Cintron Tip #34: The Dude Test

Now, normally I wouldn’t pimp out a video we did at the agency, but this one is fucking hilarious and it stars my partner Jason Macemore. [MNSFW]

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19 responses to “Cintron Tip #34: The Dude Test”

  1. Mandy Avatar

    omg that’s funny! also FIRST POST!! 😀

  2. Jingaling Avatar

    OK that is funny :wang: :thong: :undies: :boob: :wang:

  3. harley Avatar

    That was great!! 😆

  4. Nikki Avatar


  5. junkman Avatar

    why is jason wearing your glasses?

  6. Speedy Avatar

    Where was that invention when I was growing up. Would have saved a lot of unnecessary :wang:

  7. tanderny Avatar

    I want Jason’s autograph

  8. Joe-the-ragman Avatar

    Centron – where have you been all my life? Can you put a hole in the cap so I can hang it on my key chain? 😳

  9. Meagan Avatar

    Wow, check out the size of that woman’s adams apple! :wtf:

    Also, I have been wondering where that magic love ring had gotten to! I’ve been looking for that for my past seven lives! I want it back! 😛

  10. Tater Salad Avatar
    Tater Salad

    that was great 😀 BUT if you need a lid to find out if there is a :limp: instead of a :thong: then ur a :boob: or just plan :wang: for a :boob: :wtf:
    or are you the one that needs a warning label on every thing :wtf:

  11. Magrarita Pero Avatar
    Magrarita Pero

    :limp: :limp: :limp: :wang: :wang: :wang: :boob: :boob: :boob: :undies: :undies: :thong: :thong: Ill buy dis 4 my man

  12. Magrarita Pero Avatar
    Magrarita Pero

    :limp: :limp: :limp: :wang: :wang: :wang: :boob: :boob: :boob: :undies: :undies: :thong: :thong: Ill buy dis 4 my man

  13. Pablo Avatar

    You should try to market it for women. They can find a man and have someone to share clothes with too!

  14. Drusky Avatar

    [Comment ID #196175 will be quoted here]
    That’s why Zima was invented… :puke:

  15. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    What inane rotomantade since I’ve been gone with a
    crashed computer! Where’s AnnieB? Speak, darlin’! 😛 :wang: :kiss: :java: :wang: 🙄

  16. Diesel Avatar

    Also, if you rub the cap on her chin and it makes a scraping sound, that’s a pretty good indication too.

  17. AnnieB Avatar

    [Comment ID #196188 will be quoted here]

    I agree with that babe.

    I’m here … just couldn’t think of anything interesting to add (not that that usually stops me) and I’ve been kind of busy with uninvited company. Bummer, big time.

    Glad you’re :wang: and running again … I’ve missed you! :kiss:

  18. mikeB Avatar

    [Comment ID #196164 will be quoted here]

    I remember the first time I drunk-commented, too.

  19. crash Avatar

    IMAO 😆 😆 😆