Easter is for kids

Easter is scary

Image sent in by Monday Busque

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Show 29 Comments


  1. Great. Now I’m gonna have to stop reading Davezilla RIGHT BEFORE I GO TO BED!

    I’m gonna have nightmares.

  2. Kinda reminds me of The Never Ending Story.

  3. Mandy

    That’s just not right, Dave.

    P.S. There’s a new pic of me on the boobs page if you need to rinse your eyes clean of spooky bunnies.Boys will like it :wang:

  4. Frisko

    ReV Needs to save this Easter Satan story…Where is this childs Mother, and it is proven by the photo that she lacks thinking ability. Did the shopping mall force the mother to give them $8.95 for the picture?
    Good gravy, I can’t even say WTF?
    Meanie Mumsie Frisko

  5. Margaret

    What holiday does the part rabbit, part timberwolf represent?? Maybe it’s the vampire bunny from Scooby Doo!

  6. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    An excerpt from the famous Dr. Suess book “The Grinch”

    “And the Grinch’s plums went two sizes too small.
    When the baby kicked backwards and right in the balls!
    Old Grinchypoo paused with mouth open wide.
    Whilst the poor lil’ fella just sat there and cried.”

    Merry Christmas all!


  7. Spud

    Good grief! :wtf:

  8. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    “The Grinch” (continued from above……)

    “The baby was angry and red as a brick.
    The Grinch, bent over double and feeling quite sick.
    With a scream that was wild for such a small child.
    Baby punched that mean Grinchy and right in the dick.
    So now on the floor and writhing in pain.
    The Grinch learnt just one thing to NOT do again.
    Though children ARE NICE and children ARE SWEET.
    Just don’t piss them off or their put you to sleep.”

    Goodnight Mr.Grinch. I hope you like hospital food.


  9. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    Sorry Frisko, I forgot about him mum didn’t I?

    “The Grinch” (continued again for Frisko)

    “So the baby just stood there and stared at the Grinch.
    Why had knocking him down been so overly sinch?
    It was then that the baby went straight for a chair.
    And smacked it down hard, he just didn’t care.
    Grinch’s eyes opened wide as the seat hit his hide.
    But the baby went crazy and kicked out his eyes!
    So now in the dark, the Grinchypoo cried.
    “Why Oh Why?” didn’t that kid, just lay down and die?
    “Woe is me. Woe is me.” He said again and again.
    Till the baby’s gun loaded and blew out his brain.
    But after the mess and the killing was done.
    The baby went home to Charles Manson,

    His Mum.”


  10. ReV.JeLLyBaBY



    “Baby Manson” versus “The Cat In The Hat!”

    only on pay per view!!!

    😡 bring it ON!!

  11. ReV.JeLLyBaBY


    😡 Let’s SO BRING IT ON!!! 😡

  12. name

    This photo makes me :limp:
    Mandy’s new photo makes me :wang:

  13. Bobby Peru

    Eastertime in the Pacific Northwest where the Easter Yeti comes out once a year to remind children what the Christian religion is all about: instilling fear into the very young. :wtf:

  14. Margaret

    Judging from the baby’s face, I’d say the rabbit/timberwolf has a SERIOUS case of halitosis. Instead of snacks, why not leave out some breath mints for the ‘bunny’?

  15. Mandy

    Am I the only to notice that Easter Werebunny is wearing a Santa Claus suit? :wtf:

  16. Of COURSE it’s wearing a Santa suit. All the stylish monsters are wearing those these days. Did you expect it to be wearing combat boots and a tutu?

    (I mean, not that I’d wear combat boots and a tutu. . . .) 😳

  17. mikeB

    Dave, I thought your motto was “If you’re not spewing your :java: ….” not “If you’re not shitting your pants….” Do we need a poo icon?

  18. Margaret

    I vote for poo!

  19. Margaret

    After MUCH research and investigation, my conclusion is that the ‘rabbit/timberwolf’ is the Michael Jackson wolf from the Little Red Riding Hood, complete with Grandma’s robe. (About 15 years ago, the rabbit/timberwolf was actually brown AND he has a brother named Tito!)

  20. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    Morals required?

    “So baby went home and removed his Beretta.
    As his Mum Charlie Manson was knitting a sweater.
    And without much ado he sat by the fire.
    He rolled a large joint and got even higher.
    But something..just something, was stuck in his mind.
    What feelings, what sadness had made him unkind?
    It was then that he gave up on life altogether.
    He vowed to be evil forever and ever.
    So If you have kids that are prone to be bad.
    Correct their lives now, as it’s them who’ll be sad.”

    Well it needed a moral ending didn’t it?

    And seriously, I’m not a complete no moral S.O.B.

    Or am I?


  21. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    Preview of “Cat in The Hat VS’ Baby Manson”

    “Do you like green eggs and ham?
    Come and take me if you can!
    Do you like them on a plane.
    Bring it on I’ll smash your brain!
    Would you like them on a boat?
    If I kill you….will you float?
    I don’t like them, Manson man,
    Then I’ll just kill you, cos I CAN!”

    Looks progressive, don’t it?


  22. Holy Fuck! I got the feeling that *that* aint no costume!

  23. This picture makes me even sadder than I already was. 🙁

  24. Esther

    That is one freakily, Photoshopped, WereSantaBunny. We need Billy Bob Thorton’s Bad Santa to come and lay some candy egg smackdown on it.

    Natalie, if I could find it (and had any HTML skills), I’d say it’s time for the bunny-with-the-pancake-on-it’s-head picture. That always cheers me up.:mrgreen:

  25. Woozle

    That bunny’s face makes me go :limp:.

  26. Frisko

    The pancake is cute, but did Oolongs owner then eat the pancake?

  27. Cherish

    Dude, that’s just horrible!!! 😆

    I feel sorry for the person who had to change that kids diaper.

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