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Show 28 Comments


  1. While he appreciated that Budd and Jeff made the friendly gesture of inviting him over for their tribal Superbowl bonding ritual, Abdul still decided to bring his stuffed toy “Moosey” for a security totem just in case.

  2. Spud

    Looks perfectly legit to me…

  3. sledge

    we is goin ta kill the ayrab at half time

  4. chzplz

    I’d do the guy in the middle. :kiss: :kiss: :wang: :wtf: :wang: :wang: :limp:

  5. Mandy

    [Comment ID #85770 will be quoted here]

    I’d hit all four of them. With a bat.

  6. sparks

    Are they in a hotel??…Makes me wonder what happened the night before, what with their “tribal Superbowl bonding ritual” and all…

  7. Jim S

    [Comment ID #85762 will be quoted here]

    The moose is part of the shirt.

    You obviously know nothing about fashion.


  8. junkman

    how the times have changed when three rednecks can just sit back and appreciate arthur mitchell.

  9. Cara

    It’s the Superbowls biggest fans.

  10. pablo

    Buck & Bubba were both so mesmerized by the male stripper that they jinxed themselves by uttering ” that boy sure does have a purty mouth” at the same time. Abdul was much more discreet, keeping the though “Holy cow, that boy is built like a camel!” to himself.

  11. Atryd

    Just an observation.
    The guy in the middle is on his knees.
    The one to the right has a look of satisfaction like “Yeah, he swallowed.”
    The one on the left waiting patiently his turn, “All right!! He swallows!!”

  12. MRDOUG

    The good old boys have some new ideas after watching Harry the Dog do his thing! Mr. Moosie looks very very nervous though.

    Bet you are way upset Dave that you can not partticipate in the Armed America photos…Your anti-tank missles would look so good against your white clothing!

  13. scamper

    The redneck brothers (yes dad was like harry the dog, that xplains Abdul) enjoying an afternoon of nascar.

  14. Mikeme

    Arab Hillbillies getting down!

  15. Driver

    How can these be America’s Best, I dont see any GUN’S ?

    Armed America
    Yes I am

  16. Big Tike

    Billy Joe Bob:Let me jus finish this one and we’ll go out and see what we cun shoot! No moose though I sleep with my moose!
    boB: Cancha wait til the game is over its turning me on(while tweaking nipple)
    Daryl: You didn’t bring your pickup wichuadigua? 😆

  17. [Comment ID #85778 will be quoted here]

    In that case, ignorance is bliss! 😛

  18. what you see is what you get


  19. ducatisti

    When we see import beer commercials with all their cool locations and good-lookin’ folks…we all know, in our heart-of-hearts, that THESE are what beer drinkers look like, and THIS is where they live.

    Oh yea, Rolling Rock in the right hand, stuffed moose in the left – Jimmy is ready to paaaartay!

  20. bad things to think about

    keep it in your :undies: it is time for football

  21. samie

    where can i get a moose like that? I NEED IT !!

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