Caption Time #245

Caption Time #245

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  1. Russ


  2. junkman

    thing #1 oh..geez..there is really something important i have to to tell you.

    you are so fucking gross i don’t want to be with you anymore.

    thing # 2 thank god you said that. i didn’t want to be with you anymore either.

    thing # 1 what are you by the way?

    thing # 2 i don’t know

    thing #1 i know you don’t know what you are but where is annie b?

    thing #2 ummmm…….i don’t know

    thing #1 then what good are you?

  3. junkman

    perhaps experience lets people drop without comment to their passing. i am not experienced in this way and am hurting in the absence. gotta say. miss you. perhaps vacation? whatevvha.

  4. Chris S.

    so the doctor says…. “Actually you have Mole-aria.” AHAHAHAHAHA!

  5. I know! Let’s go to Davezilla and get molested!

  6. ME

    Did you hear the one aboot The Rabi, the Priest and the the Marsupial??

    Ohh yeah that one was a doozy!

  7. patrick

    Brief Jerky- seemingly, a rather disturbing counterpart to edible undies. But I’ve never met a woman who cared enough about jerky to chow down on a pair of briefs. For the gay guys, maybe?
    Best Finisher Ever- lame, and then some.

  8. “Too fat… arms too short… can’t… hug you!” 😛

  9. Memphisbandman

    A Moleman prayer group requires blind faith.

  10. Drusky

    1 “I got a blister on my paw from digging, so I got some moleskin for it.”

    2 “Wow, how does that affect using your mole-ble phone?”

    1 “The numbers are mole-ded into the keys. You’d have to be blind to miss them.”

    2 “That must make it a T-Mole-ble phone.” 🙄

  11. i dig this picture, dave. it’s really grounded. (sorry all the mole puns were used up)

    also, who knew moles could be so cute?

  12. janeeto

    [Comment ID #395371 will appear here] You haven’t met me, Patrick. I enjoy putting a relatively hard piece of meat in my mouth, sucking the juices out of it for a few minutes…. Flavored ones work fine, too, but not the teriyaki. It’s just a differnt kind of sweetness….

  13. janeeto

    Best Finisher Ever: I was waiting for the guy’s junk to land squarely over the prone guy’s mouth, and then finish…. Oh, it’s not a porno?

  14. janeeto

    Dave: did you see the link on the Brief Jerky: about Playgirl Magazine’s decision to stop publishing? Check out the slideshow, and the various mag covers. Maybe the Zilla girls will find some of them exciting, but mostly, it’s such a sad walk through Memory Lane.

  15. Betty W.

    ” Ok now,,,,open wide and say Ahhhhh ” !! :mrgreen:
    ” Yup, We’re gonna have to do a root canal on that
    one there ” !!

  16. Drusky

    [Comment ID #395464 will appear here]

    Only until you see them trash a lawn… 👿
    [Comment ID #395475 will appear here]

    Shudder… Thank god for Zillagirls! :wang:

  17. tinamarie

    Monday morning at the water cooler at Mole Industries.

  18. Spud

    “so’s I wuz tellin ‘er wot ad happened, when boom! I falls over on me arse see, and then we just laughed and laughed and laughed”

  19. Timm

    Mark and Mike Mole got real excited when the local game arcade got the game called “Whack-A-Person”

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