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45 responses to “Caption Time #99”

  1. Duker Avatar

    Thanks Dave! I just LOVE my new dildo!! 😛

  2. MandyLocke Avatar

    Big girls need big toys! :wang:

  3. Spud Avatar

    That’s either a very tall girl or a very small room.

    and I see they’ve found a new use for some old medievil torture devices…

    or pleasure

    sometimes it’s a fine line between pleasure and pain.

    annnnnddddd I take it MNSFW means – maybe not safe for work? or, major not safe for work?


  4. aimmelou Avatar

    Candi posing with the first place prize from her last stripping contest.

  5. Quin Avatar

    Nice rack. 😛
    (Is it for eight-tracks or VHS tapes?)

  6. justjim Avatar

    my my my but what a tall drink of water she is….. :wang: He’s a cute site if you’re in the mood for more fun.. enjoy :wtf:

  7. justjim Avatar

    silly me I forgot to post the site……. :wtf:

  8. Lung the Younger Avatar

    The Swedish National Women’s Velociraptor Wrestling Champion shows off her trophy which she has dedicated to her mentor, Bea Arthur.

  9. JFLY Avatar

    Aaaaaggghh! Attack of the 50 Foot Woman!

    Actually, my first thought was that Geoffrey Giraffe (if that IS a giraffe) has found himself a leggy toybox.

    My second thought was that this woman is in dire need of a visit from the casts of “Queer Eye” and “What Not To Wear”. 😐

  10. Becky Avatar

    Can I sell this for more crack!? 👿

  11. Davezilla Avatar

    annnnnddddd I take it MNSFW means – maybe not safe for work? or, major not safe for work?

    Yes, it’s Maybe Not Safe For Work. Unless you have a funnier breakdown, which we will gladly accept.
    [Comment ID #24501 will be quoted here]
    Bonus points for knowing about that painting, Lung! That’s been my desktop at work for over a year! 😈

  12. mikeB Avatar

    “I’s thinking of startin’ a Viking stripper shoe shine business.”


  13. mitch Avatar

    And now your winner, Miss Bulimia 2006..Kirsten Dunst!!!!!!

  14. Alex Avatar

    When I look at those legs allI can think is YUM!!!

  15. prtyprincess7104 Avatar

    Vegatables really do make you grow up big and strong … Although, they should be eaten in moderation…

    Sorry that was stupid, but I figured, What the hell… :wtf:

  16. Bip Avatar

    Hoodie Hoo!! That LapJuicer didn’t do the trick. 😈

  17. dumas Avatar

    About that lapjuicer thinggie. All I can think about is what would happen if the chick is squiggling like crazy to juice the orange, and the orange slides off. Ouch.

  18. laceylegacey Avatar

    AHHHHHHH!!!! It’s evil I tell you EVIL!!!! 👿 👿 👿

  19. Lace Valentine Avatar
    Lace Valentine


    Can you send her email address my was so I can send her a belated Valentine’s Card? It behooves me to communicate with her about the possibility of conjugal bliss.

  20. Lace Valentine Avatar
    Lace Valentine

    send her address my way
    my way
    I’m understandingly perplexed
    at the moment

  21. Nikki Avatar

    So many levels of tacky, where does one begin?

  22. Dennis Bookhart Avatar
    Dennis Bookhart

    This is our sorority’s example of ttaking one’s college boards.

  23. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    Inga introduces the RoidJuicer.

  24. Kinyou Avatar

    Wow, Only you could make something so big for someone so loose.

  25. laceylegacey Avatar

    AHHHHHH!!!! It’s attack of the 50 foot tall super whore!!!

  26. Ace Avatar

    Fredric, the states five time whittling champion, poses after a sex change operation with this years winning piece. Freddy, as he was known to friends, now goes by the name Francine.

  27. Ace Avatar

    Hoodie Hooooooooo!!!

  28. Jane Avatar

    how do you turn this thing on?

  29. Jane Avatar

    I love my new vibrator, where’s the on switch? :thong: :boob: :boob:

  30. Darrell Avatar

    I’m not quite sure what I was expecting the lapjuicer to do, but that wasn’t it.

  31. Patrick Avatar

    I wanna climb those long legs like a ladder straight to the golden triangle!
    And then I’m gonna load my cassettes in that Jar Jar Binks commemorative cassette holder.

  32. MrDoug Avatar

    For my next trick I am going to make this 3 foot long CD tower disapper, and you will never be able to guess how I am going to do it…

  33. poisonwisky Avatar

    And now for something completely different

  34. Jim S Avatar
    Jim S

    “Hello everyone. My name is John. I enjoy water sports, cooking, and carpentry.

  35. wantwit Avatar

    Debbie Sherholder poses with the lactation award she received in this year’s California State Pornographer’s Faire.

  36. hippychick Avatar

    There are soooo many things wrong with that lapjuicer, I don’t even know where to start. Who invents this shit? :wtf:

  37. girl Avatar

    “and for her next trick, Debbie will stick this entire wooden object up her hoohoo!”

  38. elimae Avatar

    Is that a picture for e-bay & were the glass heels and mini skirt truuly neccessary?

  39. The Cynical Villain Avatar
    The Cynical Villain

    Darn I wonder will this paddle hurt my ass…oh wait I have no ass. :puke:


    Thank you Sir, may I have another?


    Thank you Sir, may I have another?

  40. Kinyou Avatar

    “Aww, thanks. Only you’d know what kind of toy to get someone of my age, and someone as loose as me. How kind. :D”

  41. Bryan Avatar

    Hey, I thought you said this thing came with Meth!

  42. Infernos Avatar

    The batteries go in this flap thing here. Then you lay it down and……. 😈

  43. MandyLocke Avatar

    “And look what I found up my skirt after the gang bang last night!” :wang:

  44. logan Avatar

    guess which one is the real cow

  45. bill Avatar

    stuffed komodo dragon cd rack…bid on ebay