When this van’s a rockin’

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Photos by vuduheretic

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  1. Bigwavdave

    “Fire up another one and let’s get rollin’…” 😉

  2. nina

    Holy crap the t-mobile,verizon,att,and sprint nerds really do exsist.

  3. Russ

    is that smoke or curtains?

  4. Drusky

    Damn, Nina! I was just thinking about dropping an Alltel reference, too… 😆

    The only ‘rockin’ any Ford van will be doing is behind a tow truck… ❗

  5. Why do I have a sudden craving for a Diet Pepsi? :wtf:

  6. Cobe

    Shit! Mom is driving my shaggin wagon around again.

  7. CornBot

    O, man, you must have been driving around in south Warren.

    I thought all those van people would have drank themselves to death by now.

  8. [quote comment=”628495″]Holy crap the t-mobile,verizon,att,and sprint nerds really do exsist.[/quote]
    LOL, the ad agency I work at did those Alltel ads. 😎

  9. [quote comment=”628503″]O, man, you must have been driving around in south Warren.

    I thought all those van people would have drank themselves to death by now.[/quote]
    Shockingly, this was allegedly in Ann Arbor.

  10. fruf

    how did that piece of crap survive from the 70’s

  11. freckleface

    I don’t want to know what’s going on inside! 😀

  12. DaPopster

    I suddenly have an urge to fire up a doobie and drink a beer ………. ahhhhhh, youth mispent ? 😉

  13. gello


  14. junkman

    while most parents would lock up their daughters when one of these sin machines was in the neighborhood………we know where the 70’s zilla girls were. 😀

  15. … a nerd’s dream is finally coming true.

  16. Matt

    Michael Phelps olympic touring van????????

  17. Lounge Puppy

    [quote comment=”628504″][quote comment=”628495″]Holy crap the t-mobile,verizon,att,and sprint nerds really do exsist.[/quote]
    LOL, the ad agency I work at did those Alltel ads. 8-)[/quote]
    I always thought the Alltel ads ripped off/alluded to the ‘triumverate of evil’ nerds from Buffy. (Although they had a Star Wars van.) Not that that’s a bad thing. In fact I think it’s quite clever. Do you know if that was part of the thought process Dave?

  18. Timm

    I bet the only time that van is ‘a rockin’ is when there’s an earthquake.

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