
Liable for Clamping in this Area

Photo by the incomparable Wookiee

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Show 29 Comments


  1. Is that a mixture of trying to get seafood and sleeping with mosquieto nets? :wtf:

  2. Duker

    FINE!! I’ll just clamp over here, ASSHOLE!…………..Mind if I smoke, FUCKWAD?!…………JERK!
    ……Clamp this :wang:,DIPSHIT!!

    I’m OK, I,m OK!………Fucking NAZI!!! 👿

  3. JFLY

    I read about that technique in the Kama Sutra…but I didn’t realize I’d be liable for it if I used it. :wtf:

  4. Spud

    Does this mean you are liable for clamping in the “area”
    Are you liable for clamping
    Are you liable to be clamped in this area

    Please explain…


  5. Steppenwolf

    Japanese PMS warning sign.

  6. John K

    All Clamped up and no place to go.
    Please use exlax responsibly.

  7. mitch

    See boys and girls, the erosion of our basic rights has started. First they take away our ability to clamp, then where does it stop? No clamping leads to no clanoeing, which leads to no clalling, which finally leads to us all becoming Republican drones. Mark my words.

  8. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #26347 will be quoted here]

    thusly marked…..

  9. cbatdux

    And now, for something totally different….

    Have you noticed the EXPLOSION of new ghastly medical conditions that all have 3-letter acronyms and their own commercial? Dave, is this your firms work?

  10. brainchallenged

    Clamping…Right of Passage or A Male Bonding Moment??? YOU MAKE THE CALL!!! ❓

  11. Bjorn Freeh

    This is like those “Not responsible for damage” signs in the grocery store parking lot. They’re trying to make the customer responsible for the clamping. Baloney. You can ignore it (just hire a lawyer).

  12. TotalChaos,

    I used to enjoy this page until having to read mich and his F’ing Republican bashing everday. Shove one up your ass, mich, and all the rest of you have a good day

  13. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #26328 will be quoted here]

    “May I have some Plemsyn, honabull Dave-san, preese?”

  14. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #26404 will be quoted here]

    (Francis) – “Anyone touch me, I kill ya. Anyone touches my locker, I kill ya. Anyone calls me Francis, I kill ya. Anyone bashes republicans, I kill ya…”

    (Bill Murray) – “Lighten up Francis”

    Mitch is ok with me as long as he’s funny.

    BTW – How do I get this #($*#@* Andy Williams song out of my head? Bjorn has to stop posting…..

  15. Dennis Bookhart

    Doesn’t this sign hang in the S & M Hall of Fame?

  16. Steppenwolf

    BTW – How do I get this #($*#@* Andy Williams song out of my head? Bjorn has to stop posting…..

    I assume you mean the Andy Griffith song cbatdux. Don’t watch the TVLAND channel today. They are having an Andy Griffith marathon and I’ve been cracking up on Barney all day. 😆
    I’m not saying Don Knotts was a great actor but the role of Barney Fife was perfect for him….like Michael Richards as Kramer.
    Just wondering who you all think had the ‘perfect role’ also.

  17. Becky

    :boob: :boob:Clamping? :dead:

  18. JFLY

    [Comment ID #26431 will be quoted here]

    Sean Hayes as “Jack” on Will & Grace.

  19. mitch

    [Comment ID #26404 will be quoted here]
    Peace and love, my brother. Chill. It’s called the First Amendment. Give it a chance.

  20. Steppenwolf

    I think all the actors on Will & Grace are excellent for their roles JFLY.
    Don’t think it’s too much of a stretch for Sean Hayes though. :mrgreen:

  21. Bjorn Freeh

    I pretty much know the entire Andy Williams songbook, too. I’ve had “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” swimming through my noggin since Halloween.

    Welcome to my world, cbatdux.

  22. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #26431 will be quoted here]

    Nope – Andy Williams. Bjorn can share my pain. I miss Elsa…..

  23. TotalChaos

    True you do have the freedom of speech Mich, but your freedom to continually hassle certain people is not in the best interest of the site owner. The loss of one person to this page is no big deal, but maybe others will speak up or leave, and then what use is a page that few people go to. Not much. Enjoy your time of freedom of speech. Have a good day.

  24. JFLY

    Oh! I have another one! George Bush as our whacky inept president! 😛

  25. Janet Horsley

    John Ritter as Jack Tripper, Bob Denver as gilligan, Fred Grandy as Gopher and last but not least Brent Spiner as DATA This is my first time posting, but, read you all everyday. Thanks for the laughter!

  26. Infernos

    Clamping Labias ?

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