For that sign to work, it needs a picture of a zillagirl. :wang:
own butt or hot-chica-standing-next-to-me’s butt? i just need some clarity here please mr. sign witer 🙄
” times have changed. one might even say the changes are good. things are getting much easier for those with difficulties telling when and what to do. here we see the signs that will soon be found at the doors of all single women (and some men) after the date you don’t have to guess the next move, just be keen to read the signs the signals will be clear”
push once for a kiss,
puss twice for a stedge,
push thrice for a stedge, coffee and break fast! any signal followed by a slap across the face may be a discussed further with the intended. thank you.
If you push my butt I’ll give you a signal! Ladies, you get one signal, guys you get another. And when my boss pushes my butt I have a whole different set of signals for that!
So THAT’S what that flashing red hand really means.
[Comment ID #336623 will appear here]
:wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: 5 out of 5 wangs for Mandy. If there’s anything I could do to you just let me know.
Chris S.
Someone needs to draw a butt in front of the little dude’s hand. 😀
It’s weird how signs can have such contrasting effects. Some signs will make people want to do what it says (see above sign) and others will make people do the opposite (see my avatar which is a real sign I took a picture of in the middle of a public square that stunk to high heaven of urine).
I just changed my avatar to be a photo of a sign I took in Panama.
Notice the similar lack of hands, but also the pathologically enlarged head, dislocated shoulder, multiple fractures to the upper arm… oh, and the giant butt.
I think you deserve more than a mere “signal” for pushing that baby!
Lake Effect
[Comment ID #338373 will appear here]
Your avatar looks like he may have pushed the butt, but he didn’t wait for the signal.
[Comment ID #338373 will appear here]
died laughing!
😀 :dead:
[Comment ID #336623 will appear here]
:wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: (your avatar scored 5 wangs!)
18 responses to “Helpful!”
For that sign to work, it needs a picture of a zillagirl. :wang:
own butt or hot-chica-standing-next-to-me’s butt? i just need some clarity here please mr. sign witer 🙄
” times have changed. one might even say the changes are good. things are getting much easier for those with difficulties telling when and what to do. here we see the signs that will soon be found at the doors of all single women (and some men) after the date you don’t have to guess the next move, just be keen to read the signs the signals will be clear”
push once for a kiss,
puss twice for a stedge,
push thrice for a stedge, coffee and break fast! any signal followed by a slap across the face may be a discussed further with the intended. thank you.
[Comment ID #336523 will appear here]
like this one? :thong:
[Comment ID #336623 will appear here]
{{{quiver}}} Yeah, like that. :wang:
So much for concentrating on work today ……
If you push my butt I’ll give you a signal! Ladies, you get one signal, guys you get another. And when my boss pushes my butt I have a whole different set of signals for that!
And here’s the signal: SLAP! :wtf:
So THAT’S what that flashing red hand really means.
[Comment ID #336623 will appear here]
:wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: 5 out of 5 wangs for Mandy. If there’s anything I could do to you just let me know.
Someone needs to draw a butt in front of the little dude’s hand. 😀
It’s weird how signs can have such contrasting effects. Some signs will make people want to do what it says (see above sign) and others will make people do the opposite (see my avatar which is a real sign I took a picture of in the middle of a public square that stunk to high heaven of urine).
we have one like that near where I work. and I can’t see teh butt picture.
stupid facebook
[Comment ID #337076 will appear here]
I can’t see it either. Dam stupid computer! 😕 ❗ :wtf: 😳
Okay, look, I’ve got a confession to make, I’m getting very distracted by these avatars.
What’s my point?
*StevieC pushes Mandy’s butt and waits for a signal …. *
Mandy, blue is my favorite pouch–er, color. :thong: :undies: :wang: :wang:
[Comment ID #336903 will appear here]
The little guy has no hands, neck (or butt).
I just changed my avatar to be a photo of a sign I took in Panama.
Notice the similar lack of hands, but also the pathologically enlarged head, dislocated shoulder, multiple fractures to the upper arm… oh, and the giant butt.
I think you deserve more than a mere “signal” for pushing that baby!
[Comment ID #338373 will appear here]
Your avatar looks like he may have pushed the butt, but he didn’t wait for the signal.
[Comment ID #338373 will appear here]
died laughing!
😀 :dead:
[Comment ID #336623 will appear here]
:wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: :wang: (your avatar scored 5 wangs!)