Friday Question #16


Twitter: Brilliant social app, or the fastest way to annoy friends ever devised?


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  1. Njoan

    Everybody is talking about Twitter. I would like to know WHAT THE HELL IS TWITTER????? Maybe I would like to anny my friends if I knew what it was.

  2. Njoan

    OOOPS, I meant annoy

  3. Margaret

    It’s a brilliant social application. Too bad there’s the whole ‘I won’t follow you because you won’t follow me’ mentality. Personally, I would rather you not follow me, because if you do, I find myself censoring my tweets. All family is blocked.

  4. POETRY DIET – mushy baby food and low water intake – one rare nugget every few days.
    NOVEL DIET – bananas, carrots, mashed potatoes. Should be able to produce on a daily basis but there’s still a risk of some blockage.
    ACADEMIC PAPER DIET – Happy Meal. Very pretty and colourful looking but you’ll rarely find anything genuinely meaty inside.
    TWITTER DIET – Muesli three times a day with added prunes and a Guinness chaser. Non-stop diarrhoea the stench of which only the owner can stand.

  5. fruf

    I do not want to know the inane thoughts of my near and not so near friends.They usually dissapoint me.
    My thumbs on my blackberry can’t keep up with the stupidity of my thoughts
    rather than wasting your time on twitter,you could waste your time getting wasted

  6. junkman

    [quote comment=”631994″]It’s a brilliant social application. Too bad there’s the whole ‘I won’t follow you because you won’t follow me’ mentality. Personally, I would rather you not follow me, because if you do, I find myself censoring my tweets. All family is blocked.[/quote]

    i felt very annoyed by this explanation. i don’t understand what it is explaining. even if you explained what it is explaining i have a feeling i would not understand that explanation. i might just be pissed cuz my b&o is fucked and i hate technology right now. fuckfuck…ooooo….tweettweet..fuckfuck…..oooo…tweettweet!

  7. AlexBallew

    [quote comment=”631992″]Everybody is talking about Twitter. I would like to know WHAT THE HELL IS TWITTER????? Maybe I would like to anny my friends if I knew what it was.[/quote]

    I’m with you. I have to work during the day. I fight evil at night. I don’t have time to twit.
    And I don’t give a twit.

  8. I’ve tried to like Twitter. I’ve tried to post Twits and follow Twits and am followed by yet more Twits and I still don’t get the appeal.

  9. DaPopster

    Tweet THIS !!! :wang: And when you’re done, get an effin’ life !!!! :troll:

  10. Mommielicious a.k.a. Niki

    I :love: twitter.

  11. IM is not instant messaging – it’s I’M avoiding what I should be doing. IM is usually reserved for people you really don’t want to talk to.
    Twitter, as Mandy Fish suggested, is great for twits
    flickr is best done with boogrs
    Facebook is for reconnecting with people you never wanted to hang out with in the first place. Seriously, how many of your facebook “friends” would you call up on a whim and say “come over to my place tonight”? How many of them would you actually know their phone numbers in the first place and would they even know where you live?

    My theory: social apps are for avoiding social contact while lying to yourself.

    The one piece of technology that I do enjoy is my crackberry, but not because it’s a Canadian product or that the company is called RIM. Let’s just say that when my gf praises my thumb drive she’s not talking about portable storage. As a sidenote, I was recruited by them once but I couldn’t take it seriously because I couldn’t get the term ‘rim job’ out of my head.

  12. kheas

    sorry i accidentally posted this on the wrong question earlier so if you see a repeat then…ooops.

    Here is a fun and free way to annoy/piss off any computer user in your home.

    Step one: Hit the print Screen button on your keyboard when your computer is on the desk top screen. be sure not to have any windows open or it will ruin it.

    step 2: open the paint application and use the Edit-paste function. You will get a pic of the desk top.

    step 3: save and make the pic your background on the computer.

    step 4: open a new folder, name it something funny and not obvious (although obvious may be funnier) and then take all of the icons and drop them into the new folder.

    step 5: shrink the tool bar at the bottom so that it is hidden.

    Step 6 enjoy the fun of watching someone try to access their icons and they cant because its all a background.

    For those of you that I lost this is what you did:

    You made the background look like their normal desk top. So they think they are clicking on icons when in reality they are clicking on a picture of the icons. VERY FUNNY STUFF!

  13. zinta

    I don’t have a clue what Twitter is… where to twitter, how to twitter, or WHY to twitter??????

  14. junkman

    zilla girls get me all a twitter! :wang:

  15. Bear

    Shit, I need to get my glasses, i thought it said TITTER and I got all excited

  16. There’s nothing more that can be said about twitter. Almost as bad as F*ckbook. Don’t want it, don’t want to hear about it, don’t care about it.

    I ate a cheese sandwich. It was very good.

  17. I like it…. it works for short, informative tidbits of people’s days. Unfortunately, people use it for spamming, trying to over network, and announcing to the world that they have had a bowel movement. Those douches, I can do without! :wtf:

  18. janeeto

    Link of the day: Story has been updated:
    T.G.I. Friday’s: Snake head was apparently planted in meal

    Associated Press

    Posted: 05/08/2009 04:25:48 PM PDT
    Updated: 05/08/2009 04:32:20 PM PDT

  19. janeeto

    By the way, if you go to TGI Fridays, do not, DO NOT, get that $9.99 steak. IT IS NOT STEAK! It is a processed mock beef product. Thoroughly the most horrible piece of food I have EVER ordered in any eatery. You couldn’t put enough steak sauce on it to make it palatable.

  20. Bigwavdave

    Twitter this: :wang:

  21. I only update my Facebook status when I want to. Who the hell wants to know what I’m doing every hour of the day? 9 am: Eating breakfast. 10 am: Taking a shower. Okay, maybe some people might want to know that. 😛

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