Christmas is for sharing

Darth Vader, Freddy Kruger, Hannibal Lector, Dracula, Chucky and others show us the meaning of Christmas in this trouching video. [cough]

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Show 19 Comments


  1. Amanda B.

    That video was awesome! (I’m sick of Christmas) :hurl:

  2. Craig

    I second that emotion! Christmas BLOWS!!!!! :hurl:

  3. Spud

    Great video clip! 🙂

    Christmas is Christmas, enjoy it while we can for what it is and not the commercial crap they force on us.

    I for one had a great day, I hope you all did as well.


  4. LOL!
    Oh, that is a wonderful video.
    Thank you, and may you have great joy this season.

    Happy ChrisYuleHanuakkaKwansa

  5. Sam

    I’m not real crazy about Christmas either, but what can you only comes once a year, thank God..:hurl:

  6. Paige

    Heres hoping that everyone has a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!!:smile:

  7. cbatdux

    Wow – down on Christmas must be in this season…and plaid.

  8. tigerlily

    yeah trouching…a combination of tragic and touching…yeah that’s it! It could happen! I just learned that jollification is a word…or the act of making jolly…ho ho ho ya never know! Loved the vid by the way…the only words I understood was printed on the TV dish however…but some things are not only timeless but transend language barriers…ahhhh the crispy critterness of it all…see I invent words too! LOL
    IIIIII put it this way, any day off is a cause for celebration! Yayyyyyyy Christmas and moosepants all round!:mrgreen:

    PS Just a suggestion, I think you need an icon for moosepants!

  9. family jules

    Christmas is what you make it into, not what the rest of the world wants it to be. We have burritos and watch horror movies. We have a contest to see who can come up with a gift certificate to the weirdest place, and we all have to use what we get somehow. Ignore tradition, Merry Christmas!

  10. Amanda B.

    I’m really glad for all those of you who are having a wonderful Holiday Season but, It’s MY crappy Christmas and I’ll whine if I wanna! 😛

  11. charlie

    I suppose my ‘Bah…Humshit’ t-shirt sums the whole christmas experience up for me.

  12. Craig

    I’m stickin’ with Amanda B, i’m done w/xmas, decor is down as of 9:00, screw you santa! :dead:

  13. star helear

    love the video hate x-mas:roll:

  14. cbatdux

    So, who’s gonna rip New Year’s Eve a new asshole? C’mon gang – jump ON it. Valentine’s invented by Cadbury. Mom and Dad’s day invented by Hallmark. Holidays, Schmolidays. I say make the proletariat work 60 hour work weeks. Scrooge was da man. Hoohah! Let’s go negative – very republican! (Amazing what guinness in large quantities will do for ya)

  15. Wendy

    While I had a great Christmas, I’m glad it’s over, too, do I can get back to my normal stress level. As for New Years, blame that on every alcoholic beverage maker in creation. That’s what it’s all about…drinking…which I happily take part in!:grin:

  16. marcus

    I am looking across the street and I see a giant green Christmas tree with tiny credit cards hanging from plastic branches and a giant VISA banner near the top. Merry Visa Christmas.

  17. tinamarie

    Christmas IS what you make of it. Me and my family decided this year that we were tiredc of being exhausted and cranky from having too much stuff to do before the holidays, i.e. cook, bake, shop, etc. So, we decided that we would order out for pizza on Christmas Eve, go to our respective places of worship for services, and then sleep in on Christmas Day and open presents in the afternoon, followed by a mellow dinner.

    Do what gives you life and brings you joy and fuck everybody else’s idea of what you ought to be doing.


  18. Hawaiian pizza…. with red and green peppers, please.

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