Label instructions

Label instructions

This is the clothing label from a small American firm that sells their products in France.

Here’s the translation of the French part of the label:

  1. Wash with warm water
  2. Use mild soap
  3. Dry flat
  4. Do not use bleach
  5. Do not dry in the dryer
  6. Do not iron
  7. We are sorry that our President is an idiot
  8. We did not vote for him

Via Brian

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39 responses to “Label instructions”

  1. TheFaramir Avatar

    It’s good to know that articles of clothing did not vote for Bush.

  2. Bowler Avatar

    I’m still wondering why anyone’s apologizing to FRANCE about who our President is.

    Also, I’m sure the folks who made this had no idea that if Kerry gets elected next term, that the label will also apply to him as it doesn’t define *which* President.

    For that matter, they could just be complaining about their own company’s President for all we know.

  3. optimuscrime Avatar


    i don’t know where you work, but where we work, we don’t vote for the company’s president.

    ps: i wonder how the boss would take it if i announced a by-election at work this week. i think it’s time for a regime change.

  4. Spud Avatar

    I think it’s a hoot 😈

  5. Spud Avatar

    Plus I reckon you could add a few more…

    9. Article can cause suffocation.
    10. Place article with whites in washer.
    11. This article is not a life saving device.
    12. No animals were harmed in the manufacture of this article.
    13. The moon landing did take place.
    14. Next weeks lotto numbers are not available.

    ad infinitum…


  6. wantwit Avatar

    *sigh* and to think i used to come here for the ORIGINAL content. Dave, you’re slipping.

  7. Mas claro ni en el agua
    Esta es buenisima,

    Esta es la etiqueta de una pequeña firma de ropa que vende productos en Francia.

    Esta es la traducción de la parte que esta en francés.

    1. Lavar con agua templada.
    2. Use jabon suave.
    3. Secar solo.
    4. No use blanq…

  8. Anna Avatar

    @bowler: you should apologize to the whole world for this president (not just France). 😀

  9. Anna Avatar

    But the label IS funny.

  10. ReV.JeLLyBaBY Avatar

    Oh Wantwit. Sometimes you are just too demanding.

    What Dave is clearly trying to do here, is broaden our cultural horizons beyond the deli counter.

    He wants us to move to the clothing section.

    Tommorow’s post will be of a German sausage, amusingly shaped as the Virgin Mary with a Hitler moustache.

    Well possibly…..It’s not is it Dave?


  11. Commando Stacy, Official Davezilla Bad Kitty Avatar

    Well… I must admit that I do share Wantwit’s slight disappointment, as that label is quite old news … to me anyway, but not everybody else, so GO DAVE GO!

    My spirits were uplifted and now I’m just happy to discover que mi español sigue siendo bueno en 5:00 de la mañana.

    Gracias, Miguel Leon.


  12. ReV.JeLLyBaBY Avatar

    Can I just apologise for Tony Blair whilst I’m here?

    He’s so far up the Presidents ass..he can see Donald Rumsfelds’ feet!


  13. Davezilla Avatar

    Sorry, Todd. I’ll try harder tomorrow. 😕

  14. ReV.JeLLyBaBY Avatar


    Don’t make excuses…you HAD your chance to impress Wantwit and I’m afraid all this “try harder” talk will only compound the situation and make matters worse.

    Shame on you.


    P.S If it’s any consellation I’m having creative opposition of my own right now. 😆

  15. coconut Avatar

    i’m amused 🙂

  16. danithew Avatar

    I’d like to see a French counterpart that sold t-shirts in the U.S., apologizing for Chirac.

    Nice smilies system by the way. Very cool looking.

  17. Davezilla Avatar

    Thanks! Drew all but three of them.

  18. manza Avatar

    You guys can’t actually think that that is actually real. You dolts.

  19. Natalie Avatar

    That label is real, and it can be found in some models of bags by Tom Bihn, listed here.

    And Wantwit? Dave was a little distracted this weekend. It’s entirely my fault. :boobs::wang:

  20. Davezilla Avatar

    I’ll take that kind of distraction anytime. 😀

  21. wantwit Avatar

    so would i. sorry bro, i had no idea. continue the :boobs::wang:

  22. juancuca Avatar

    Funny 😛

    This is my first visit to Davezilla (via RSS feed), keep up the good work.

    Cheers from Argentina.

  23. Bowler Avatar

    OptimusCrime: Ahhh, but there’s the rub! You guys didn’t vote for your President at your company, and neither did they, evidently. I’m just wondering why they feel the need to apologize for it. 😆

  24. the apologetic care label
    This just goes to show that you can never know what a piece of clothing will be sensitive to… Especially politically!…

  25. Agatha Avatar

    I think they’re just trying to reassure us that they’re not terrorists. Given these times we live in…

  26. Commando Stacy, Official Davezilla Bad Kitty Avatar

    M’kay, Dave and Natalie … TMI.

    BAH! Who am I kidding? You know your readers want the dirt! 😛

    Oh and about Chir
    :grin:ac: *raises glass* :java: “DOWN WITH THE FRENCH!”t was for the Rev.)


  27. Commando Stacy, Official Davezilla Bad Kitty Avatar

    Whoops … something went wonky with my stuff there … my smiley didn’t work … and some other stuff … I know I typed it right … or maybe I’m in dire need of sleep … that might be it, too …


  28. Esther Avatar

    It’s new to me, and quite amusing, as well! Not disappointed one bit here, Dave.:lol:

  29. Catasha Avatar

    Thats stupid bush is awesome and duh cloths can’t vote they can’t even voice their oppoion lol!:razz:

  30. We Didn’t Vote For Him
    You have to love it when political statements appear on clothing tags….

  31.  Avatar


  32.  Avatar


  33. Political Labels
    Great statement and great placement! You’re gonna love this clothing tag….

  34. DonD Avatar

    I have clothing (shirts) with messages on the front, and some have messages on the back. Never thought to buy one with a message on the tag. WHAT A NOVEL IDEA! Like Kerry’s plan to provide healthcare to all and only tax the top, what… 5 percent! Some folks are just too smart for me.

  35. sarita Avatar

    that was kool tag!:grin:

  36. boobs Avatar


  37. Andy Avatar

    🙄 I can’t believe how many rednecks live in the US .. why ? cause only rednecks will vote for their own ( BUSH ) ! 😡