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Show 20 Comments


  1. Proof positive that the Open Source Software movement is anti-american!

  2. How nice; he even threw in a Swastika for good measure!

  3. Spud

    What’s he hiding under that tent?


  4. Mandy

    The world’s tiniest :wang:, Spud.

  5. newnicki

    Clearly, this man is speaking in the almost forgotten language of 1950’s Native Americans first brought to light in movies and TV or, “Tonto,” as it was known at the time. The unseen “S” in “rooter” and unusual dress are coded attempts to underline the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs in America.

  6. Nicholle

    Hooked On Phonics clearly worked for him…

  7. Cheap Date

    Holy Mackerel! It’s Michael Moore!!! :limp:

  8. CJ

    Wow the chicken Dance. If I knew that I surely wouldn’t have voted for him.

  9. Anonymous

    Somewhere there is a translater who laughing his ass off….:mrgreen:

  10. Think i recognize a fellow yeti… look how PROUD he is of his incoherence!

  11. Brad

    “Cowboy Hate George W. Bush”

    …….man that poor horse…….

  12. My brain is in overload. So many directions to go…. ahhhhhh!

    I am glad to see James Carville hasn’t totally lost his edge.

  13. I’m sorry, but I was sure that was rms. Obviously this is some other poser: probably the loser my ex-sister met in an Internet chatroom.

  14. I think I’d rather see him as a tent than to see him pitching a tent.:dead::wtf::mad::-?

  15. dfonz

    Oops! Forgot my tin foil hat.

  16. not in love

    A Radiolying Peanut Bush

    That guy must be Moses. Watch out for the hurling commandments!

  17. Englingert

    Obviously he is ye another left wing socailist liberal who has nothing substantial to say to go on and thus gets pesonal when talking about someone.

  18. American Idol

    Clearly he speeks [pun] for nearly all of the 250+ million Americans. And he summmed it up preety good!

  19. nicole

    I think I’m in love!!!

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