Caption Time #111

Caption Time #111

Photo via mikeB

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Show 47 Comments


  1. It is a street sweeper used in rural parts of China.

    What is the big deal?

  2. Spud

    Ah, but this one is broken tian.


  3. Looks like someone kidnapped the Lilliputian circus again.

  4. Coleman

    i still think it is a broom holding contraption used by the witches of the far east.

  5. “Edgar didn’t understand why no one at the anime comvention liked his tentacle monster costume.”

    That quiz was fscking great!

  6. JFLY

    He missed a spot! πŸ˜›

  7. Amanda B.

    The guy on the bike is pedaling for his life. I’d be afraid too. ❗

  8. jennal

    It’s a redneck street sweeper…! :wtf:

  9. Paige

    Loved the link.

  10. Bob

    Oh my god that link just told me my dog is dead!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing else matters now.

  11. Bjorn Freeh

    “And that stupid ass wish of yours, I wish this were funny, *** HAHAHA *** that will NEVER happen”

    So true, so true. ❓

  12. Caption: “The teacup (broomstick) ride planned for the Xian carnival of evil clowns in moosepants was delayed by an ambush of French Yetis.”


  13. Jeffro

    I Can’t believe no one sees what I see. It’s obviously a spanking machine for someone with a circus fetish. my ex had a smaller one with fly swatters on it.

  14. lostone

    Probaly works better than having the local Iraqis sweep the streets on base with push brooms.

  15. Meagan

    “Aaaahhhh! It’s the giant red and white hairy-legged spider! Run people, run!”

  16. [Comment ID #49631 will be quoted here]

    that’s exactly what I was going to say. rain on my damn parade, why dontcha?!

  17. Amanda P.

    It’s what happens when a coven has a bunch of sci-fi geeks and they are tweeking on meth- with hillbillies

    someone has a serious Wizard of Oz and sci-fi fetish.

  18. tenderflower

    [Comment ID #49667 will be quoted here]

    Took the words right out of my mouth

  19. Amanda B.

    China has “red-necks” too? :mrgreen:

  20. Cara

    a circus tent that kidnapped the children and swept them away πŸ™‚

  21. tabbie

    the link was great!!!! as for caption…. broom riding training for mini witches????

    sorry you all got the good ones! :wtf:

  22. This looks like something Detroit uses to sweep its streets if they sweep it at all. :wtf:

  23. mccan

    The Beijing Circus Annual Recruiting Drive.

  24. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #49631 will be quoted here]

    If that’s the Chinese version of a street sweeper, how did they ever manage to invent gun powder? Or spaghetti? Or fortune cookies?

    “Chan chaniny, chan chaniny, Chan chan cha-lee! A sweep is as rucky as rucky can be…”

  25. Anita Mann-Badley

    “Harry Potter’s Wild Ride at BeijingDisney”

  26. Flash Gordon

    That’s obviously a Mexican windmill. What I want to know is how the crap
    do they get in that house on stilts? πŸ˜• :wtf: 😈

  27. Chicky

    Why sweep… the street is already clean, except for the dude on the bike…

  28. Chicky

    Why sweep… the street is already clean, except for the dude on the bike… ❗

  29. Tina Marie

    Pippi Longstocking’s summer hat. πŸ˜€

  30. Spud

    You do realise of course that this is an advance scout ship from the outer rim planets doing a sweep through our system.


  31. Driver

    Is that a Walmart at the end of the road ? πŸ˜›

  32. Cherish

    Dozens were heartbroken when the news of the new Harry Potter themed Nimbus 3000 Carnival ride’s apparent “tranportation failure” reached them.

    Witnesses report dozens of inconsolable, socially inept adults heading straight for the Dough Boy Stand.

  33. dougieace

    the quiz left me feelin violated and, and, raped

  34. Alayna

    [Comment ID #49767 will be quoted here]

    I dont know but it might be dirty devil 😈

  35. Jim

    Witch’s parking garage…

  36. Mandy

    [Comment ID #49764 will be quoted here]

    LOL! πŸ˜€

  37. Alan

    Redneck UFO, I like that!! alan

  38. Meagan

    I wished for ultimate power and the quiz laughed at me! Stupid quiz! πŸ™

  39. Alan

    Does’nt that that figure!? I wished for more beer, and it called me a loser!! πŸ™

  40. Timm

    Today is: Twilight Zone Day

    ((Sarcasm Alert!))

    EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE IS “Twilight Zone Day!!!”

Comments are closed