Bad plates I have known

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Show 20 Comments


  1. I think MizBats of Michigan would be awfully in Vogue if she went to Ontario… πŸ˜€

  2. Drusky

    The Ball Bra? Scary… but can a man do the ‘Bra Trick’ like women can with theirs? 😈

  3. Anna

    ~sigh~ Still so very happy they don’t allow them in my country.

  4. bhamm

    Best one I ever saw…
    Driving down the highway, a stereotypical blonde sped up beside me. So, of course, being the suave guy I am, I gave her a little nod. She smiled back and sped up even faster. I thought I was King Stud… until I saw her licence plate.

    “U Wish”

  5. Irving

    Help me here – what does IAM D29 mean? Y is that funny? What about SLOFIRE? I must be stupid?

  6. [Comment ID #77025 will be quoted here]

    I have no clue, hence the title of the post, “Bad PlatesÒ€¦” πŸ™„

  7. Well, that video was pointless. I sure hope that guy didn’t take it from a kid, ’cause you know they’ll be asking later, “Daddy, where’s Elmo? And what happened to your eyebrows?”

  8. Spud

    I took a photo of this woman who pulled up in front of me at a set of lights with whatever as the plate.

    It suited her I think.


  9. [Comment ID #77005 will be quoted here]

    Um…. what’s the bra trick? Is this something that I do without realizing it? Or is it something that I SHOULD be doing, and haven’t been?

    Oh darn, I hate it when I am not given all the directions…


  10. Bjorn Freeh

    The “IAM D29” is just a normal plate… not vanity. However, it would be serendipitous if it belongs to a very skinny, large-breasted woman.

  11. MrDoug

    Lets take a shot at these plate for all white Davemaster from top to bottom…

    Horse causes damage to spelling region of brain
    TMI Date and time kid was conceived
    Yiddish for saggy balls
    Lic Plate found on this friend of Davezilla:
    How that Mich grad got through school: The M is where he was startled awake in class
    Mr Ontario trying to be sizzling hot with his newly shaved back
    Please see Elmo 😈 video
    How you keep your corn from sagging

  12. Beaner

    My sister’s ex-boyfriend has plates that read “2-toxic”, which honestly couldn’t of fit him any better! I think he meant it as if he were somehow really cool, which is proof of how galactically uncool he actually is.

  13. Beaner

    IAM B36 πŸ˜›

  14. SL OF IRE? What’s SL and what does it have to do with ire?

  15. Zinta

    HEY… I saw a plate just yesterday that was interesting. It was on a HUGE HUMMER and said GOP2. It also was a US GOV. license plate. Have any ideas what that meant? I didn’t know the Republican party got US GOV. license plates on Their PARTY vehicles… so we are PAYING their TAXES for them.

  16. charlie

    A friend of mine has been trying to get ‘DV8ED 1’ for some time now, with no luck. Too bad, tho…fits him to a tee.

  17. I saw a pretty cheesy license plate today that said “BUCKURUU” and there’s a car in the school parking lot with a license plate that says “HOOROO.” I think those two cars should get together.

  18. mikeB

    [Comment ID #77005 will be quoted here]

    Yes, yes we can. It just hurts a hell of a lot more.

  19. Drusky

    [Comment ID #77042 will be quoted here]

    That’s where the woman can take off her bra (or put it on0 without taking off her shirt first. Kinda looks like she’s trying to escape out of a straight jacket…

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