
I didn’t post yesterday for a reason. I spent the day thinking about where my life was going as a priest. My year is ending a month from now and I have to make some very tough decisions. One of them is ending this site. It’s been a good twelve years. I love the community I’ve started here and over the years, many of you have become my closest friends. I’d like to end this site on a good note, not making fun of anyone, but remembering all of the laughs I’ve given everyone.

Love to you all.

Ashé O. Dave Linabury, Omolotiwa

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31 responses to “Apology”

  1. Davezilla Avatar

    April Fools, suckas! 😈

  2. pablo Avatar

    Got to luv ya, you evil prank playin’, retard lovin’ (you do love me. right?), white wearin’ (for one more month) provider of sanity is this crazy ass world.

  3. Cara Avatar

    April fools everybody. This was not a nice joke.

  4. patrick Avatar

    Thanks for the mammaries! Good to see the spirit of the day is being upheld.

  5. cbatdux Avatar

    I hav contakted the Sultan to cee if he wil take over 4 yu. I hate guys in white with wit. Fooled me.

    Had it been true, I was planning to launch a “Mandy-Cam” site. I’m sure many of your devoted followers would have migrated.

  6. dougieace Avatar

    i fell for it,good one dave.odd as it may sound the first thing that popped in to me brain was a mandycam site as well. :boob: :boob:

  7. AnnieB Avatar

    I’d of waited a little while for the punch line Dave so you could of heard us all cry and whine adnauseam. But then again, maybe it was a smart move. There’s a very fine line between love and hate … LOL

  8. AnnieB Avatar

    BTW, I didn’t believe it for a nano second, was laughing before I even finished reading it. Then, I have to admit, I had one moment when it crossed my mind that maybe the timing was good because everyone would just THINK it was an AFJ and then it would turn out to actually be true. Then, I said, naaaa, a priest? No way.

  9. Penguin Pete Avatar

    Congratulations, Dave! It’s been a nice twelve years from this end as well, but the path of enlightenment you have followed does call you to a higher purpose. Perhaps it is not too much to hope that the loyal following of your site has somehow led you to this day.

    I would like to request that instead of simply shutting it down, you auction off the domain. The Sultan of Cleveland could buy it, Mandy could marry him and dance on camera for it, and we could all live happily ever after.

    😆 “sincerely”, Penguin Pete

  10. A-ToM-O Joe Avatar
    A-ToM-O Joe

    …hahah, tip of the cap to you, sir.

  11. Spud Avatar

    Todays word is Murderabillia.


  12. Flash Gordon Avatar
    Flash Gordon

    Wellibedam! Been fooled twice! 😕 😛 🙁 :wtf:

  13. Mikeme Avatar

    [Comment ID #170547 will be quoted here]

    Especially thanks Mandy for the mammaries!!

  14. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    Funny story. When I read this, I was hurt and angry. When I told the Department of Homeland Security to be on the look-out for a rat bastard dressed all in white, they glowed with optimism.

    Later, when I told them to never mind, it was apparently just a joke, they were not amused.

    So, Dave, if guys wearing dark glasses driving nondescript Impalas are following you around for the next few days… ummm… it wasn’t me.

  15. AnnieB Avatar

    Very funny Bjorn … to think I said you were the “sane” one. Man of action though … I like that!

  16. Bigwavdave Avatar

    Ah yes. Caught up in the “Where will I go? What will I do? What about Annie B., Nikki, Pablo, B.F., P.P., Spud, not to mention :boob: :thong: :boob:. Whew!

  17. Myra Avatar

    Not funny, not funny at all, You make me laugh more than anyone. Well, one ex-husband but he only made me laugh in bed, and it wasn’t because I was having fun if you know what I mean… :limp:

  18. Chris Avatar

    About time… this blog jumped the shark before Dubya got in office. 😈

  19. misterarthur Avatar

    Boo, hoo, hoo. Now I won’t be able to use my Google Tisp http://www.google.com/tisp/ to connect to you.

  20. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #170555 will be quoted here]

    Um, no I really am a priest, Annie. That part was true. Just not a Catholic priest.

  21. Howlnwoof Avatar

    Awwwww!!! You SUCK!! ok so ya got me, happy now?
    Twelve years to become a priest?? anyway haha you got me..this time.

  22. Bjorn Freeh Avatar
    Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #170723 will be quoted here]

    But you would be a catholic (small “c”) priest based, if nothing else, on this site.

    That’s a small but significant point my RC family and friends often misunderstand.

    BTW, Dave, the Impalas usually don’t have hubcaps. You know… in case. Oh, and sometimes the Impala is a Taurus.

  23. AnnieB Avatar

    Whew! Sure glad I never displayed the rauncy side of my personality here.

  24. Davezilla Avatar

    [Comment ID #170776 will be quoted here]

    No, the site is 12 years old (as of Feb. 17). One year to be a priest.

    [Comment ID #170786 will be quoted here]

    Oh, please show it! So to speak. I’m an African priest, not Xtian. Anything goes with us. 😈

  25. Minnie Avatar

    I mean, I knew you were pulling an april fool’s prank and all, but it was still not funny. Even in jest, you are not allowed me to give me such heart attacks, understand?!

    Love you to bits. :kiss:

  26. Bigwavdave Avatar

    OOPS – Sorry Minnie, and all you other degenerates.

  27. Wayne Avatar

    ❓ ❗

  28. em Avatar

    Good one Dave – but it didn’t me laugh like this one did – http://www.google.com/tisp/


  29. Drusky Avatar

    All kidding aside, I do respect a person who has faith and is true to it. That being said, maybe someone upstairs didn’t like your joke… 😆

  30. Atryd Avatar

    Dave, I was so worried. I just found you recently and you have been so good to me (us) in the past few months (and I’m sure for the past 12 years as well)that I was simply distraught at the thought of losing you…
    sure, mandycam would be nice but being a woman myself, I’d eventually tire of it and be de-sensitized from perky breasts and the only blonde I’ve come to find a tad bit attractive (nothing personal just not my preference). It would difinitely not compare to the joy you bring into my life (our lives). You are irreplacable Dave.
    I (we) would have been lost in the www without you…we may have been reported (key word here) as the first on-line cult to commit mass suicide. The blood of millions around the world would be on your hands…ok, how ever many there is of us.
    Those newbies who are not yet faithful followers would have lost their way and you would have heard of them in world news, “Hoodlums’ Second Chance Stripped Away: Resorting to a world they were familiar with, lost souls of the now inactive Davezilla.com are behind bars. Some serving several life sentences. ‘A death sentence is too lenient a penalty for these people..’ states the governor in disgust”. :puke:
    Chaos unleashed on the world as we know it…

    We’re happy to have you Dave! ;p …you have no idea… ❓

  31. Meagan Avatar

    Thank God you weren’t serious! If you were, I would’ve done anything to get you not to. Seriously, anything. :kiss: