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33 responses to “My thoughts exactly”

  1. paul Avatar

    I am soooooo happy the computer feels the same way I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Penguin Pete Avatar

    “Fuck Work”, huh? Any openings? What’s it pay?

  3. jeff Avatar

    is it for sale? I need a new office monitor. 😆

  4. Amanda Avatar

    That GenPet thing is fake right? Someone please tell me that it is just a joke.

  5. Spud Avatar

    is that .com or .biz?


  6. Master Solace Avatar

    [Comment ID #64950 will be quoted here]

    I think it would be a .gov

  7. Lung the Younger Avatar

    After an unusual discovery on the sidewalk outside of Bill Gates’ house, reporters think that they have found the real reason as to why he’s is phasing himself out of his responsibilities as chairman of Microsoft.

  8. abbi Avatar

    love it 8)

  9. Marcus Avatar

    And Fuck the Fucking World while your at it. Isn’t anger management great.

    genpet = stupid = money :wtf:

  10. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    My sentiments EXACTLY !!! 8) 😛 😆

  11. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    Although I can’t see wasting a :wang: over something like work. :wtf:

  12. bhamm Avatar

    – What dyslexic prostitutes call their “clients”. (No offence at all to dyslexics… only dyslexic prostitutes.)

    – HAL’s last day on the job.

    – Bob’s new company policy on work ethics was frowned upon by the CEO.

  13. cynical villain Avatar
    cynical villain

    HUZZAH!!! Artificial Intelligence! I know that feeling…quoted for truth!

  14. harley Avatar

    the next level of chia pets…. that is just wrong! wtf is this world coming to? :wtf:

  15. Mandy Avatar

    Fuck work? How about Fuck …. Uh never mind 😀

  16. Esther Avatar

    As Cartman so succinctly put it: fuck, fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck.

  17. Merth Avatar

    Here here. 😮

  18. Craig Avatar

    I’m down with that.

  19. Zinta Avatar

    I LOVE WORK… of course Work is the name of a stripper in a local bar and I’d love to F**k her. Alas I don’t have a chance.

  20. Organist Avatar

    ewww….that link is horrible…fuck that!

  21. Creelock Avatar

    [Comment ID #65097 will be quoted here]

    My thoughts exactly 😛

  22. Meagan Avatar

    If only my teachers felt the same way…

  23. mikeme Avatar

    Will work for FUCK!! :wang:

  24. Patrick Avatar

    Will work for fuck, will fuck for work. It’s all the same and it’s allllll good.

    Poor Mr. Monitor got kicked out of the office for branding curse words on his forehead. Same way Uncle Sam will give you a quick discharge for tattooing Fuck The Army on the ouside of your right hand. Saaaaalute!

  25. Driver Avatar


  26. Paige Avatar

    Can I get an “amen”??? I had a really crappy night at work and, to come home and see that, is definitley karma!!! I think Im calling in tomorrow!!!! :dead:

  27. Tina Marie Avatar
    Tina Marie

    That GenPet shit is sickening and scary. “They have limited mobility outside of the package”–is that shit supposed to be alive? What the fuck is that??! Either this is really stupid bullshit, or this is sick, sad shit. Either way–this asshole needs to go. ❓

  28. slave2oshun Avatar

    I’m not even interested enough in my job to say fuck it. :dead:

  29. Meagan Avatar

    I don’t have a job, so what am I to complain about? Getting to sit around watching TV and playing Mortal Kombat? Yeah, like my life really sucks. 😛

  30. Goth Princess Avatar
    Goth Princess

    What the hell is up with the Gen-Pet. Ugly piece of shit that thing. What is it even??

  31. Meagan Avatar

    That GenPet on the main page looks like a shrunken, dried-up version of my sister’s puggle.

  32. Natalie Avatar

    It’s still there, by the way.

  33. bounty Avatar

    when did you take a picture of my desk ?????????? :wtf: