Good advice

Family planning

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Show 30 Comments


  1. pablo

    Is it just me , or this sign totally gay?

  2. Um, I read that as “family planning device.” 😡

  3. Spud

    That would, ahem, cough, probably work… :wtf:

  4. poisongirl


  5. poisongirl

    OMFG!!!! the poor mutant thingy!!! Why are there no damn crying smilies?:sad:(oh wait, oxymoron much! ) Loved the side effects ! Lettuce really can be scary!!

  6. Cap

    only if the partner lets you.

  7. That’s how they roll in Northampton.

  8. Zinta

    What can you say… it works… Now how many women would allow it????

  9. Kangaroo

    honestly, what can you say? I have NO words for that one……..

  10. Kangaroo

    [Comment ID #80062 will be quoted here]
    Ok, I DO have words for it, is this at the Greek restaurant mentioned yesterday?

  11. Bigwavdave

    Reminds me of the sign in front of Red Dog Dan’s Saloon
    Liquor In The Front – Poker In The Rear

  12. junkman

    valid advice. you don’t see alot of gay male couples with brown smelly children do you?
    (gay friend said this to me once so i guess that makes it pc. probably not)

  13. Sher

    Where did they move the Proctology Clinic to?

  14. Sher

    Dave, shouldn’t the title be “Good Advice,But………..” 😕

  15. Kangaroo

    [Comment ID #80067 will be quoted here] Sher, I am sorry, it should read, Dave, shouldn’t the title be “Good Advice Butt……….?

  16. sledge

    The “Hershey Highway” as birth control?? Ther would be a lot of women walking funny if that happened

  17. Wayne

    The “Hershey Highway” as birth control?? Ther would be a lot of women walking funny if that happened

    REALLY FUNNY :wang: 😡

  18. Sher

    [Comment ID #80069 will be quoted here]

    So sorry I spell like crap.

  19. MrDoug

    This calls for some Backdoor Humor….

    A woman went to her doctor for advice…

    She told the physician that her husband had developed a penchant for
    anal sex and she wasn’t sure if it was such a good idea.

    The Doctor asked, “Do you enjoy it?” She said that she did.

    He asked, “Does it hurt you?” She said no.

    The Doctor then told her, “Well, then, there’s no reason that you
    shouldn’t practice anal sex, if that’s what you like, so long as you
    take care not to get pregnant.”

    The woman was mystified. She asked, “You can get pregnant from anal

    The Doctor replied, “Of course. Where do you think lawyers come from?”

  20. I…uh…yeah.

    Thanks for the “anal” humor Dave.

  21. Damon Henry

    Awesome!!! Which door?

  22. Myra

    CPAs too, I know, I work for two of them and they are certainly anal.

  23. Flash Gordon

    Fudge-packers don’t need birth control. 🙄 :limp: 👿 :wtf:

  24. Driver

    Dave I cant get the video , When I click on it I get a page that says it cant be found or go to but all it shows is porn options . WTF ?

  25. Da Popster

    Is that Northampton, MA ? Gayest community in Western MA ? What an ‘effin hoot!! ……… :puke: :limp: :puke: :limp:

  26. pablo

    How much do you want to bet this is an oral presentation

  27. CroneWynd

    OMG that video was TOO FUNNY!!!!!


  28. the big T

    I thought that was an out hole hmmmmmmm

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