Not dead.

Yes, I am writing a post. Up today. I promise.

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  1. You’re a little late getting to the orgy Dave. We’re already Up . :wang:

  2. Any time Dave.

    Fingers crossed

    Mind open

    Dictionary close by

  3. jack

    [Comment ID #243834 will appear here]

    Your hopes are always evil.. And don’t we all love it!!!!

  4. Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #243840 will appear here]

    Sounds like you need the Dick Pharmacy quick!…

    “Dick, (oww) do you carry (ohhhh) talcum powder?”

    “Sure, just walk this way…”

    “(Oww) Listen Dick, if I could (ow) walk THAT way I wouldn” need (ohh) the talcum powder!”


    Not Dead Yet? Just a flesh wound was it?

  6. Spud

    Hah! 😈

    Trespassers will be shot

    Survivors will be shot again

  7. Dave’s been working so hard I’m not sure he’ll be able to get it up. And if he does, will it stay up? Oh, and I’m wondering about the new post as well. 😛

  8. Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #243970 will appear here]

    Let’s fill him up with Cialis and see if he produces a four-hour :wang: Or perhaps
    the Zillagirls could accomplish this without the chemicals? :wang: 😕 😛

  9. [Comment ID #243970 will appear here]

    Maybe we should send him to Dick Pharmacy. :wang:

  10. [Comment ID #243817 will appear here]
    Been to the Dick Pharmacy I see!

    :wang: :boobs: :boobs: 😈

  11. [Comment ID #243970 will appear here]

    Wrong on both counts, m’dear. :wang:

  12. Drusky

    [Comment ID #243890 will appear here]

    and He’s getting better…

  13. JB

    :wang:I love my wang being inside or outside, I love my wang. NOW!!! Who up and died and forgot to tell me? Why! How cheekie of the “ol SOB”. Just like that. Up and died. Can you believe it? And didn’t even have the nerve to let his auntie know!!! What’s a person to do? The times, they are changing… “Oh!” I almost forgot. So, Dave I heared through the grape-vine that you are not getting it ( :limp: ) up lately. You need to slow down and get your skinny butt over here to auntie’s house. Auntie knows how to make it feel better. “Yea-baby”

  14. Bigwavdave

    Only mostly dead…big differrence

  15. Just sore from shoveling a million pounds of snow? Yeah, me too. :dead:

  16. [Comment ID #244452 will appear here]

    So I’m guessing that we shouldn’t go through his clothes and look for loose change?

  17. patrick

    A local DJ used to play the game “Dead, Deader, Deadest”, naming deceased celebrities and letting listening audience try to rank order them for prizes. Seems someone took offense and complained to station managment. Seems someone needs to get a fucking life and let us live ours. Betcha someone’s radio had a fucking tuning knob or button on it. Use it bitch!

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