But, I was helping!

I was helping!, originally uploaded by Davezilla.
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  1. Kitty looks hopefully at the shower curtain. There aren’t enough claw-holes in it yet.

  2. She must have done one heckuva poop! 😛

  3. Patrick

    “I didn’t get anywhere trying to climb up that paper roll. I’ll bet I have better luck with this plastic thingy”.

  4. Bec

    Meow. You don’t even know what I do when you sleep… 🙂

  5. Basement Cat iz in yer baffrooms…….. unrollin’ yer toilet paperz. 😈

  6. [quote comment=”595249″]Basement Cat iz in yer baffrooms…….. unrollin’ yer toilet paperz. :twisted:[/quote]

    And watchin u wile u shower, aparantlee. 😛

  7. ReV.JellYBaby 2009

    Its hard to believe, but yes indeed I have returned. Many years ago.. I used to write upon these very pages and look upon the captions and laugh. That is however, before I became a writer and lost my sense of humour.

    The cat is a naughty cat (and should be flushed) and is somehow interested in the curtains before him. I however would be more concerned by what lies beyond them..

    Should you need a shit though my friends….. cats are as good as toilet paper, although more actively resistant, except i add, when dazed by the mint green of a somewhat out of place toilet roll holder and matching border.

    I say matching with some ill ease.. :puke: Sorry Dave but in my time I have seen some mix and match colouring but thats just taking the peas. 🙂

  8. GUPPY


  9. [quote comment=”596556″]Its hard to believe, but yes indeed I have returned. Many years ago.. I used to write upon these very pages and look upon the captions and laugh. [/quote]
    Welcome back, Rev! :mrgreen:

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