Caption Time #203

Caption Time #203

Image via mikeB

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Show 44 Comments


  1. That link of the day is one psychedelic journey. I’m still trying to figure out what assisted living, citibank, bras, and genius kids have to do with a domain name, and I’m not even 1/10th done with the page!

  2. Spud

    “…ah say again Dwayne… was that lead 2 switch 3 or switch 3 lead 2?… come back…”

  3. Drusky

    They’re right. I do suffer from dickydo disease. My belly sticks out further that my dicky do… 😈

    “Can you hear me now?”

  4. julesOdeNile

    now, junior, slowly now, you said that that therr machine, plugs into that therr other, machine, raght? an’ that oughta GIT-R-DONE?

  5. TimM

    The guy in the picture looks like my buddy Steve. Steve vehemently insists that he drinks diet cola because “sugar rots your teeth” and not because he wants to lose weight. He feels like he’d be a sissy to admit that he was on a diet.

  6. George was amazed. In the middle of his once-a-month ‘constitutional’ stroll through the back yard, he noticed that his boy had dug out the old geiger counter kit. Ah! that brought back memories, of the cold war, the threat to life and community.

    Why, it had been just 4 years before that the boy’s mother (George still couldn’t .. stomach .. repeating the woman’s name, even to himself) had threatened to leave, then threatened to stay. George had been forced to move into the old family fallout-shelter. Which made sense, since he was trying to weather the .. fallout .. of commenting about the boy’s mother, and how she needed a wider sofa.

    The cart was specially modified to hold the Geiger Counter box, the cords, sensor leads, the wind and other atmosphere sensors, and the all-important beer cooler underneath. George had enjoyed refurbishing the instruments, restoring the leads and sensors, and welding up and finishing what had been the boy’s mother’s ‘haul the cokes in to the refrigerator’ two-wheel dolly (and, *sigh*, she even got upset about using her cart!). But all good things must come to an end, and the boy’s mother decided to stay.

    In the newly refurbished fallout shelter.

    And swore she would remain there, alone, until George ‘fell down dead’. Such anger!

    Oh, well. George checked, the ‘active’ light was still lit on the shelter entrance.

    And his padlock still intact on the door.

  7. patrick

    re: video- we were loading cantaloupes and watermelons with Double Vodka thirty years ago. Aaah, fond summer memories of drunken revelry, rind fights and projectile vomiting!

  8. AnnieB

    Sad to think I used to be a roadie for Jackson Browne and now I’m reduced to lugging this crap around. Damn, I miss those days!

  9. junkman

    “fatman with racing stripes communicates with his only friend.”

  10. Jay Laverdure

    Somebody (else) try the banana thing…

    Let us know if you (don’t) live…

  11. evilqueen

    As for the banana video, it amazes me as to how something can be so cool and so gross at the same time. I can’t see eating one though looks too much like :limp: maybe if it was more :wang:

  12. evilqueen

    As for the banana video, it amazes me as to how something can be so cool and so gross at the same time. I can’t see eating one though looks too much like :limp: maybe if it was more :wang:

  13. evilqueen

    damn it! why can’t we delete double comments!

  14. Drusky

    StevieC’s pitcrew gets ready for the race… 😈

  15. Drusky

    As far as the link of the day, how bad is it when the majority of your available bandwith is taken up by the opening page? :wtf:

  16. StevieC

    [Comment ID #204061 will be quoted here]

    :mrgreen: His name is ‘Jack’

  17. “I say, that’s one sophistimicated piece of machine ya got there. Now, let me just fiddle with some of dem wires and… BOOM!” :dead:

    Yet another Darwin Award winner. :wtf: πŸ˜›

  18. t1nyturtle

    Ed knew he needed the exercise, but converting the old grandstand to a jungle gym was turning out to be a bigger project than he’d expected, and it was time to call in help…

  19. Flash Gordon

    THe love child of Mama Cass and Elvis. πŸ™„ :geek: πŸ‘Ώ :wtf:

  20. Brooklyn R.

    That banana shot looked like a dildo made out of boogers! :limp:

    And as for the fat guy, where I’m from, I see people that big all the time. It’s quite sad when seeing someone that big has minimal to no effect on you!

  21. Come in Cleetus, it’s Jim Bob.

    I’m back here next to the thing-a-ma-gig

    No, not the doo-hicky

    Yeah, you know the thing-a-ma-bob that you use to juice up that big honkin’ what’sit

    Whadda ya mean I need to plug my extension into it?

    My heat seeker ain’t gettin nowheres near that puppy!

    Oh, the cord, no problem good buddy!

    By the way, it looks like someone left a chocolate donut next to it. Mind if I just help myself?

  22. StevieC

    Okay, I’ve eaten the band, the stage, and the audience. Now it’s time for dessert.

  23. junkman

    StevieC: the kinder, gentler miguel of zillaland!

  24. donnhw

    πŸ™ “Mmmmm, I don’t know what it is; but if I had enough ketchup, I betcha I could eat it!” πŸ˜•

  25. Drusky

    [Comment ID #204460 will be quoted here]

    Sung to Wierd Al Yankovich’s “Just Eat It”… 😈

  26. Meagan said
    Ò€œI say, thatÒ€ℒs one sophistimicated piece of machine ya got there. Now, let me just fiddle with some of dem wires andÒ€¦ BOOM!Ò€

    LOL the first word that popped into my head when I read this was > Doh

  27. Part of my post didn’t seem to make it so here’s another try.

    Haayyyy dat blu ting downair looks like one oh dem insamulated lunch bag tings…I wunder if theys a samich in dare [drooling icon here].

  28. [Comment ID #204102 will be quoted here]

    Where else other than at Davezilla would you EVER hear the term “dildo made out of boogers!”?

  29. Mr. Grimm

    Sheesh, I bet not even that damn President Bush could make a bigger mess of this thing. By the way I’m new. I’m 13 so no I don’t give a damn about hemorrhoid jokes.

  30. StevieC

    [Comment ID #204870 will be quoted here]

    Hey Grimmy, welcome to the Freaker’s Ball. Stick around awhile and we’ll teach you everything you need to know in order to be prepped for those upcoming college years.

  31. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #206565 will be quoted here]

    Don’t ya think he’s still into fairy tales StevieC? πŸ˜›

  32. StevieC

    [Comment ID #207671 will be quoted here]

    Sorry. Having a hard time concentrating with that new avatar of yours. Did you say something?

  33. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #208770 will be quoted here]

    I said “don’t ya think fairy’s have tales StevieC?” πŸ˜›

  34. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #208770 will be quoted here]

    I said “don’t ya think fairies have tails StevieC?” πŸ˜›

  35. AnnieB

    πŸ˜† Can you hear me now? πŸ˜›

  36. StevieC

    [Comment ID #208776 will be quoted here]

    Huh … wha? Did you, ummm …. say something? Ummm, no … no … no need to turn around when you talk to me.

  37. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #208775 will be quoted here]

    So you’re a “leg” man, huh? πŸ˜›

  38. StevieC

    [Comment ID #208784 will be quoted here]

    When they lead to treasure like that? Oh yeah!

  39. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #208788 will be quoted here]


    Oops, got so excited I didn’t notice I quoted myself. My computer came up with that thingie that says “You have performed an illegal whatever. I ask you … how does it know? πŸ˜›

  40. StevieC

    [Comment ID #208799 will be quoted here]

    And I thought I was the one having a ‘hard’ time :wang:

Comments are closed