[quote comment=”632710″]It was him, it was him, his ass is still warm![/quote]
Hello Sweetheart (yes, AnnieB, I mean YOU!) – Nothing like a little warm ass, eh? :thong: :wang: 😉
Heather Locklear has a flashback to her first UCLA frat party! 😆
after you goosed me,it’s my turn
what would an 8 be doing grabbing a 4’s ass
she is an amateur proctologist
Is this what is meant by the line “and Janey’s fingers were in my cake” ? 😛
What does Goldilocks have in her other hand??? :wang:
[quote comment=”632749″]ummmm…..it looks like there is a thumb sticking out the front of his pants. :gay:[/quote]
I’m not going to pull that finger – you pull it.
“Nooo! My chest implants deflated! StevieC, help blow them up!” 😛
Chris S.
I left my wife in my other pants. Oh no wait, I think I feel her in the back of these… I wonder if she enjoyed the ride here on my motorcycle. You like motorcycles?
is that a finger coming out of the front of his pants?
25 responses to “Caption Time #285”
Should one see a mouse or rat run by at a party, the appropriate response is “Pardon me, but I was startled by your gerbil.”
Oh, and by the way, how can that dufus be unaware a babe is grabbing his ass? :wtf:
It was him, it was him, his ass is still warm!
Somebody help me! My finger is stuck!
[quote comment=”632710″]It was him, it was him, his ass is still warm![/quote]
Hello Sweetheart (yes, AnnieB, I mean YOU!) – Nothing like a little warm ass, eh? :thong: :wang: 😉
Heather Locklear has a flashback to her first UCLA frat party! 😆
after you goosed me,it’s my turn
what would an 8 be doing grabbing a 4’s ass
she is an amateur proctologist
Is this what is meant by the line “and Janey’s fingers were in my cake” ? 😛
What does Goldilocks have in her other hand??? :wang:
I got crabs,
They’re multiplying,
And I’m losing control.
This is what it sounds like,
When crabs bite.
Fuck! A chunky fart and I’m going commando!
I’d do her in a minute. Well, maybe a little more than a minute, just enough time to wipe off…
come here assh**e
He’s a gal!!
What a girl has to do to get her boyfriend to put his ring upon her finger.
– When thongs attack
– Oh shit, I’m getting a woody!
– Armageddon! (you may want to google the wav file)
– When Sally felt Harry she finally clued in to why he walked around like he had a plug up his ass.
“David didn’t notice that his inflatable friend was stuck to his ass as he stepped out that evening”
ummmm…..it looks like there is a thumb sticking out the front of his pants. :gay:
OK, now cough!
Link of the day==repost!!
[quote comment=”632749″]ummmm…..it looks like there is a thumb sticking out the front of his pants. :gay:[/quote]
I’m not going to pull that finger – you pull it.
“Nooo! My chest implants deflated! StevieC, help blow them up!” 😛
I left my wife in my other pants. Oh no wait, I think I feel her in the back of these… I wonder if she enjoyed the ride here on my motorcycle. You like motorcycles?
is that a finger coming out of the front of his pants?