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Show 40 Comments


  1. Spud

    Geezez h christ, makes ya just wanna go hit it with a hockey stick.

    Several times even, just to be sure to be sure.

  2. Reddog

    So the Keebler elves live in maple trees… and they are canadian…I’ll never look at Grasshoppers the same way ever again

  3. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #185964 will be quoted here]

    Yeah, but I think he’d like being pucked to death.

  4. Call me over critical, but that new French Canadian Mounty uniform doesn’t really inspire the right effect.

    Maybe Bush is building a fence on the wrong border.
    (I mean even Mexicans know how to spell the plural of ‘leaf’)

  5. Kalise

    actually i didn’t even notice that “Leafs” thing, until i read the comments, but your right whats up with that?

  6. StevieC

    It’s Puck! The official spokes … man(?) for the slapshot! :wtf:

    Dave – a correction to your title:
    Canadians are funny; Torontonians are freaks

  7. sledge

    Getting ready for the gay pride wouldn’t last 10 seconds at the hanger

  8. cbatdux

    I’m a lumberjack and I’m OK….

  9. patrick

    “Oh Hiee! I’m a Maple Leaf. Pick me!”
    Somebody needs to tell him the NHL did not exist during the period prior to the French Revolution. Serious culture clash!

  10. Cynical Villain

    I guess even the faries are hockey fans too. 👿 👿

  11. Damn right we are! I’m just glad he’s not wearing an Ottawa Senators frock.

    GO SENS GO!!!

  12. junkman

    wow. gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “turning over a new leaf.”

  13. Bjorn Freeh

    The dirty little secret of why Tie Domi retired.

  14. I never knew Siegfried and Roy could’ve had a son……..and damn if he’s not a Maple Leafs fan to boot………

  15. [Comment ID #186025 will be quoted here]

    Why am I all of a sudden thinking about a Killer White Rabbit? 😳 I’m in the wrong movie…………he’s not, though……..


  16. junkman

    i know he’s wearing a leaf outfit but i think he may be more of a calgary flamer.

  17. Drusky

    Little Boy Blue wants to come blow your horn…

  18. MRDOUG

    No wonder Quebec wants to get away from the rest of the country

  19. Sallie

    Yeah, sometimes they are…I know, I married one!

  20. harley

    :wtf:wow that just kinda threw me for a minute… i mean damn :wtf:wow

  21. junkman

    [Comment ID #186070 will be quoted here] well, it seems there may be more than one. we always hoped “that day” would never come in this funny country of ours.

  22. yankee04

    He look I thought I saw a smurf, I did! I did! See a smurf!

  23. pablo

    Oooooo, don’t cha just luv my special cheerleading outfit? I made it on my mother’s sewing machine. Do you think the lace and bows are too much?

    Oh my big burly Maple Leafs. You vicious brutes. You can play with my puck, but nobody handles a stick better than me. Nobody!

  24. yankee04

    Molson beer announces it’s new spokes thing the “queer smurf”, their motto “If this smurf looks good to you! Have had to much! Ya Hoser!” :puke:

  25. Driver

    Why does his right hand look like it belongs to a two week old corps? over worked it perhaps :limp:

  26. Guy

    He’d like to have a PUCK from behind :limp:

  27. Flash Gordon

    Hey, Mom! Little Boy Blue says he wants to blow
    my horn. Can he, Mom, can he, huh? :kiss: :limp: 😕 :wtf:

  28. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #186111 will be quoted here]

    Almost as funny as when Drusky said basically the same thing earlier. Sigh. It hurts when my heros fail to live up to my lofty perceptions of them. 🙁

  29. Driver

    OK you guys keep refering to hockey and though I dont fowllow the sport I do know it’s a very violent one and it sounds like the Toronto Maple Leafs is the name of a hockey team, if this is so I’d say they got just the right fella for a mascot cause that seems to me to be a real pussy-ish name for a hockey team.

    No offence to Canadians or hockey fans…I’m just sayin. ❓

  30. Drusky

    I’ll bet if you hit that freak with a blacklight, You’d see him from space…

    I’ll also wager he lives for extra minutes in the ‘penalty box’…

  31. more corrections:
    Canadians are funny, Torontonians are freaks, but those people on Church Street are the living end. :limp:

  32. maddog

    :wtf:Man, that’s just so, oooh soo, wrong! Who would even, man that;s just so wrong, on so many different levels, It’s just so wrong! :wtf:

  33. maddog

    :wtf:Man, that’s just so, oooh soo, wrong! Who would even, man that;s just so wrong, on so many different levels, It’s just so wrong! :wtf:

  34. pablo

    [Comment ID #186152 will be quoted here]

    You can say that again

  35. ducatisti

    “oh my, and i’ll just sit my little self down under the tree…what a perfect inside joke, a leaf below a tree, teeehheeee! Yes, I am the Tao of Hockey, that’s to be sure! :kiss:

    I’m just soooo in love with the feeling of tight satin and frilly lace. Why they don’t make more mens suits out of it, I’ll neeeever know! :kiss:

    Of course, I’m into hockey, all those big strong boys beating each other. Hmmmm, so uncivilized, so brutal, oh my…Quickly Neil, my smelling salts!” :kiss:

  36. MB

    Don’t ya wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don’t ya!!

  37. Is this their version of Superman?

    Matching purse in left hand?

    [Comment ID #186068 will be quoted here]
    Perfection as always Drusky!

    I’d SO look WAY better in that outfit! (but I wouldn’t last in it more than 5 seconds!)

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