How to annoy the drive through clerk 2

  1. ”Are the burgers locally grown? I only eat organic.”
  2. ”My water broke.”
  3. ”Your mother’s in here, Karras. Would you like to leave a message? I’ll see that she gets it.”
  4. ”Two fifty-six for the meal? OK, how much for a lapdance?”
  5. ”Is this the place where the rats where found in the tacos? I don’t want no rat tacos.”
  6. ”Wait. Say that again. Slower this time. Aw, yeah. That’s soooo hot.”
  7. ”This isn’t medium rare. I specifically asked for medium rare.”
  8. ”I’m from Immigration. I’m going to pull around and I don’t want any sudden moves.”
  9. Once upon a time, there was a princess that lived in a very tall castle in the orest…”
  10. How do you amuse yourself at the drive-through?

Part 1 is here

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23 responses to “How to annoy the drive through clerk 2”

  1. Mandy Avatar

    OMG. That was the best video you’ve ever posted, Dave. :wtf:

  2. jr_drums Avatar

    “Yes, this will be to go…. wait… no.. make this order for here… no… better make it to go. Wait, I have a phone call. Nevermind, they hung up. Ok, I need the first 3 orders to go and the last 2 for here.”

  3. Spud Avatar

    Thatsa catchy a tune dey a playin…

    “gorgeous tiny chicken machine show….gorgeous tiny chicken machine show….gorgeous tiny chicken machine show….gorgeous tiny chicken machine show….”

    as for the drive thru, I’m kinda sadistic, I like to say “what?” endless fun ensues as each person then says “what?” this can last forever…



  4. Lung the Younger Avatar

    – Shit. Battery’s dead. Can you guys come out and give us a push?
    – Anything Kosher on the menu? I’ve got the Israeli ambassador in the back with a bunch of transvestite hookers.
    – You know, you’d be a whole lot happier in your job if you had Jesus Christ in your soul.
    – Big Vinny says that you guys ain’t paying your taxes.
    – I’m thorry, do I hear laughing back there? Do you find thomething amuthing about my order?
    – A hypothetical question. Do you reckon a kid would be able to eat one of your Happy Meals without any problems in, lets say, a pitch black basement?

  5. Jason Avatar

    Order the surf and turf.

  6. Lung the Younger Avatar

    – Can I see the wine list?

  7. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Drive up to the window while getting pleasured by Kiko. :wang:

  8. junkman Avatar

    -how many pimples does your manager have?
    -how many old people clean the washrooms here?
    -is the happy meal infused with your happiness about working here?
    -can i have a free toy with my coffee and hashbrown?
    -what is a mcnugget made of? wow. no shit!
    -can you put some of your special sauce on that?
    -i’m going to touch your hand when you give me my food.

    p.s. hey bigwavedave you wanted me to weigh in on sunday. i’m sorry i put my clock ahead two full revolutions and didn’t wake up ’til this morning. i wouldn’t have minded slinging a web or two on those tantric barbie lips.

  9. Minnie Avatar

    – Sing “We will, we will rock you” as off-key as possible.
    – OK, now concentrate hard. Focus on my voice. Are you focusing, are you? OK, good. Now guess my order. Come on, you can do it!
    – Blow a plastic whistle. Blow it hard and loud and shrill. Several times. (“Fweeeeee!”)

  10. Mikeme Avatar

    Ask them to give you change for a dollar!

  11. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    Insist that they count out your change.

  12. pablo Avatar

    Just go to Carl’s Jr and order the Whopper.
    You don’t have a whaopper, OK I’ll take a Big Mac
    You don’t have a Big Mac, OK i’ll take the Jumbo Jack.
    What do you mean you don’t have a jumbo jack?
    OK I’ll just have some egg rolls.
    OMG what do you have here?

  13. Meagan Avatar

    “Mmmmfffmmmffmmm… chicken… mmmmmfffmfffmmm… fries… mmmfffmmmmmff… coke…”
    “Hey, I got a couple of drunk teenagers walking through the drive-thru behind me. Want me to run them over?”
    “Are you guys still running that contest where you roll up the rim and win something? You aren’t?! What a rip off!”
    “This is McDonalds? Oops, I meant to go to Wendy’s. Is there anyway I can back out of here?”
    “Help! I’m temporally displaced in the time continuum! Hello?! Anyone?!”
    “Yeah, I’d like a cheeseburger with bacon, medium fries and large coke, please. And can you hurry it up, please? I got the police on my tail.”
    “Greg? It’s Cindy. I hope this isn’t a bad time for you but… I think we should see other people.”

  14. Atryd Avatar

    😀 I feel like chicken tonight but I’m also kinda craving a burger…What do you suggest?
    No I don’t like those. Let me have…
    From the Big Mac and the Quarter pounder, what is your favorite?
    Oh! That sounds so good!
    Can I just have a complimentary water, though, Thank you. 😈

  15. Atryd Avatar

    Hi. I’ll have a Happy Meal…Super sized please.

    [Comment ID #141149 will be quoted here]

    I actually went to Carl’s Jr and was greeted with “Sorry, We don’t have any product to sell tonight.”

  16. Atryd Avatar

    Tell them corny jokes.
    One saggy boob :boob: said to the other saggy boob :boob:
    “If we don’t get some support soon, people will think we’re nuts :wang: .” :wtf: 😛

  17. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    “If you show me your ‘hot & juicy’, I’ll show you my ‘Whooper’ and I’ll super size it.

    “Um, what part of the McChicken do the McNuggets come from exactly??”

    “One Large Coffee… No Thanks beautiful, I’ll cream it myself.”

  18. Bigwavdave Avatar

    What do you mean you can’t break a hundred?

  19. t1nyturtle Avatar

    “Do you have anything a hamster would like? I’ve got my hamster in the back seat, and I’d hate to eat in front of him if he doesn’t have something too. Well, he might be a she, I’m not sure, they’re hard to sex. Something like nuts, maybe, or raw carrots — you must have something a hamster would like, don’t you? I never have any trouble at a regular restaurant. Sometimes I have my parakeet along too, but he (or she, ha!) is always happy with just a little bit of the bun, if I get a hamburger or something. Did you say you have something a hamster would like, I couldn’t understand you? His name (or her name, maybe) is Wally, did I mention that? I’ve had him (well, or her) for a couple of months now. Have you ever had a hamster for a pet? They don’t seem to last long, do they? This is my third one in the last year. (etc.)”

  20. rozelle ashmore Avatar

    Drive through backwards.

  21. transamman Avatar

    can i get a number one hold the onions and lettuce and spit, a number two supersized hold the spit, a number 6 without mayo and also no spit oh and did i mention no spit!

  22. Nelson Mandela Avatar
    Nelson Mandela

    Just order really, really, really slow. Change your mind as often as possible. Get your total, say thanks, and drive off.
    If it weren’t for the fact that people actually do this crap to me, it might be funny.

  23. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #142044 will be quoted here]

    Once upon a time long, long ago, My first job was working drivethru at Back In the Jox in No.Cal…
    I frequently worked Graveyard and absolutely HATED when the bars closed. People would actually drive the wrong way thru the drivethru and then stop their cars and pick fights with the people who bitched…
    Also seen in the drive thru:
    Revving the engine while ordering
    Asking for a job app in the drive thru and then sitting at the window, filling it out…
    Asking to talk to ‘Mr. Box’ just like the commercial…
    Pulling up to the window and wanting to hand over *ALL* their trash in the car
    AND the 5-7 times a day being asked if I knew “that the reason Wendy’s got pregnant was because Burger King forgot to wrap his Wopper?” like they were the first to crack that joke… 👿 👿 👿