I could have told you that

Pacific Northwest declares President Bush a disaster

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20 responses to “I could have told you that”

  1. AnnieB Avatar

    Me thinks the copy editor saw an excellent chance to add a little levity to the news at the expense of our fine ( :puke: ) President… 😛

  2. busterumps Avatar

    Most likely the Norteast, Southeast and Southwest feel the same way.

  3. Bigwavdave Avatar

    I don’t get it – Is that NEWS?

  4. Patrick Avatar

    Hell, I’ll declare ‘President’ Bush a disaster. He stole the damned election, with the help of his cronies. They’ve been stealing money from most every tax paying citizen since he was sworn in. Lies on a regular basis and then call those “liars’ who discover and decry the lies. I’m embarrassed he got any further than college dropout. Where do I apply for my Disaster Relief Fund?

  5. fruf Avatar

    Sure make you want to vote in the next election

  6. Queen Rosebud Avatar

    finally! someone admits it publically! :kiss:

  7. Yankeerose32 Avatar

    [quote comment=”440429″]Hell, I’ll declare ‘President’ Bush a disaster. He stole the damned election, with the help of his cronies. They’ve been stealing money from most every tax paying citizen since he was sworn in. Lies on a regular basis and then call those “liars’ who discover and decry the lies. I’m embarrassed he got any further than college dropout. Where do I apply for my Disaster Relief Fund?[/quote]
    Hell Yea!! I want my cut too!! We should all have gotten a piece of the 700 billion dollar “bailout” as disaster relief from Bush’s 8 years in office!!

  8. junkman Avatar

    it’s only 11 counties in oregon/washington that think he’s a federal disaster. all the fucking religious cunts out there would vote for him again if they had half a chance. 23% of america’s population, and most of them voters, put him in the first and second time. yes with a little bit of rigging to go with it. that mcain and palin are even close in this one just proves that stupidity abounds still and memories are short when it comes to federal disasters. 😯

  9. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    Hell, I thought the SOB was a disaster when he was PICKED for president back in 1999. Just wondering how many “ardent” supporters aren’t now. That man, his VP and supporters have made me nauseous for the past 8 years. Good riddance, they all can’t be gone fast enough for me. :puke: :puke: :puke:

  10. StevieC Avatar

    Even though we got stuck with Harper again, knowing you guys had 8 years of a Bush that fucked you makes it feel good to be Canadian. 😉

  11. Meagan Avatar

    [quote comment=”440630″]Even though we got stuck with Harper again, knowing you guys had 8 years of a Bush that fucked you makes it feel good to be Canadian.


    Oh yeah, I’ll take Harper over Bush any day. He’s the lesser of two evils.

  12. Spud Avatar

    It seems like just about every leader in the ‘free’ world has been a disaster lately, not just Mr Bush, he’s just what they all aspire to.

    I’d like to know though, if that articles actually made it onto the net or if it’s just a photo shop opportunity.

    Either way, it’s a winner!

  13. Nicolette Avatar

    :wtf: Who the hell DIDN’T know that already????? :wtf:

  14. Anon Avatar

    [quote comment=”440396″]Me thinks the copy editor saw an excellent chance to add a little levity to the news at the expense of our fine ( :puke: ) President… :P[/quote]
    FWIW, it’s a photochop of a Dec 2007 article (“Pres declares Northwest a disaster” o’course). Don’t want people to get the wrong idea. Not that I’m happy with how things have turned out either, but I have MAJOR issues with how screwed-up our media has become and wanted to at least set the record straight for the morons who’d actually believe this was true.

  15. Anon Avatar

    Correction: for the morons who’d actually believe the ARTICLE was a REAL one. Not people who think our president is a disaster. Glad you actually have an opinion on it… but good luck picking the next disaster to take his place :dead:

  16. julesOdeNile Avatar

    ..if one had heard Dabya at his attempts to be funny (the ingrown toe nail!) then they’d know already that the man’s a natural disaster. ❗ 👿

  17. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [quote comment=”440470″]Sure make you want to vote in the next election[/quote]
    and one more time in advance for the one after

  18. julesOdeNile Avatar

    [quote comment=”440780″][quote comment=”440396″]Me thinks the copy editor saw an excellent chance to add a little levity to the news at the expense of our fine ( :puke: ) President… :P[/quote]
    FWIW, it’s a photochop of a Dec 2007 article (“Pres declares Northwest a disaster” o’course). Don’t want people to get the wrong idea. Not that I’m happy with how things have turned out either, but I have MAJOR issues with how screwed-up our media has become and wanted to at least set the record straight for the morons who’d actually believe this was true.[/quote]
    [quote comment=”440782″]Correction: for the morons who’d actually believe the ARTICLE was a REAL one. Not people who think our president is a disaster. Glad you actually have an opinion on it… but good luck picking the next disaster to take his place :dead:[/quote]
    i can’t quite place you 😯 but i’ll let you in on a small (well known) secret, all (with the exception of a few like whathisface, who come to Zilla county here, GET THE FULL BOARD JOKE AND ALL ITS IMPLICATIONS. kthxdai! :wtf:

  19. Meagan Avatar

    [quote comment=”440780″][quote comment=”440396″]Me thinks the copy editor saw an excellent chance to add a little levity to the news at the expense of our fine ( :puke: ) President… :P[/quote]
    FWIW, it’s a photochop of a Dec 2007 article (“Pres declares Northwest a disaster” o’course). Don’t want people to get the wrong idea. Not that I’m happy with how things have turned out either, but I have MAJOR issues with how screwed-up our media has become and wanted to at least set the record straight for the morons who’d actually believe this was true.[/quote]
    [quote comment=”440782″]Correction: for the morons who’d actually believe the ARTICLE was a REAL one. Not people who think our president is a disaster. Glad you actually have an opinion on it… but good luck picking the next disaster to take his place :dead:[/quote]

    Thank you Captain Obvious. 🙄

  20. ShiftyTim Avatar

    [quote comment=”440630″]Even though we got stuck with Harper again, knowing you guys had 8 years of a Bush that fucked you makes it feel good to be Canadian.

    Hell yeah! Harper on his worst day doesn’t compare to Bush…thank fucking god. 😕