Gang names we’d like to see

  1. Southside Sommeliers
  2. Cockney Scholars
  3. Motown Pacifists
  4. West Coast UNIX Programmers
  5. Cleveland Pussies
  6. The Cribs
  7. T-Dot Poutineers
  8. Well-Adjusted Youths of Baltimore
  9. The Aristocrats
  10. Which gang names would you like to see?

Based on an idea from Chris Barry

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60 responses to “Gang names we’d like to see”

  1. Spud Avatar

    10. The Well Heeled Lads
    11. The Westside Cardigans
    13. The Southside Pullovers
    14. Chicago Crochet Club

  2. Spud Avatar

    Don’t ask about No:12


  3. rust Avatar

    seeing as I am staying in Kitchener/Waterloo until Christmas:

    10. Laurier Losers
    11. Oktoberfest Alkies
    12. Watfor Watfives
    13. Central Ontario Non-voters
    14. Grand River Transit Riders
    15. Weber Street Dweebs

    (Weber — as I found out — is pronounced Wee-ber)

  4. Buck Avatar

    Harper-Van Dyke gang
    Pony Down

    whoops, was feeling a little nostalgic for all things Detroit

  5. CBATDUX Avatar

    West Side Wussies
    Manhattan Mommas Boys
    Ontario Honor Students (Our honor students can beat up your honor students)
    Last One Picked at Basketball Club of Waukegan
    Franklin Four-Eyes

  6. Lung the Younger Avatar

    15. The Latrine Kings.
    16. The Blue Bloods.
    17. The Save-A-Trout Hispanic Animal Rights Gang. (or Salvatruchas)
    18. Hell’s Cherubs
    19. The Barrio Sesamos.
    20. The Laotian Masseuses.
    21. The Baristas.
    22. The Sudoku Yakuza.
    23. The Neo Nancies.
    24. The Black Panties.

  7. gottago Avatar

    [Comment ID #201479 will be quoted here]

    White Boy Rick would be proud!

    16. Eight Mile Angels

  8. StevieC Avatar

    #1 – The Zilla Dome Squad

  9. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #201484 will be quoted here]

    Sorry, typo. Make that the Zilla Domme Squad.

  10. StevieC Avatar

    Re: Link of the Day – follow up news story reports that all of Judaism sighs a collective “oy-vey”

  11. Mjaz Avatar

    Argyle Nation
    Folk Song Nation
    Hecks Angels
    The Penguins

  12. patrick Avatar

    Bitches Wit Attitudes
    The Stedging Stedgers of Stedgeville U.
    The Zilla Thrillas (fa schizzle, my dizzle)
    The High-Heeled Boys (with their Low Sparks, dontcha know)
    The Down Boys
    The Trouser Snakes and/or The Spitting Cobras

  13. rust Avatar

    and in honour of other Ontari-ari-ari-ohs:

    16. The NDPee Boys
    17. Op Cop a Feelers
    18. Dalton and the Prissy Pussies
    19. Tory Tory Tory!
    20. Der Schneider Schnit Kickers
    21. The Bruce Trail Blazers

  14. Pablo Avatar

    • The French Ticklers
    • The Hairshirt Tailors
    • FUBARettes
    • Uptown Crack Whores
    • The gutless wonders
    • Cleveland Cocksuckers

    Church Gangs
    • The A-Holier than Thous
    • Eastsiiieeed Presbyterians
    • The Juggling Monks
    • The Catholic Jihad
    • The Matzo Men
    • Satan’s Poolboys

  15. Chris Avatar

    In the area where i work over the summer (remind you its in the meanest streets of Detroit) there is a gang called ORAL. 😮

  16. rust Avatar

    Continuing the crap:

    22. The Incontinent Rash Gang
    23. Bad Language Boys
    24. Politically Correct Persons
    25. T.O Toilet Mouths
    26. Niagara-On-The-Lackeys
    27. The Nasty Orangeville Nerds
    28. Satan’s Choice Haircutters

  17. Meagan Avatar

    The Bitches from the Beaches
    O-Town Dullards
    Barrhaven Babes
    Dirty Pirate Hookers – Yarr, I be Dirty Morgan Bonney, the most fearsome female pirate from the Great White North! 😈

  18. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    11. Hollywood HOrehoppers
    12. Hillary’s Hatchet Mommas
    13, Yo Mommas
    14. Arizona Assholes
    15. Boston Ball-Busters
    16. Buffalo Cherry Busters :wang: 😕 :wtf:

  19. Delaney Avatar

    * Aryan Croquet League
    * Eastside Polo Club
    * Macrame Maniacs
    * Cotillion Cuties
    * Detroit Dissertation Dudes

    The comments are hysterical.

  20. Natalie Avatar

    Westside Holga Bitches represent!

    There are more of us than you think. :geek:

  21. Yucca Avatar

    17.Bay Area Butt Pirates
    18.LOL Posters
    19.Florida Tasers
    20.Kentucky White Trash Tire Fires
    21.Texas Executioners
    22.The Peoples Republic of California Commies
    23.Idaho You da Hos

  22. Brad K. Avatar

    Ceiling Fans
    Monday Morning Helpers
    Nekkid Chicks in Scarves
    Naked Carpenters – scratch that, it has been done, and not groupies for Karen Carpenter, RIP.

    Bobbie’s Bedwarmers
    Apple Dumpling Gang – oh, darn, that was a movie, right? No, that’s Knotts right. Oh, well. Maybe Fife will come to me. It’s right on the Tim of my tongue, but I Conway it out. Disney what I mean?

    Hill Street Blues Backups
    Randy’s Red Truck Fire Busters

  23. Yucca Avatar

    Oh! gangs…not teams. My bad,next time I’ll pay attention.

  24. rust Avatar

    and finally:

    29. The Jane & Bloor’s
    30. Kiss’n’Riders
    31. Pickering Pricks
    32. Grenadier Pond Scum
    33. Yorkdale Mall Rats
    34. Etobicoke Co’ Kaddicks
    36. Lastman’s Bad Boys
    37. Kyle’s Kweer Krew (sorry K. Rae, that’s you)
    38. Tiny Perfect Mayors
    39. Mark Daley’s Voice
    40. The Seein’ Towerz

    I have FAR too much time on my hands….

  25. Chris Avatar

    FBC -Full Blooded Crackers

  26. rust Avatar


    35. Onley’s Lonely Guys

    PS: Congrats to David Onley, Lt. Governor of Ontario. You made me proud, buddy.

  27. Alex Ballew Avatar
    Alex Ballew

    In Oklahoma is a small town named Hooker. A few years a go a group tried to market baseball caps for a fictitous women’s fastpitch team called the Hooker Harlots. My daughters used to attend Piedmont Middle School (PMS for short). I wanted the school to adopt the battle cry “You think we’re mad now?”.

  28. Chris S Avatar
    Chris S

    The Rubber Knives
    Onion Skin Heads
    Wet Noodles
    Manicure Maniacs
    Puppy Eyed Cannibals
    Free Breast Exam Gang
    Lone Wolf Pack (oh the irony!)
    Geriatric Ward

  29. Cindy Avatar

    The Tampa Tampons

  30. patrick Avatar

    Alex, my Okie Brotha!
    Panama, represent!

  31. misterarthur Avatar

    Old Detroiters like me will remember the Coney Oneys. A weird mixup of misunderstanding Corleone and Coney Island hotdogs. Associated with them, one of my favorite pieces of dada poetry graffiti: Ad dog dog all can be cad. (I have no clue what it means, despite years of trying).

  32. ItsMeMaven Avatar

    The Scatastics
    Happy Ending Brigade
    Baloney Pony Posse

  33. linda Avatar

    The Pheasant Pluckers.

  34. maDe Avatar

    Isobar’s Idiots
    Brokeback Painz
    Fraud Squad
    C-No Drunken Gropers

  35. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    Da Sultans ov Cleveland.

  36. Astryd Avatar

    Kinky Killers 😈
    Super Mario Bros
    Gumdrop Gangstas
    Southside Synista Snoballs
    Fluffy Finkleberries
    Northside Naughty Nymphos

  37. rust Avatar

    Are we still doing this?

    Unleashed Dog Trainers
    Unemployed Zamboni Operators
    The Unusual Suspects
    United Automobile Wreckers
    Unskilled Babysitters
    Union of Soviet Socialists
    The Ãœber Alles!

  38. Drusky Avatar

    The Delta88 Drivin’ Bluehairs
    PeeWee Pud Pulling Possee
    The Branded Brotherhood (Meagan’s Boys…)
    The Hairy Palmed Halfwits…

    [Comment ID #201583 will be quoted here]
    This gang is the most stuck-up, self absorbed, cave exploring bunch of bloody string alongs ever… 😈

  39. Joe Zadorsky Avatar
    Joe Zadorsky

    ..the Ruffles.

  40. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #201610 will be quoted here]

    betcha can’t eat just one. 😈

  41. Jewels-O-deNile Avatar

    [Comment ID #201609 will be quoted here]that desciption is the BOMB!!!! OOps! i said Bomb on the
    F*@$ing net. FBI, can i say Fuck? i mean Bomb? or Bom?

    1.the daisy Duddyheads
    2.upyours fingerlickers
    3.any-thing-witha pulse-fuckers (their hand signs indicate a whole lotta sex!
    4.innocent boys’ pluckers (they dress a lot like catholic priests and alter boys)
    5.the turbanhead shit bombers

  42. Kkkkathryn Avatar

    the Highland ChickenKickers?

  43. Kkkkathryn Avatar

    make that “high-heeled chicken kickers”

  44. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #201609 will be quoted here]

    Actually, my guys are the Bullwhip Boys. I just love the way they crack their whips! 😈

  45. TimM Avatar

    Well, I could submit a gang name that mentions the name of my city, but the last time I said the name of the city on “Davezilla” some woman went on a defensive rant about how fuckin’ wonderful the city is, as if I had said something negative about the city.

  46. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #201722 will be quoted here]

    I know exactly what you mean! Yesterday SteveC pulled my pigtail at recess and I was so mad I could spit!

    Seriously, come on dude, if you’ve got a beef with someone you need to address (or undress, as we prefer here in Zillaland) the issue at the time. I’ve looked back on the last 6 posts and can’t find the comment you are referring to and don’t recall any “defensive rants” so I have no idea what the heck you’re talking about and I doubt anyone else does either.

    Don’t sweat it … this is an equal opportunity offender kind a place but we usually have a lot of fun along the way!

  47. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #201754 will be quoted here]

    Umm, I wasn’t pulling your pigtails, I was grabbing the reins to go for a ride. 😈 :wang:

    But seriously, Tim, if someone goes on a defensive rant, grab ’em by the :boob: :boob: or by the :wang: and 😛 it until they start smilin’ again.

  48. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #201760 will be quoted here]

    Always the cowboy … and what a great lasso you had! :wang:

  49. Jim Avatar

    The terrors of their retirement home:
    The Tottering Vince & Lyles (TVL)
    The Pranksters n Daipers (GD)

  50. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #201789 will be quoted here]

    Hey AnnieB, if you show me your dark side, I’ll eat your cookies. 😈 :wang:

  51. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #201826 will be quoted here]

    And I’ll drink your milk! 😛 :wang:

  52. TimM Avatar

    The overly sensitive womans rant was on a thread many months ago. When it went to the archive, Dave removed her rant and the comment after, which was a guy mildly pointing out that she was overreacting. I didn’t want to spur her into making more idiotic comments so I ignored her.

  53. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #201834 will be quoted here]

    They say that milk does a body good.

  54. Astryd Avatar

    It does! I won’t go to bed…er, um,…sleep without having had some milk before.:twisted:

    Tim, don’t be shy. The rest of us still wanna hear/read it. Why should ONE ranting maniac count more than your loving Zilla accomplices? 🙁

  55. TimM Avatar

    I want to mention something…

    There is a LONG, bizarre, multi-layered, ridiculous, unbelievable, story behind why I am concerned about that silly rant made by a woman from my town.

  56. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #202131 will be quoted here]

    She sounds like your ex-girlfriend?

    Long lost mother?

    Twin sister?

    Crazy next door neighbor?

    Come on, spill … or make something up.


  57. Astryd Avatar

    [Comment ID #202131 will be quoted here]

    So spill it already! 😆
    Inquiring minds want to know.

  58. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #202131 will be quoted here
    Oh no…I was going to go out tonight, but now I’m going to have to stay here in front of the cyberzillamachine to hear the story…:wtf:…these cliffhangers really screw up my eating and sleeping requirements. I’m about to soil myself with anticipation :undies: :puke:

  59. LUIS Avatar


  60. LUIS Avatar