Meat Floss

Minnie sent me an excellent book entitled “Here Speeching American”, something my readers excel at. I love the Engrish shopping sections, one in particular from—where else—Japan.

Door No. 1 Entrance
Door No. 2 Exitrance

Aisle A: Caned Fruit
Aisle B: Caned Vegitarian
Caned Fish Meat
Caned Meat Floss

“A lovely paper for your toilet life”
[Toilet paper wrapping]

“Be half as fresh as the day is long
[Tampon slogan]

Rechee Milk Flavor Chips: Use for snack, fun, panties

What’s the strangest label you’ve ever seen?

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25 responses to “Meat Floss”

  1. Nikki Avatar

    Has to be the Eager Beaver logo I saw painted on a pickup truck for a tree/shrub-trimming service. 😛

  2. Esther Avatar

    The large billboard for the “Giant, man-eating oyster!” in Michigan, back in August.

  3. Spud Avatar

    I think Caned Meat Floss about covers engrish quite well.


  4. Tami Jo Avatar

    > “A lovely paper for your toilet life”
    [Toilet paper wrapping]

    I’m unclear about “toilet paper wrapping.” Is this for gifting?

  5. mitch Avatar

    Caned Meat Floss…sounds like a great name for rock band.

  6. Nikki Avatar

    I wonder how caned vegiterians taste.

  7. Craig Avatar

    I saw a packet of “cock soup” at a chinese grocery.

    I’m afraid to eat it, don’t want to be labeled a cock sucker :limp:

  8. Davezilla Avatar

    I wonder how caned vegiterians taste.
    Spank me really hard and find out. 😛

  9. Paige Avatar

    Galumpia- That is the best web site I have ever seen::wang:

  10. Marcus Avatar

    I have many from Thailand and China.

    1. Toilet locates downstairs.
    2. Two bedroom, two bathroom, kit, lvg room, dining room. Woman included.(ad in newpaper)
    3. Air Fright Service
    4. Don’t litter. Lust think first. National park sign.
    5. If you create public nuisance. You will be reported to public securing organs. Hotel sign in China
    6. Eat Cheerios, run run. English shirt made in Japan. Japanese like to wear shirts with English writing eventhough it doesn’t make sense
    7. San Francisco Pirates. On a hat. Didn’t have the heart to tell him it was wrong.
    8. One woman thought she was wearing a cool shirt however she couldn’t understand the english. It said “Fluffer” with a shadow of a sexy woman. She asked what it meant. I explained and she hasn’t worn the shirt since then:oops:
    9. Sorry Uncomfortable. Construction sign.
    10. Last one. An old lady was wearing a shirt that said “fuck you” in fake chinese characters. I couldn’t stop laughing for minutes.

    Oh right. Pictures on link are cool. Loved it.

  11. Rhonda Avatar

    No “Rechee Milk Flavor Chips” in MY panties till I know you better!:grin:

  12. tinamarie Avatar

    Construction company with crane in St. Louis:
    “Big Boy’s Steel Erection” :wang:

    2nd best: Shirt advertising a butcher shop on front, having cute saying on back:
    “You can’t beat our meat” 😳

  13. chainstay Avatar

    Don’t know about you, but my store
    carries SMAK raman noodles. I can’t
    live without my daily dose ‘o’ SMAK.

  14. Kenn Avatar

    “Caned Meat Floss” is right up there with All your base are belong to us.

  15. Cherish Avatar

    Boudreaux’s Butt Paste, Diaper Rash Ointment…actual product.

  16. Cherish Avatar

    Boudreaux’s Butt Paste…actual product…it’s Diaper Rash Ointment.

  17. cody Avatar

    i’m a vegetarian not because i love animals, it’s that i hate vegetables.

  18. Natalie Avatar

    “toilet life”…doesn’t Blur sing that?

  19. coley Avatar

    “Polygamy Porter” brewed in Utah. Their advertising slogan is “Why have just one?” 😀

  20. Mr Doug Avatar
    Mr Doug

    Two signs from a hotel in China:

    S&M Department with an arrow under it. Boy what a disappointment it was…Sales and Marketing….

    International drawing of a wheelchair under it read:
    Deformed Man

  21. Some Girl Avatar

    In Albania the label on the bottled water (there’s only one brand, after all it is Albania) and the water is described as: Suffled as it flows. No one can figure out what suffled even means and we’ve had many a drunken nights coming up with possibilities.

  22. coley Avatar

    American tee-shirt maker in Miami printed shirts for the Spanish market, promoting the Pope’s visit. Instead of the desired I saw the Pope! (el Papa) Thousands of shirts proudly proclaimed in Spanish I saw the Potato! (la Papa). :wtf:

  23. Another soul Avatar
    Another soul

    A car wash posted
    “Our vacuums really suck!!!”
    A chinese restaurant called the
    Poo-Ping palace

  24. net-surfer22 Avatar

    :wtf: 😛 actual billboard outside of Beaver Uta usa.
    We saw from a distance; Eat Wendy’s Beaver!
    But up close the sign said,
    EAT at WENDY”S in BEAVER Uta.
    We were laughing so hard, we kept dropping the camera. We plan to vacation there again soon, and bring camera. :mrgreen:

  25. elissa Avatar

    a sign in a vietnamese neighborhood of houston for a car wash: “really good 50¢”
    really good WHAT?:roll: