Caption Time #285

Caption Time #285


25 responses to “Caption Time #285”

  1. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Should one see a mouse or rat run by at a party, the appropriate response is “Pardon me, but I was startled by your gerbil.”

  2. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Oh, and by the way, how can that dufus be unaware a babe is grabbing his ass? :wtf:

  3. AnnieB Avatar

    It was him, it was him, his ass is still warm!

  4. chainstay Avatar

    Somebody help me! My finger is stuck!

  5. Bigwavdave Avatar

    [quote comment=”632710″]It was him, it was him, his ass is still warm![/quote]
    Hello Sweetheart (yes, AnnieB, I mean YOU!) – Nothing like a little warm ass, eh? :thong: :wang: 😉

  6. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Heather Locklear has a flashback to her first UCLA frat party! 😆

  7. fruf Avatar

    after you goosed me,it’s my turn
    what would an 8 be doing grabbing a 4’s ass
    she is an amateur proctologist

  8. DaPopster Avatar

    Is this what is meant by the line “and Janey’s fingers were in my cake” ? 😛

  9. DaveC Avatar

    What does Goldilocks have in her other hand??? :wang:

  10. StevieC Avatar

    I got crabs,
    They’re multiplying,
    And I’m losing control.


    This is what it sounds like,
    When crabs bite.

  11. StevieC Avatar

    Fuck! A chunky fart and I’m going commando!

  12. rust Avatar

    I’d do her in a minute. Well, maybe a little more than a minute, just enough time to wipe off…

  13. fruf Avatar

    come here assh**e

  14. Nicolette Avatar

    I’m gonna grab a handfu-OMG WHO THE HELL IS THAT ON THE FLOOR TAKING UPSKIRT PIC’S???!!! 😉

  15. Sammy Avatar

    He’s a gal!!

  16. Lung the Younger Avatar

    What a girl has to do to get her boyfriend to put his ring upon her finger.

  17. StevieC Avatar

    – When thongs attack

    – Oh shit, I’m getting a woody!

    Armageddon! (you may want to google the wav file)

    – When Sally felt Harry she finally clued in to why he walked around like he had a plug up his ass.

  18. RogerS Avatar

    “David didn’t notice that his inflatable friend was stuck to his ass as he stepped out that evening”

  19. junkman Avatar

    ummmm… looks like there is a thumb sticking out the front of his pants. :gay:

  20. rem1967 Avatar

    OK, now cough!

  21. Sammy Avatar

    Link of the day==repost!!

  22. StevieC Avatar

    [quote comment=”632749″]ummmm… looks like there is a thumb sticking out the front of his pants. :gay:[/quote]

    I’m not going to pull that finger – you pull it.

  23. Drusky Avatar

    “Nooo! My chest implants deflated! StevieC, help blow them up!” 😛

  24. Chris S. Avatar
    Chris S.

    I left my wife in my other pants. Oh no wait, I think I feel her in the back of these… I wonder if she enjoyed the ride here on my motorcycle. You like motorcycles?

  25. Ryder Avatar

    is that a finger coming out of the front of his pants?