Bottle Opener?

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Show 34 Comments


  1. JFLY

    So THAT’S how they get a worm inside a bottle of tequila!

    Or…No wonder Corona drinkers insist upon a wedge of lime! πŸ˜›

  2. Spud

    That could turn real ugly, real fast.


  3. Has he peed in those bottles as well? :puke:

  4. Coleman

    And if he farts it becomes a carbonated drink real fast.

  5. Jester

    This site is going downhill as fast as that bottle is going up his ass

  6. Amanda B.

    How could that possibly be comfortable? :wtf:

  7. Anna

    I’m much more perturbed( (love that word) about that caucasian midlife-crisis type who’s eyeing the little kids. :puke:

  8. Bob

    One slip and its double penetration time baby. Was this picture taken in or near san fransisco?

  9. Peaches

    Dave, did you get the titles mixed up? I think this one should be intitled “your ass is mine” and yesterdays should be called “bottle opener”. Makes sense to me. πŸ˜›

  10. For his next trick, watch him squeeze a coal into a diamond.

  11. Well it looks like eastern medicine hasnÒ€ℒt quite mastered the concept of the intravenous drip yet.

  12. cbatdux

    The guy to the left must be using bottles of Aquafina – can’t even see ’em.

    Two thumbs up on the witty comments thus far – you clever bastards! Let me buy you a beer….

  13. Paige

    I feel really dirty after reading all the links. Especially the “F-religion.” They sound like a bunch of hate-mongers. The link does too. If we would just not hate so much and love each other a little bit more, maybe the world would be a little bit better place. God loves everyone.Even the hatemongers. Have a nice day. πŸ™‚

  14. Bjorn Freeh

    “Ikea: Affordable solutions for better living”

  15. MrDoug

    This looks like the beginning of a bad SNL skit. Wait let me get this straight you have TWO bottles up your ass?

    Now if we could just get everyone to give up there imaginary friends and saviors the world would be a better place for all and we would not have to have people delivering lethal kicks to inanimate objects.

    I gotta run my room is a mess…

  16. Those are the new gay sex toys-Ben-Wa Bottles!…….Nice shoes!!

  17. Chicky

    What disturbs me the most is that no one else in the picture thinks this is UNUSUAL!!!
    Where the heck are they?
    Who would be so tired… they would fashion a seat out of two suspicious-fluid-filled glass bottles…?
    That can’t be comfortable…. where is Darwinian justice when you need it! :wtf: :wtf:

  18. Cereal

    I personally have sat on far more uncomfortable things….like one bottle, ouch….opps is that an over-share? 😈

  19. Driver

    If one or both of those bottles was to break this guy would be castrated in an instant . :limp:

  20. Drusky

    “And now, I will open these bottles of beer using only my ass with a trick I call ‘Sphincter Of Death’…” 😈


    ‘How to turn two bottles of Zima into Coors…’ πŸ˜†

  21. Drusky

    [Comment ID #49212 will be quoted here]

    πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

  22. Pappy

    [Comment ID #49276 will be quoted here]

    I agree. I just can’t understand how he is balancing himself on those bottles. I’m surprised they haven’t broken. :wtf:

  23. JFLY

    Am I the only one who noticed the vacant green stool in the center of the photo? Perhaps this group is waiting outside of a hemorrhoid clinic… πŸ˜€

  24. Randy

    Engineers will recognize this as a typical duplex recycled mineral oil storage reservoir arrangement. Hmm, heÒ€ℒs about half-a-pint low in each vessel.

  25. [Comment ID #49564 will be quoted here]

    That stool is for their next trick….you don’t want to what that is…. 😈

  26. [Comment ID #49750 will be quoted here]

    it should be you don’t want to see what it is……

    I’ve got to cut back on my Jack intake………. 😈

  27. Meagan

    Look mom, my room is all cleaned up. Can I have my allowance now?

  28. Flash Gordon

    V-e-e-e-r-r-r-ry interesting! I once saw two Mexicans doing this trick while
    riding on a pony. πŸ˜• :undies:

  29. brock

    and i wondered why corona tasted like shit to me

  30. Alayna

    LAMO oops someone realllllllllllly had to go!

  31. Chris J

    The Deluxe Double-Barrel Enimator 2000 was a big hit at only $19.99 MSRP but the llama urine refills were friggin’ expensive.

  32. Da Popster

    NOW I know where the carbonation comes from !!! :puke:

  33. Meagan

    Now this guy’s doctor knows where all that glass in his ass really came from! :wtf:

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