Caption Time #265

Caption Time #265


23 responses to “Caption Time #265”

  1. janeeto Avatar

    I guess we should be glad that his hirsuitism does not include a ‘treasure trail’: hair that continues from his chest, across his belly, and down there. He could have made a huge arrow pointing to his, ahem, buried treasure…. :limp:

  2. Gary Jaycox Avatar

    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu manchu :dead:

  3. junkman Avatar

    JL? maybe the pubes are shaved in a K? cheesy no? hint: kraft

    p.s. happy new year everyone. bin in hollywood for two weeks. missed y’all.

  4. Spud Avatar

    Guns, because sometimes killin is necessary.

  5. StevieC Avatar

    I wonder if his g/f did the same to her chest …

  6. Patrick Avatar

    And right before she bolted out the door his soon to be ex-sweetie, laughing hysterically, proclaimed, “That stands for Justified Loser”.
    What a mooroon. What a nincowpoop. What an imbullcile.

  7. DaPopster Avatar

    Uh oh, somebody’s been in the shallow end of the gene pool again ……… :wtf:

  8. David Avatar

    Jon demonstrates his suggestion for the next man-made islands in Dubai

  9. Davezilla Avatar

    [quote comment=”595501″]I wonder if his g/f did the same to her chest …[/quote]
    StevieC FTW! 8)

  10. Bec Avatar

    [quote comment=”595729″]Uh oh, somebody’s been in the shallow end of the gene pool again ……… :wtf:[/quote]

    I think this is more proof of him needing a little chlorine in the gene pool! lol

    Dave, I just choked on my cereal…too funny!

    (and I bet his gf has more chest hair)

  11. Meagan Avatar

    One word: creepy. :wtf:

  12. Avalon Avatar

    How hairy was he before he was “groomed”?

  13. J Avatar

    It’s aerodynamic with a handlebar

  14. AnnieB Avatar

    It looks like the Grinch’s legs and feet.

  15. chainstay Avatar

    Look at what’s poking out from beneath his arms! I bet he could braid that!
    I shudder to think what his back looks like.
    I guess he could shave slogans on the front and back and hire himself out as a human poster-board.

  16. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    This is what you find running around the funny farm, AnnieB. This iS why I don’t
    want to go there again. Yes, I am back to my fabulous self again. Thank’s for

    Glad you’re back Junkman. 🙂 😈 :kiss: :boob:

  17. diesel Avatar

    And then the lead singer of the Flobots woke up from the nightmare with the lyrics to their one hit song in his head.

  18. rust Avatar

    CAPTAIN’S LOG, Stardate 2009.3

    We’ve been on a trade mission to the Hairnip Nebula, looking to finalize an agreement with the inhabitants of the planetoid Rectum for a shipment of Norelco Shavers. Star Fleet Command would have us communicate directly with their Queen who seems to have special requirements for grooming. This is one Alien Babe that will require double bagging. On a happy note, early reports have indicated they have absolutely no gag reflex. Spock has been on the lookout for any Negative Space Wedgies just in case there is trouble.

    KIRK out!


  19. nina Avatar

    someone should tell him that chins don’t extend to nipples.

  20. Sammy Avatar

    Thin beards run deep

  21. fruf Avatar

    another happy Gillette customer

  22. David Avatar

    This is oddly somewhat reminiscent of some of the facial hair dramas of A.J. Valient at Beats Entropy.

  23. Meshie Avatar
