First rack

first rack

This is clearly the first set of breasts this geek has ever seen.


18 responses to “First rack”

  1. Lung the Younger Avatar

    …but when the anaesthetic wore off, Jill realized that Neville wasn’t actually a qualified surgeon and the breast augmentation she’d ordered wasn’t going to be in 3-D…….

  2. StevieC Avatar

    Sure, it was a drunken dare, but when Donna told Murray that he could take advantage of her, this was not what she was expecting.

  3. Lung the Younger Avatar

    That’s just his breast scan, wait till you see how he does a pap smear.

  4. fruf Avatar

    see I told you it doesn’t hurt like a mammogram
    of course this is the newest body scan…now if you will just straddle the machine we’ll cary on
    by the way the duck room is 2 doors down

  5. Don Avatar

    Cheap nerd, can’t afford a used playboy so he’s making 50 copies to last him awhile

  6. junkman Avatar

    and the guy is happy because she went down on the machine?

  7. rust Avatar

    One of the many household uses for the Canoscan. Can’t you tell it’s set to ENLARGE?

  8. Timm Avatar

    Here we get a glimpse of what Andy Dick’s brother and sister did during their Thanksgiving weekend.

  9. Mandy Avatar

    at first i thought she was puking, then i realized no she was titty scanning, followed by puking.

  10. junkman Avatar

    ….and then she hung his “Flying Spaghetti Monster” balls on the christmas tree. (puke icon)

  11. rust Avatar

    All Hail His Sauciness, Our First Pastafarian of the Church of the FSM! 😯

  12. Patrick Avatar

    but when the anaesthetic wore off, Jill realized that Neville wasn’t actually a qualified surgeon and the breast augmentation she’d ordered wasn’t going to be in 3-D…….
    Nope, they weren’t 3D, or even 36D; they were 3M!

  13. chainstay Avatar

    “I don’t get it. I don’t see any little fishies? Why did I need to take my top off?”
    “Just press harder and you will see a cool light. Trust me.”

  14. Craigaroonie Avatar

    It’s the office christmas party 1996 all over again. 😳
    Tomorrow she won’t recognise me.
    And I’ll fax her tits to head office.

  15. AlexBallew Avatar

    Here we see a photo from Dave’s first frat party!

  16. Lung the Younger Avatar

    Never ever buy that boy a bacon-slicer.

  17. supergrizz Avatar

    Is that girl using Post-It notes as pasties on her nipples?

  18. Spud Avatar

    All I see is that they missed an opportunity. They seem to have photo copied an ear and missed the vital organs.