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39 responses to “Don’t be a wimp!”

  1. janeeto Avatar

    Last week, the MacGyver look, this week, Algernon! Maybe we need to send Eli Manning to City Barbers. Hell, his life has changed for the better, damn the NY Giants!

  2. janeeto Avatar

    The Vagina Couch: “Feed me!” :wang: Sorry, I watched “Little Shop of Horrors” last week. The original, black and white version is sooo much better than the musical version, even though Steve Martin and Bill Murray were in it.

  3. J Avatar

    Dude that shit is HOT!I really want to get my flannel and beard on I just can’t dammit!That ROCKS!

  4. J Avatar

    P.S. Thats beautimus!

  5. Spud Avatar

    Ah yes, the ’70’s poster boy large portraits in the ‘modern’ barbers shop, a look everyone should aspire to.

  6. StevieC Avatar

    Dave, is that your dad? :wtf:

  7. Meagan Avatar

    Oooh, what a man! I love his full and manly beard! :kiss:

  8. TimM Avatar

    Oh look, it’s Algernon Manson, the less famous brother of Charles.

    Actually, he looks like my uncle Frank, in 1971.

  9. Bigwavdave Avatar

    I’m thinking San Francisco Chronicle – 60’s?

  10. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Oh come on. That’s Jackie Onassis incognito.

  11. Nicolette Avatar

    :wtf: Is that guy related to David Koresh?? Looks like a better coiffed version. :wtf:


    Lord knows I LOOOOOOVE a giant one!

  12. junkman Avatar

    all seems to be well, until Algernon’s enhanced intelligence begins to fade rapidly. As Charlie himself confirms, the neural enhancement (due to the hairstyle) is only temporary, and he too is doomed to revert to his original mental state (with a rats nest snood to boot).

  13. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #224170 will appear here]

    Nay! My father’s beard was far more manly! He didn’t have soft, sissy hair like Algernon. He grew porcupine quills from his face! When he needed a shave, he tore them out by hand, the way man was meant to. 😈

  14. Marcus Avatar

    Jesus died for sombodies sins, but mine. Look a reject from the musical Hair :puke:

  15. Astryd Avatar

    …I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through his long soft dark brown locks I couldn’t think of anything else besides Cynthia, she had the most beautiful green eyes and her skin was like silk. :wang: Then I’d open my eyes and see Paul :limp: …I died a little inside. πŸ˜•

  16. Brad K. Avatar

    I met the lady with the couch, 20 years ago, I think. She played a wicked nekkid volleyball game. You should see the bronze ‘My Vagina’ work she was doing then.

    It is too bad I live too far to pick up that couch. It would go great at the Country Bar down the road. Right under the portrait from 2 years ago, of the road-kill armadillo kicked back with a Bud can in it’s claws. Cool. Or maybe the neighbor’s kid would like it for his dorm room at Texas A&M. No one would think it looked ‘gay’ in the guy’s dorm room, would they?

  17. Ronica Avatar

    About the couch – I thought that labor was tough with a 8 lb. 14oz. baby, that child emerging fully clothed and shod must have been murder. No wonder she wants to get rid of it. 😳

  18. Pablo Avatar

    Pictures from Jesus’s disco period. He was well known for his resurection dance to “Stayin’ Alive”.

  19. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #224201 will appear here]

    So that means you take after your Mom? πŸ˜›

    @ Lung – πŸ˜† Yes! That would have bugged me all day if not for you. :kiss: πŸ˜›

  20. Bjorn Freeh Avatar

    “Bonjour. Mon nom est Algernon. Est-ce que je peux doucement balayer votre plancher de cuisine ?”

  21. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Algernon looks like AnnieB’s first heartthrob, the gay caballero. Say, babe, do you
    have one of them vagina couches? :kiss: :wang: 😎

  22. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #224201 will appear here]

    Ain’t my Dad either…when HE needed to shave, he pounded his stubble in with a mallet (you could hang a sweater on it) and gnawed it off from the inside. :wtf:

  23. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    Regarding the couch…wish it wasn’t 2000 miles away…it would really look great with my penis grandfather clock, my ass rocking chair, and my big boobs stereo speakers.

  24. Drusky Avatar

    I must have it all wrong… I thought that was a picture of Dr. Zira from “The Planet Of The Apes” πŸ˜€

  25. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #224258 will appear here]

    Je comprends le premier partie mais je ne sais quoi la putain plancher et de cuisine etre faire dans la-bas.

    Pouvoir vous sÒ€ℒil-te-plait expliquer?


  26. Drusky Avatar

    Re: The Vagina Couch…

    “as a result, the (vagina)couch has some scuffmarks and stains aound the bottom from being moved…”

    Don’t they all? Apparently, this is yet another prime example of art imitating life.. 😈

  27. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #224289 will appear here]

    Well, I’d hang onto his mane and ride him if that’s what you mean.

    No, I don’t have a vagina couch Flash. Do you have a dick head?

  28. J Avatar

    I like when you said manly beard-If only I could have a month off work or 5 I could get super Manly-ah yes!

  29. Spud Avatar

    [Comment ID #224336 will appear here]
    Lol :lol:, now that was funny.

  30. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #224328 will appear here]


  31. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Note to women who own a vagina couch:
    If you want to play a joke on your husband and hide the remote control on him, make sure to tuck it under the clitoris. You know itÒ€ℒs the one place heÒ€ℒll never bother looking.

  32. Driver Avatar

    Is this guy starting to pucker up or does he just have some real feminine pouty lips :kiss:

  33. junkman Avatar

    [Comment ID #224440 will appear here]what’s a clitoris?

  34. junkman Avatar

    nice beard bjorn. you are looking like a man should look now. has it changed your life for the better yet?

  35. Astryd Avatar

    [Comment ID #224258 will appear here]

    [Comment ID #224327 will appear here]

    πŸ˜• Hello, my name is Algernon. Then something about food? …

    I understand…I don’t know (what)…something about food.
    Thank you.

    I tried… :dead: can someone tell me what’s going on here?

  36. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #224476 will appear here]

    Essentially, it’s a request to gently sweep the kitchen floor and Annie asking WTF, la?

  37. Astryd Avatar

    Thank you sir πŸ˜† and :wang: πŸ˜€ πŸ˜› :dead: Thank You, Sir!! 😈

  38. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #224440 will appear here]

    Either there or the G spot. 😈

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