Hey lady! Your PC is ready.

Hey lady! Your computer is ready.

Gentlemen, prepare the eye bleach …


28 responses to “Hey lady! Your PC is ready.”

  1. Meagan Avatar


    He looks like Vinnie’s brother. :wtf: :puke:

  2. StevieC Avatar

    When Skid Mark moved in, the carpet was white.

  3. TinaMarie Avatar

    I thought I’d have a witty comment, but I’m too scared to be funny. Please make it go away.

  4. Memphisbandman Avatar

    Introducing: the Freak Squad!


  5. Memphisbandman Avatar

    So NOT what I want in more bandwidth!

  6. Patrick Avatar

    I am forever transmogrified!

  7. Margaret Avatar

    This guy works in the back room, behind the Geek Squad. He alone is the Meat Squad.
    Now I’ve got to go Windex and squeegee my retinas. Thanks!!

  8. Meshie Avatar

    :boxers:…………… :knickers:………….. :thong:

  9. Infernos Avatar

    Oh Dear God – I had no idea Jabba The Hutt did computer repair before he landed his first movie role.

  10. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Larry the Hardware Guy?

  11. Spud Avatar

    When tighty whitey’s turn into saggy baggies.

  12. junkman Avatar

    is his whole back one large bum crack? is his leg and belly one large bum crack? is his tit a large bum crack? is he in fact one large bum crack?

  13. fruf Avatar

    I’ve heard of scuzzy drives but this has to be a pukey drive
    all dressed up he would still be as tall as he is wide

  14. Zen Avatar

    No. No. No. That is not how cyber-sex works.

  15. Bigwavdave Avatar

    So, he’s asking kitty what to do next?

  16. Nuilogad Avatar

    Does this guy look like Milo Bloom, from Bloom County, all grown up?

  17. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”628135″]Does this guy look like Milo Bloom, from Bloom County, all grown up?[/quote]

    Looks to me like he ate Milo, along with Opus, Bill, Binkley, Rosebud, and the rest of the gang. Steve Dallas, as you can see, escaped unscathed.

  18. AnnieB Avatar

    Good thing it’s not a Mac, he might eat it! :wtf: 😛

  19. AnnieB Avatar

    Sorry Stevie, I stepped away for a few and yours hadn’t posted or I wouldn’t have said basically the same thing you did. 😆

  20. Scamper Avatar

    This is just so f**king wrong

  21. Sherri Avatar

    :wtf: OMFG!! EEEEEEWWWWWW!! :puke:

  22. Ducatisti Avatar

    That’s just gross. I can’t believe he’s working on the motherboard on carpet, so much static!
    Not a single can of Dust Off to be seen, no proper way to ground himself. There is even a CAT in the room.

    An outrage, I tell you!

    Normally I’d say he’s trying to be sanitary by taking his clothes off prior to attempting computer assembly, but he’s got more food and crumbs in the folds and creases of his naked body than a linen suit at a Georgia picnic in July.

  23. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”628139″]Sorry Stevie, I stepped away for a few and yours hadn’t posted or I wouldn’t have said basically the same thing you did.


    Great zillaminds think alike! 😉

  24. AlexBallew Avatar

    And then I’ll put my webcam on!

  25. Bear Avatar

    the correct title should have been …”not for the squeamish”
    Dam I just finished eating, opened this up and now my dinned is coming back up…grrrrrrrrrrrr

  26. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”628151″]the correct title should have been …”not for the squeamish”
    Dam I just finished eating, opened this up and now my dinned is coming back up…grrrrrrrrrrrr[/quote]

    Excrement! See how well that works, Dave?

  27. DaPopster Avatar

    Jabba the Tech …………. :puke:

  28. Drusky Avatar

    After eating everything in the house, desperation set in until he thought “HEY! Aren’t there chips in computers? OH BOY, where’s the dip?” :wtf: