Jakob Nielsen’s Usability Fighting Styles

Jakob Nielsen Usability Fighting Styles

Please note that I am actually a huge Nielsen fan. He knows his stuff.

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31 responses to “Jakob Nielsen’s Usability Fighting Styles”

  1. Dante Avatar

    Is Jakob Nielsen really Dick Cheney Jr? Perhaps he should talk to dad about the White House’s usability…

  2. Esther Avatar

    I so did not understand Queen Street Man, but it still made me laugh. 😀

    Chocolate mints suck.

  3. JFLY Avatar

    Dick Cheney? Duck!!! 😛

  4. Jason Avatar

    Wow… does this come in poster form? It would be a great cheat sheet to have available in the office!

  5. Spud Avatar

    I liked “dragon steals the beard”


  6. GrumpySimon Avatar

    You’re missing the “Web 2.0 Whammy”, “Mystery Meat Grinder” and the dreaded “Flash Navigation Fracas”

  7. Nikki Avatar

    Same hairstyle for 20 years.

  8. mitch Avatar

    And if all else fails, there is always screaming like a little girl.

  9. Alex Avatar

    I thought the Swedish Eagle Claw was a Vulcan form of masturbation.

  10. justjim Avatar

    with a head like that he’d be a natural for a “Scotman’s Kiss” :dead:

  11. Ron Avatar

    That wasn’t “Swedish Meatball Fist”, he was actually demonstrating his love life with the ol’ 5 khuckle shuffle. :puke: :limp:

  12. Ron Avatar

    oops that was supposed to be knuckle 😳

  13. Natalie Avatar

    “Queen Street Man” is a satire of Queen St. W. hipsters, a species whose natural range is a certain stretch of Queen west in Toronto.

    It’s woefully accurate.

    It’s usually possible to stun them and make an escape by hitting them with a Back-Handed Statement.

  14. Ron Avatar

    I wonder if the glare off of his forehead (more like a fivehead) temporally blinds pilots as they fly over him? 😕

  15. Chris Avatar

    The “Blue Underline Grab” looks more like the “Turn and Cough Usability Test”.

  16. Fran Avatar

    And I just ordered a Tai chi intruction tape from Amazon.com. I wish this had been posted sooner. 😕

  17. Alex Avatar

    Hmm, you might want to exchange ‘Swedish’ with ‘Danish’. 🙂

  18. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #24416 will be quoted here]

    Close enough for Americans. 😛

  19. MISSY Avatar


  20. prtyprincess7104 Avatar

    The iron usability palms look more like a lonely Saturday night…Sorry Dave yours is good too! 😛

  21. laceylegacey Avatar


  22. Jane Avatar

    iron visability palms :boob: :boob:

  23. colin Avatar


  24. Duker Avatar

    If you combine the Swedish Meatball Fist with the Blue Underline Grab, you come in handy!

  25. Soren Avatar

    On behalf of the people of denmark, I am so sorry: Jacob Nielsen is from Denmark – not Sweden. It’s no joke, so please don’t burn our flag!

  26. Kinyou Avatar

    Ok, I’m going to make this simple. Lol.
    Guru Thumb Strike – “I don’t do fat chicks.”
    Sweedish Meatball Fist – “I’m never gonna get laid.”
    XML Thumb Strike – “I guess this fat chick’d be ok.”
    Blue Underline Grab – “Ok Sandy, sometimes guys like it when you tickle their balls like this.”
    Cooper-Style Monkey Strike – “You use this hand, and make sure he’s watching this one.”
    Iron Usability Palms – “I wish I had big tits.”
    Back-Handed Statement – “Grasp the breasts like so..”
    Dragon Steals the Beard – “Ok put your index fingers together, and I’ll place my thumb and index finger together, making a hole like image. Your finger is the penis my hole is the vagina. Slide it… -”
    Sweedish Eagle Claw – “Ok, You’re all graduates of Jakob’s sex-ed class. Now go fail at getting laid.”

  27. Does research show banner ads are useless?…

    When Jakob Nielsen speaks…Jakob Nielsen is the website usability guru. May seem strange that when you visit his site, it looks like sites of 10 or more years ago. But everyone knew how to use them. His point is not that all sites should be like his…