Note to Self, No. 7,000

You’ve been drinking beer (legally) for 22 years now. It’s about time you learned to drink beer from a bottle without backing up the carbonation and causing a beer fountain on the table. Seriously.

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42 responses to “Note to Self, No. 7,000”

  1. rosebuddls Avatar

    Never had a problem with that myself, Dave :kiss:

  2. AnnieB Avatar

    I think you should tell Self to shut the hell up. It’s fun. Why should you stop doing something you’ve so obviously perfected?


  3. Chris S Avatar
    Chris S

    addendum to note 7,000: Learn to not make the fountain shoot up your nose on the first sip either.

  4. sledge Avatar

    drop a couple of mento’s into the bear.You don’t have to do the fountaining.

  5. CBATDUX Avatar

    silly goose, you make floats with root beer, not fountains….

  6. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #197661 will be quoted here]

    I’ve never looked at it that way, AnnieB. You’re right. I should accept my obvious defects talents. Thanks, bebe. 😛

  7. Spud Avatar

    You could always be a nancy boy and pour the beer into a glass.

  8. SULtan of Cleveland Avatar

    I kno the trueth Dave you are rilly not evan drinking beere you are you are drinking th water ofg your’e toilet!!!! EVRY DAY! WHy else woud you be post and talking about all ofthese weird and jokes OK it’s funney but hwo woud beleave you are rilly a crakchead ROMLLMOAF!!!!! I bet you dont evan kno how funney you are and dont meen to be well bye now i have a tourny tonight firday nite is D&D NITE!!!!!!!!
    +2 Swoard of Booty Shakin

    :thong: :wang: :boob: :thong: :limp: :boob: :thong: :wang: :boob: :thong: :limp:
    :boob: :thong: :wang: :boob: :thong: :limp: :boob:

  9. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Dave – I’m surprised you’re not using a flex-straw. 🙄

  10. patrick Avatar

    Here’s a hint from your uncle Patrick: GET A GLASS!

  11. Sher Avatar


  12. junkman Avatar

    TRUETH SULtan, firday id the day of Drink & Drivel fo sho. i kno wats funney evan if dave linnaburtee dos not frum his post. if you flush a beere toilet and it blos a +10 rune of destrkshun up yer crakc. HAHAHA. then you rilly can laff ur drunk ass off. BUT WAIT!!!!!! mabe you can sue it for a weapon of ass destrukshn at the tourny. u can b the ass mastr. if u woud beleave u can be the ass beere hunter. look out wizrds. heer i bum. ROMLLMOAF DEAHTTUB!!!!

  13. TaterSalad Avatar

    if ya have’mt learned to drink beer from a bottle by now then ya need to stick wif wat works fer ya. good luck and happy drunking

  14. Chris S Avatar
    Chris S

    You could just put a :boob: on the end and pretend its a beerlicious zillagirl. 😈

  15. Pablo Avatar

    Several choices here Dave.

    #1 No sipping. Big ass swig gets you past the possability of overflow.
    #2 Drink out of a can. Yeah cans suck but that will learn ya!
    #3 Beer Bong. Get it right or go home soaking wet.

    BTW, glad to see the sultan made it past the censors & spell checks.

  16. chainstay Avatar

    why not try a Scotch rocks or G&T? Of course you end up getting tanked and knocking over the glass. No matter what you do the table is going to get doused. Why fight the inevitable; learn to love and enjoy it.

  17. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #197697 will be quoted here]

    He actually didn’t. I rescued him from Akismet’s spam Hell. 😈

  18. Mikeme Avatar

    Drink striaght out of the tap = NO SPILL! 😛

  19. Astryd Avatar


    [Comment ID #197696 will be quoted here]
    Why pretend? 😈

  20. Chris S Avatar
    Chris S

    [Comment ID #197706 will be quoted here]

    :boob: 😛 :wtf:

    Now you’re gonna have all the guys in an lather or some other similar state…(ie. :wang: )

  21. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #197707 will be quoted here]
    Lather? :wang:
    So that’s what that is!!
    :boob: :thong: :boob: = :wang: 😈

  22. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #197707 will be quoted here]

    I believe “Foaming at the mouth” is the phrase you’re looking for…Of course when Astryd is involved that may well be a state of being… :wang:

  23. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #197713 will be quoted here]
    I thought all the Zillagirlz enjoyed a big head at the tip of the bottle by either blowing or sucking it off… 😛 😈 :wang:

  24. Spud Avatar

    Where’s the beer icon?

  25. Brad K. Avatar

    Please correct note to Self 7,000.

    The fountain of beer trick is lame at home. Save for public occasions.

  26. People Guy Avatar
    People Guy

    Too many guys (and gals) still suck their beer out of the bottle. The “thuck” noise you hear when disconnecting is a clue. Relax and just pour!
    “Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy” Benjamin Franklin

  27. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #197714 will be quoted here]

    We do, but we also like a Blow Job. Mmmm, Kahlua! 😛

  28. AnnieB Avatar

    Note to Self 7001.

    I lied to those fuckers when I said that changes were coming and that I would not leave them struggling to come up with something relevant to say in response to the inane post that I put up (2 days ago). Let them fend for themselves. I know Astryd isn’t here on weekends but surely that trashmouth AnnieB will say something to liven things up.

    Okay Dave. I got an email from you awhile back that said in the subject line that “you were like a wild stallion last night”.

    Tell us about that. Give us something to work with.

  29. Mjaz Avatar

    try a straw.

  30. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #197752 will be quoted here]

    A straw? Well, why not?

    Mmmmm, oh baby, oh yeah, you know what I like. Oh yes, yes, right there, oh that’s it, you’ve got it, just a minute more and I’ll be there, OMG I’m seeing the stars, the heavens are opening up, I’m ….

    Nope, nothing. What else you got?

  31. Bigwavdave Avatar

    I wouldn’t touch that line with a ten-foot throbbing unit.

  32. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #197755 will be quoted here]

    Well, of course you don’t have that, but you can’t top a straw?

  33. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #197756 will be quoted here]

    Topping a straw is no problem. But keep in mind…It’s a poor workman who blames his tools.

  34. TaterSalad Avatar

    [Comment ID #197756 will be quoted here]

    well lets see straw hummmm straw? straw ah here it is Straw; noun dry cut stalks of corn.

    Howz that? is that a topper or what?

  35. AnnieB Avatar

    I trid to get some help from a friend to reply to your moronic comment, but he was busy. You, sir, are an idiot of the first degree. Please do not enter into any conversations that I initiate in the future because you frankly, just suck the life out of them.

  36. pablo Avatar

    [Comment ID #197748 will be quoted here]

    Yep, quite a build up but no money shot! I’m starting to feel like a school girl after being talked out of my prom dress. What happened to the promises? Where’s the love?

  37. pablo Avatar

    [Comment ID #197758 will be quoted here]

    A topper is what your father should have been wearing the night you were conceived! Of course with a name like TaterSalad your folks probably used tupperware instead of a plastic wrap.

    Right Annie?

  38. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #197764 will be quoted here]

    I can always count on you to tell it like it is!

    Consider yourself thanked love!

    :boob: :boob: :thong:

  39. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #197757 will be quoted here]

    Thought I forgot about you, huh?

    I have a feeling your tools have never gotten much blame and I suspect you’re a fine craftsman.

    Mmmmm, only in my dreams ….

  40. Pablo Avatar

    [Comment ID #197767 will be quoted here]

    Don’t lead the poor boy on. I’ll bet he’s hoping to get lathed now.

  41. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #197714 will be quoted here]

    My dear, dear Drusky. Must you be so crass?

    We love to fondle, lick, gently take you in our mouth …

    and t h e n suck your living brains out.

    Will you please be more civilized when referring to us in the future?

    Thank you darlin.

  42. Astryd Avatar

    [Comment ID #197714 will be quoted here]

    I take the big head in my mouth and fondle it with my tongue a bit. After, I can’t take much more of the teasing that I take a little more in with every motion until there is no more. …and I always swallow… 😈

    I may not have to tools, but I know I can top the straw, 😛 ! 😈