Caption Time #143

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33 responses to “Caption Time #143”

  1. starsfan Avatar

    Rogaine gone very wrong
    (Very odd shape too)

  2. liza Avatar

    one night, josh and his buddies were drinking heavily when one of the guys said josh’s pants were so baggy, they could probably fit the dog in there.
    unfortunately, the others took this quite seriously and there was much debate before josh said “there’s only one way to settle this”
    it was heard te the dog was killed and josh needed extensive penis surgery afterwards

  3. renegade Avatar


  4. Amanda B. Avatar
    Amanda B.

    EeeeeeWwwww!!!!!! :puke: :wtf:

  5. Lee Avatar

    The dissapearance of Tammy Faye Bakker explained.

  6. Stevie C Avatar
    Stevie C

    The carpet don’t match the curtains

  7. Kangaroo Avatar

    looks like a lobster to me

  8. Kangaroo Avatar

    I like the hamster video better

  9. Francesca Avatar

    the man in the glasses feels oddly attracted to his friends hair-penis :wang:, his life was never the same after he discovered this…

  10. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Is that Mandy’s escaped ferret in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?

  11. Da Popster Avatar
    Da Popster

    Han Solo prepares to smuggle Chewbacca across the US southern border. :puke:

  12. Craig Avatar


  13. pablo Avatar

    Man on right with beer, ” Look everyone! Bobby has got Pubes!”

  14. Sher Avatar

    His mother always said he was a special boy.

  15. mikeme Avatar

    Hillbillies getting down! :limp: :limp:

  16. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Worst case of hemorrhoids I’ve ever seen! 🙄 😕 :wtf: 😈 👿 :puke:

  17. Penguin Pete Avatar

    Man on right: “You ain’t seen nothing yet! Wait til you see what we’re gonna pull out ofhis backside!”

  18. runnineric Avatar

    is the guy on the left braiding the hair or what? :boob: :boob:

  19. BryGuy Avatar

    I think i was at that party….he wasn’t smiling when glasses boy pissed off the critter in his pants

  20. Marcus Avatar

    Loved the hamster. Yes I can watch again and again. Poor little guy. LOL. LMAO.
    caption time okay. His girlfriend’s hair extensions got caught in his pubes. They can’t believe that he got some. So he shows them his new pubic hair extenstions.
    Is the guy with glasses trying to perform a brisque?

  21. Zinta Avatar

    So that’s where my girlfriend went…. now if only I can find my car.

  22. Meagan Avatar

    Guy holding the beer: “Dude, check this guy’s pubes out!”
    Guy wearing glasses: “Wow, it’s so soft! Do you use conditioner?” :wtf:

  23. Kangaroo Avatar

    [Comment ID #79902 will be quoted here]

    that poor little critter needs the GI Squirrel. Has anybody called the SPCA??

  24. Dude Avatar

    Hasn’t that guy heard of the French Braid???? AND… why is the guy on the left so into looking at his buddy’s critter??? 🙄

  25. sledge Avatar

    Daddy’s little wokee

  26. Marcus Avatar

    i guess his girlfriend must cough up hairballs after going down on him.

  27. Jim S Avatar
    Jim S

    The guy on the left is too cute.

  28. Tara Avatar

    I just watched the movie Slither and this picture scared me more.

  29. Diesel Avatar

    I told you Lindsey Lohan got in my pants.

  30. Lisa Avatar

    Hello? Daddy?

  31. Lisa Avatar

    I am the eggman. I am the eggman. I am the walrus. Koo-koo-ka-choo. 😳

  32. El Raymundo Avatar


  33. Proud Goth Avatar
    Proud Goth
