Comfortable in public

Maven’s recent post about the homeless man jerking off in public reminded me of a similar experience I had. No, I wasn’t a homeless, black man. Way back in the day, when Detroit had an awesome indie scene, I went to see Echo and the Bunnymen at St. Andrews Hall. Typical of most old concert halls, there are not enough restrooms for the number of patrons, so the line for the women’s room extended far into the front lobby.

At some point, the bouncers must not have been looking, because a very large man—clearly mentally challenged—wandered in. He stumbled about in the main lobby, staring at the open door to the ladies room and begin to touch himself. A few seconds later, he had dropped trou and was having a good old time, despite being stared at by hundreds of aghast punks.

The next minute, he was unceremoniously thrown down the concrete steps to the street and promptly beaten to a pulp by the Australopithicene bouncers.

How about you? Have you ever witnessed anyone so comfortable with their surroundings that they began working it in public? So share with the rest of the class.

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31 responses to “Comfortable in public”

  1. Danno Avatar

    Does the big silverback gorilla at the zoo count??? He’s there without fail, workin’ it every time I go. The reactions of the people is the entertaing part :wtf:

  2. Danno Avatar

    Does the big silverback gorilla at the zoo count??? He’s there without fail, workin’ it every time I go. The reactions of the people is the entertaing part :wtf:

  3. Danno Avatar

    Sorry. I’m workin’ it here in the coffee shop and hit “say it” twice…

  4. Pablo Avatar

    The homeless have their own way of doing things. Across the street from work is CalTrans and they have a nicely cared for bunch of trees & shrubs. Behind those the homeless sleep, shit, fuck, whatever. The really bad part is when the women come out from behind the shrubs wiping their mouths and head for the liquor store.

  5. ItsMeMaven Avatar

    The thing I omitted in my own post was that my gf said to me two things: 1. Had it not been for the uncertainty of his hygeine, she probably would have gone for it–apparently it was really a thing of beauty; and 2. Since she obviously didn’t go for it, she did the next best thing and went home and masturbated.


  6. Jim S Avatar
    Jim S

    I was at a rave in Detroit back in 99 or 00. I was hanging with some friends in one of the two rooms, and suddenly one of our mutual friends came running over to us and said, “you guys have to come over to the other room…you won’t believe it!”

    Naturally we thought perhaps a celebrity or famous artist just came into the party…but no…we go around the corner into the other room and there on this couch across from the entrance was a 50-something (or maybe older) hippie tripping so hard he’s wanking it right there in front of a room of around 200+ party folk.

    All I could do was laugh…the strobe lights made the moment. 🙂

  7. TaterSalad Avatar

    I’m sure theres something in there some where but the 70des is just a blur,:?: :wtf: Man I had Fun 😀 :boob: :thong: :boob:
    Or so I’ve been told :wtf: 😆

  8. sledge Avatar

    Be in an 18 wheeler looking down at 75 miles per and a guy goes by pulling hard .what was really funny was 4 miles down the road a pile of kleenex comes out the window

  9. Spud Avatar

    What can you say, some people have a different perspective on where they are to ‘others’.


  10. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [Comment ID #197809 will be quoted here]

    An amazing waste of tax dollars.

  11. J Avatar

    When I was younger someone told me there was a guy wacking it in the back of the tv room at the student union right by the window so I went and pounded on the window and then ran 😆

  12. patrick Avatar

    Yeah, whole cage of monkeys at OKC zoo. And man were they hung! Not big but long.
    BTW, does having sex in a laundromat in Stillwater OK at 2:00 a.m. on the washing machine count? There was a plate glass window for all the world to see, if there was anyone else up at 2:00 a.m, 32 years ago.

  13. staci Avatar

    Working third shift at the Waffle House. We had a decent looking late 20 something man come in and put his vaseline on the table, order a coke, then went ahead and did his thing right there. As we pretended not to notice, went in the back called the cops and they arrived just as he was finishing. Let’s just say the cop was not very happy about putting handcuffs on the guy. :wtf:

  14. ItsMeMaven Avatar

    Whenever the husband and I go to FL, he insists we go to the Waffle House. Now, I don’t think I’d be able to look at a plate of semi-viscous grits with the same gusto again 🙁 ❓ :puke: 😛 :limp:

  15. Astryd Avatar

    These are things you are supposed to do in the privacy of your own home…this is what happens when your home are the streets. In such cases aren’t we the ones who are intruding?
    I’ve done similar acts for the thrill of being caught and to appease my exhibitionis side. Does the thrill or rush excape these people because they do not seek it but is a way of life for them?

    …and before you ask, one circumstance was waiting to cross the border between Mexico and New Mexico. After a night of dancing I was *ahem* “energized”. We were trying to rush…somewhere private but appearantly so was half of the occupants of Mexico. Losing my patience I rode my then-husband until I…was done. No two hour wait was gonna come between me and my carnal cravings.
    After, flushed and with an obvious and mischevious smile I made eye contact with those who laughed in their own cars with disbelief of what they’d just witnessed, gave them a wink and blew them a kiss. 😈
    TMI, I know. Don’t you love that about me? 😛

  16. Lake Effect Avatar
    Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #197825 will be quoted here]
    So THAT’s what was going on in ’75 in old Still’H20. I was in the parking lot of the Git Tacos n Gas next door!! I thought you were just trying to get your quarters back out of the machine! Why were you in a laundromat all alone at 2AM anyhow?

  17. Annoying Pest Avatar
    Annoying Pest

    I’m using a fake e-mail and a fake name and I’m being annoying, yay! 😈

  18. Meagan Avatar

    It’s one thing to get off on the vibrations of riding the bus and another to actually stick your hand down there and start moaning. I’m just saying. 😈

  19. Dave Avatar

    Was this at the time when the Apple Sids were working security? It was so funny how every single one of those guys looked exactly like Danzig. Ahhh the good ole days…

  20. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #198056 will be quoted here]

    One should never stedge oneself in public … unless, of course, you’re commanded to do so by a stedgingly hot Zilla girl. 😈 :wang:

  21. Astryd Avatar

    What if it’s the Stedgingly hot Zillagirl that wants to do the stedging? To herself or otherwise? ❗ 😈

  22. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #198231 will be quoted here]

    Then I’d be obligated to watch/participate/be a willing victim/believe that there may be a god after all. 😈

    I don’t want anybody else,
    When I think about you, I stedge myself

  23. Meagan Avatar

    [Comment ID #198224 will be quoted here]

    Then I command you to stedge yourself! 😈

  24. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #198263 will be quoted here]

    Been there, done that. Willing to do it again though.

    As Bob Dylan would say … Everybody must get stedged!

  25. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #198280 will be quoted here]

    Is that like George Thorogood …

    When I stedge, I like to stedge alone?

    Bad to the stedge? :wang:

  26. Meagan Avatar

    Around here, it’s either stedge or be stedged! 😈

  27. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #198285 will be quoted here]

    More like Queen

    We will, we will Stedge you!

  28. StevieC Avatar

    [Comment ID #198324 will be quoted here]

    Yeah, ain’t it great?!

  29. officeratt Avatar

    OK first of all Pablo what you said was fucked up!!! Do you think Men are better than that ? No I’m not homeless but being homeless does not discriminate. Anyone can become homeless in touch of hat. We all put our pants on the same way. What makes you any better? If it appauls so much, then do something about it! Rather than just assuming this is where they want to be. Maybe you should volunteer your time in a shelter or something.