
So my site seems to have been compromised by clever spammers. Not sure how they got in, but they managed to insert hidden code into thousands of posts that I now have to manually remove. Somehow it is affecting my sidebar and footer as well. The site isn’t showing any PHP errors, but the site hasn’t been working since that spam appeared in my posts. Will keep working on this. Might be a few more days of downtime. Apologies! Meanwhile, enjoy the links.

And we’re back! So it turned out to be a plugin that borked on me. The spam was coincidental. The plugin wasn’t crucial; it changed the “Older Stuff, Newer Stuff” links at the bottom to pagination numbers (like on CNET).


9 responses to “Eep!”

  1. Sammy Avatar

    Looks like this is how your website used to look before!!
    Loads faster…now that the crap is gone!!
    Looks good!

  2. StevieC Avatar

    I’m sure that I’m not the only one who would be interested in the code, how it worked, and what it did.

  3. Davezilla Avatar

    [quote comment=”633425″]Looks like this is how your website used to look before!!
    Loads faster…now that the crap is gone!!
    Looks good![/quote]
    You know, I was considering going minimalist again. What say you all? Clean sidebar? I still get emails to bring back polls.

  4. StevieC Avatar

    The polls were fun and I know I won’t miss the sidebar comment section.

  5. Queen Rosebud Avatar

    Looks good Dave! I vote leave it as is, with all the great posts! :love:

  6. Don Avatar

    We need the polls back, some of them are as good as Davezilla. I vote there be a poll to see how many want the poll back.

  7. Davezilla Avatar

    [quote comment=”633435″]We need the polls back, some of them are as good as Davezilla. I vote there be a poll to see how many want the poll back.[/quote]
    Your wish is my command. It’s up.

  8. Meagan Avatar

    The Wilkins Coffee ads were hilarious! “Some people who don’t drink Wilkins Coffee just blow up! KABOOM!” 😛

  9. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [quote comment=”633430″]The polls were fun and I know I won’t miss the sidebar comment section.[/quote]
    I’m with StevieC