
Saw this at the boat yard this weekend.


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  1. Hey, isn’t that the scurvy scow, that barnacled barge, that crappy craft you bought so you could throw all your money away on it?

  2. It’s far better than “Passion” which seems to be the most overused boat name out there.

  3. fruf

    With all the work that appears to be needed,perhaps we should change it’s name to “money”

  4. Scamper

    [quote comment=”629047″]With all the work that appears to be needed,perhaps we should change it’s name to “money”[/quote]
    How about MONEY PIT, that seems to be the looks of it.

  5. junkman

    always wanted to name a boat “the sea piglet”. 😆

  6. Patience was perhaps not a virtue in this instance…

  7. Bigwavdave

    Welcome back AnnieB :kiss:

  8. Spud

    I don’t know, the boat looks to be in pretty good shape, you just have to have a little patience for these things….

  9. You’re right Spud, she’s just been hanging out in a bad neighborhood. 😛

    @ Bwd :kiss: :love:

  10. JulesOdeNile

    PATIENCE. cuz you’re gonna need it each time you have to scoop out the water but end up swimming ashore just so you can say you, too, own a boat. 😈

  11. Is what you’ll need when you’re up at 4 in the morning on the lake all by your lonesome. I feel like the Old Man and the Sea.

  12. Spud

    That’s the way of these things Annie, right boat, wrong yard. :gay:

  13. La Guera Linda

    Looks to me like it should have been named ” WET DREAM ” to me…. :limp:

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