Caption Time #286

Caption Time #286

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  1. Sammy

    Yeah right! You too?

  2. But do pretty girls really need donations? After all you know the ol’ saying:

    How do women get minks?
    The same way minks get minks.

  3. Dave, I don’t think we’re in Zillaland anymore.

  4. :wtf: A smile would go a long way toward reaching their objective… and showing a little cleavage wouldn’t hurt either. 😛

  5. Patrick

    A. Some judge went creative on their ass when he sentenced them for Prostitution. OR
    B. It’s an initiation prank for a sorority.
    Either way they don’t look happy to be there, wherever ‘there’ is. Wherever ‘there is’ there is an incredibly large speaker set in the background. CRANK IT UP! BLOW ME AWAY, or just blow me.

  6. DaPopster

    If I give you money, will you promise to go far, far away ?? – – – – and it’s your mess, so flush the damn gene pool on your way out, will ya !!

  7. Bigwavdave

    Evidently, the definition of “Pretty” in Uzbekistan is somewhat different than in the rest of the civilized world. I do question why they are targeting English speaking tourists.

  8. chainstay

    Just what do I get for giving you money? And would I want it?

  9. jolly rodger

    Pretty F***ing ugly

  10. junkman

    why do i have the feeling that “good time charlie manson” is nearby?

  11. When you’re askin’ for my money,
    It don’t matter if you’re black or white.

  12. I tried raising money like that, but I couldn’t stand being in heels all day long! I liked the dress, though… :wang:

  13. Flash Gordon

    I never thought the economy would affect the “ladies of the night”
    so badly! They qualify for Obama’s “Pore Whore Corps” stimulus plan. :limp: 😈 👿

  14. Here’s a quarter. Go get yourselves a couple of paper bags to put over your heads.

  15. Drusky

    Two ‘American Idol’ contestants try to win over Simon with the honesty approach…

  16. Drusky

    As for the link of the day, how many of you actually tried moving your mouse over the ‘slide to unlock’ in the picture to see if they really would? 😛

  17. freckleface

    C’mon people, it’s obvious…give us money we are pretty desperate. 😕

  18. Linda Gonzalez

    One word : Aaaaarrrrrrrrrrrddd Vark, well two….

  19. They wanted money, but with those long faces they couldn’t get dick.

  20. Ryder

    pretty to who? sme one with a weird frilly little girl fetish ugh… thats gross

  21. JulesOdeNile

    [quote comment=”632862″]They wanted money, but with those long faces they couldn’t get dick.[/quote]
    is why they went ahead and just asked for the money… they couldn’t get dick

  22. Currently $64,000 in student loan debt, Dawn suddenly realizes that a Masters degree in Performance Art may not have been such a wise decision after all.

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