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Show 27 Comments


  1. Woozle

    Sure he’s cute now, but when he grows up he’ll be just like last Friday’s post.

  2. TinaMarie

    Okay…not that I’ve been smoking anything:cool:…but take a close look at that picture. Does it appear to you that the dog is actually a fluffy dog head with two legs and nothing else?

    Disembodied dog heads, anyone?:wtf:

  3. Cute kitty, errr, rat, uhhh, chinchilla?

  4. All I gotta say this time is …


    (Okay, I’m a sucker for cute furry animals. Now you know another one of my weaknesses!)


    YAY! Penis icons! Thanks, Dave! Now where’s that butt icon I’ve been wanting? :kiss:

  5. Esther

    It’s a ninja dust ball in disguise…watch out.

  6. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    I’ve seen one of these things before.

    Their called dogs I believe.


  7. Spud

    You know, I would never have thought of calling a G string a Whale Tail until clicking on that link so well provided by our own Motor City Bad Kitty 😀

    I feel somehow enriched by the experience.

  8. Frisko

    Those are evil creatures from my childhood. If an individual owns a lot of pomeranians (a kennel of 27) it will cause their offspring to have Post traumatic childhood disorder when said child is old enough to clean the kennels correctly.
    They always reminded me of Tribbles.
    [running away now]

  9. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    I used to own a dog called “Cigarette”, but unlike this fellow, he didn’t have any legs.

    But every evening Id take him out for a drag all the same.

    His best friend was a cat with one eye, three legs and only half a tail and every night she would wait on the porch for us.

    She was called “Lucky”.


  10. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    I always think that fat girls in thongs look like they are being sponsored by Mercedes?

    But if you wear dental floss for underwear..thats what you get!


  11. Frisko

    That sounds like a sermon in the works on the virtues of various types of womens panties available. (don’t forget to mention “none wearers” and bloomers).

  12. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    You mean “Commando kids” and “Granny Grabbers” Frisko.


  13. Cheap Date



    Oh the HUMANITY!!!

  14. Are we to infer something by the large number of penis icons you’ve used in conjunction with the dog post, Stacy? :wtf:

  15. Esther

    I think you meant :wang:, Stacy.

    I take it you’re feeling better, chica?

  16. Frisko

    granny grabbers and bloomers are two different types of womens undergarments. Yes, I did mean girls that never wear underware….no matter what frock they don.

    As for Stacys germ….thanks for the warning. I hosed the keys with Lysol.

  17. Esther

    Aw Stacy, don’t feel bad (literally and figuratively). Here, have some catnip.

  18. Heh … underware … I think of hardware…. like those old women with salt-and-pepper mullets who work at the local hardware store and wear overalls and/or painter pants … are they lesbians? Or are they just lonely, small town older women with no fashion sense, stuck in a dead end job, giving the same advice to the same small town people on how to fix a broken toilet? Or are they one in the same?

    Either way, you know they don’t have whale tails, they don’t wear underwear, they wear underware.

    (Tool belt not included.)

    This random piece of comic philosophical discourse has been brought to you by a fluctuating fever, the number 24, and the letters M, C, B, and K.

  19. Frisko

    Great link Dave! Selected, vs elected. The quotes are priceless. I bet he snuggles Elmo.

  20. Frisko

    Stacy is in an antihistamine and tinglie fever hummmm feeling. She is associating danties and items found in a hardware store. Cool, I bet if yesterdays duo danced for her it would chase away ANY remaining germies.

    Glad your not so toxic feeling!
    Welcome back!


  21. Facette

    :twisted:Devil-Murkin !

  22. Bobby Peru

    Yippy-dogs are proof of the Anti-Christ. 👿

  23. Cherish


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