Get paid!

get paid

Image via stx

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  1. Cobe

    Here i sit, broken hearted
    Went for the cash but only farted.

  2. I wonder, do they pay by the pound? (or kilo)

    I could be making a killing!

  3. india: where your job really is shit. πŸ™

  4. juleOdeNile

    [quote comment=”633041″]Here i sit, broken hearted
    Went for the cash but only farted.[/quote]

  5. juleOdeNile

    waste not want not 😯

  6. juleOdeNile

    you get paid by the month right? so there’s like a shit log you have to fill in or punch in to record your crap laps? 😈 crap-a-log , poop-a-log, doock-o-meter….. πŸ˜•

  7. DaPopster

    Hmmmm, could make a fortune if I could divert the gene pool on the next flush …..

  8. freckleface

    All hail Pongo Day! No shit, couldn’t we all use a little extra money? πŸ˜€

  9. Linda Gonzalez

    Wow, Kinda sounds like they went to shit and the hogs ate um….. 😳

  10. The perfect business model – use toilet, get paid, buy curry, use toilet 20 minutes later, get paid, buy curry, use toilet 20 minutes later,…etc. It’s like owning an oil well.

  11. fruf

    all this shit grows the new food…no wonder they use curry to cover up the taste
    would you like shit with your butter chicken?

  12. Finally, a job where I get paid to do shit.

  13. drew

    i just flushed $10, maybe $15 bucks down the drain.

  14. Do you think they accept FEDEX packages collect?

  15. junkman

    excuse me but the only thing i see in this picture resembling something that one might go in, is that orange adobe looking pot with the yellow flames coming out! i guess payee is to wipe with one of two palm trees after? :wtf:

  16. [quote comment=”633047″]Shit disturbers![/quote]

    Don’t you mean shit distributors StevieC? πŸ˜›

  17. I wonder what kind of wine would be good with shit food…

    The execrable 2001 Beaujolais deemed “vin de merde”?

  18. rem1967

    This is the crappiest offer I’ve ever heard of.

  19. [quote comment=”633089″]
    Don’t you mean shit distributors StevieC?


    That may be Annie. I’m not one to take shit from anybody but I’m not a shit disturber either. Typically, I don’t give a shit but when I take a shit, I don’t really want anyone to take shit from me. On the other hand, I don’t want them giving me shit either. Bottom (pun intended) line: don’t be touching my shit and I won’t shit on you for it.

  20. Flash Gordon

    [quote comment=”633067″]Ecosan-Pongal, didn’t they used to have a Shinola factory?[/quote]

    No, they don’t know shit from Shinola! :limp: :dead: :geek: πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

    Here I sit cheeks a’flexing,
    Giving birth to another Texan.

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