share a little knowing moment.

    ps. a drink every time mcain sounds like the inside of his cheek is packed with old bush tampons
    pss. that is all the time so needless to say i was hammered again

  7. Drusky Avatar

    One beer for every time you thought that the commercials relayed more info than the debate did…

  8. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    How about enough beer to put you into oblivion until this thing is over. I don’t know about anyone else but my gag reflex is working overtime. :puke:

  9. Don Avatar

    1 party keg each time a tax cut for the middle class is mentioned.

  10. Bec Avatar

    How about a shot of vodka followed by a beer when McSame called Obama “that one”. 😯

  11. Drewz7046 Avatar

    One beer everytime they repeated the same bullshit…………I would’ve been f*ckin’ knee-walkin’ hammer’d in 15 minutes……………then I would’ve been able to listen to it without puking.

  12. Kristi Avatar

    1 beer every time McCain mentioned “cronies” or “cronyism.”

    And 1 beer for every time McCain kissed ass.

    Yep. I was gone after about 15 minutes.

  13. CBATDUX Avatar

    [quote comment=”433220″]One beer for every time you thought that the commercials relayed more info than the debate did…[/quote]
    Was I the only one who felt that commercials would have actually lifted the quality of the debate? I would have watched the commercials and peed during one of Obama’s lengthy responses….

  14. Spud Avatar

    I’d like to see a return to the viking ritual of strapping ‘candidates’ up on a large chocolate wheel, asking them questions.

    When they gave an answer we didn’t like, the wheel was given a spin and one lucky member of the ‘audience’ was allowed to throw a double bladed axe at said wheel!

    Eh Wallah! a sudden lack of aspiring politicians!

  15. Andalucia Avatar

    [quote comment=”433220″]One beer for every time you thought that the commercials relayed more info than the debate did…[/quote]
    At least with a commercial you know that its very purpose is to repeat itself ad nauseam.
    As someone once said when asked about voting, it’s best not to, as it only encourages them.

  16. junkman Avatar

    ummmm…….i think kristi is a very sexy looking anti-mandy. dark vs. light type thing.

  17. junkman Avatar

    perhaps they could get together in their natural states and work-out the fate of mankind.

  18. Mandy Fish Avatar

    One beer every time McCain said, “Americuns.” Either that, or one beer every time McCain whistled his “S’s.”

    S-s-suffering S-s-suckotash!

  19. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Hey, AnnieB, I just have to ask this. About the picture at the top, is he the
    relative y’all keep locked in the basement and do you ever let him play in the
    yard? 😈 :wtf: 😛 🙄 :kiss: 😮

  20. pablo Avatar

    1 vote for the first candidate to tell the other to blow it out his ass.

  21. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”434675″]1 vote for the first candidate to tell the other to blow it out his ass.[/quote]

    I vote for the one willing to drop to her knees and do the blowing. :wang:

  22. janeeto Avatar

    [quote comment=”434757″][quote comment=”434675″]1 vote for the first candidate to tell the other to blow it out his ass.[/quote]

    I vote for the one willing to drop to her knees and do the blowing.

    Will she need knee pads, or will you provide a nice surface? Or, if you like multiple positions. I’m multi talented. 😛

  23. chainstay Avatar

    Ummm.. What was the question? I still have a hangover from the VP debate!

  24. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”434768″][quote comment=”434757″][quote comment=”434675″]1 vote for the first candidate to tell the other to blow it out his ass.[/quote]

    I vote for the one willing to drop to her knees and do the blowing.

    Will she need knee pads, or will you provide a nice surface? Or, if you like multiple positions. I’m multi talented. :P[/quote]

    You’ve got my vote! And my attention too! :wang:

    We need to delve further in to these talents of yours …. a deep, penetrating discussion. Either that or a road trip.

  25. Kristi Avatar

    [quote comment=”434262″]ummmm…….i think kristi is a very sexy looking anti-mandy. dark vs. light type thing.[/quote]

    😉 :knickers: