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Show 50 Comments


  1. Lake Effect

    Dave, I’ve started to take you for granite, but even tho you sometimes seem kinda stoned, it don’t mean schist…You Rock!

  2. Lake Effect

    You know, being too sedimentary and sitting there guzzling quartz of coal beverages till slate at night will just give you an asphalt. Shale we conglomerate with the Zillagirls and do something about it? That might be pretty gneiss!

    (If they won’t, I bet Dolomite!)

  3. NOW you put this up. I waited all day to say Happy Birthday to Bjorn on the proper date!

    Well Bjorn, I was thinking about you and hope you’ve had a great day! :kiss:

  4. Damn Dave, you really did some partying last night! You look like you just fell off a cliff! 😛

    Lake – you’re in rare form tonight! You gave me the giggles. :wang:

  5. :wtf: I’ve heard of coming to work stoned…. but this is ridiculous!!! :wtf:

    Lake, that was just too much! 😀

  6. Drusky

    Dave, was this taken at your company’s human relations department or in the customer service department? Is it a Rockies fan or more of a Avalanche follower? Does it spend quiet afternoons skipping itself across streams or enjoy rock concerts?

    Caption? Oh Yeah…

    Despite Pebbles’ successful climb up the corporate ladder, she really missed her childhood days as a pet rock on Little David’s bookshelf… 😀

  7. Lake Effect

    [Comment ID #223654 will appear here]

    [Comment ID #223655 will appear here]

    Wow…I think I felt my tectonic plates shift…I think I’m going volcanic…

  8. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #223652 will appear here]

    You remembered! Thanks. I got a free lunch (always the best) and took a nap. Everybody should have a birthday at least once a year.

  9. Bjorn Freeh

    Ok, caption time…

    “And I would have gotten away with the deception, if my productivity hadn’t gone up 30%.”

  10. Driver

    Wow this internet porn really gets my humans off 😀

    Happy B-Day Bjorn.

  11. Chris S.

    His excitement quickly dissapated while during his first day on the job, Iggy realized he had no arms and therefore could not finish his TPS reports, much less even plug in the cable for his internet connection.

  12. cbatdux

    Seth boulder over with his latest P & L report….

  13. tinamarie

    Rocky VII: see Stallone “rock” the corporate world as Rocky does battle with evil venture capitalists. Can Rocky save Wall Street from itself?

  14. avalon67

    Who says you can’t get rock hard abs sitting at a desk?

  15. So, I’m sitting there singing Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 and…

  16. TimM

    Fred so annoyed the Witch with his constant singing of Paul Simon’s “I Am A Rock, I Am An Island” that….. Well, you see what happened…. Turns out his boss really is a witch.

    Happy B’lated Birthday, Bjorn!

  17. “Rockman! Where is that report? And where the hell is your phone?!”

    Happy Birthday Spankings, Bjorn! 😈

  18. junkman

    can’t fool me……that’s the same fuckin guy from yesterdays video! happy felated bidet. bjorn.

  19. Bigwavdave

    Is it just me or do Lake Effect & Bjorn Freeh look like one in the same :wtf:

    Did you ever notice you never see them in a room together?

    I’m just sayin’…

  20. “Now what did I do with my pen??!!??!!” 😕

  21. pablo

    Kieth Richards at the office.

    Happy Bjirthday Bjorn

  22. For the last musical reference… “Help! I’m a rock!” from Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention’s album ‘Freak Out!’

  23. Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #223735 will appear here]

    Perhaps its in your :undies: Careful how you sits. :thong: :wang: :wang: 👿

  24. Drusky

    [Comment ID #223723 will appear here]
    But Boss, I’m using a hands free… 😈

  25. Drusky

    Looks like the lead singer in the video is a proud customer of the Macgyver Hair Salon… 😀

  26. [Comment ID #223733 will appear here]

    Maybe Bjorn’s like Clark Kent. He whips off his Supersmartman glasses and turns into Lake Effect, Superfunnyman. 😛

    You’re looking a little mousey lately BigWavDave. Who would you become if you cut off your long tail? 😀

  27. Can you smell what the Rock is blogging?

    Greg immediately regretted his wish to be a Rock Star.

    Sadly, you could tell by the look on Brick’s face he was in dire need to “go make gravel”.

  28. MRDOUG

    You knocked my block off…

    Though a great guy Bob was a total blockhead

    Yea regarding your tech support call, there appears to be a problem between your keyboard and chair…

    Hookers with massive :boobs: :boobs: for Jesus? Mary Magdalen would be so proud!

  29. The name’s Rocky; of the firm Rock, Paper, and Scissors. We never lose.

  30. It took a while, but they finally found someone who could work in the cubicle next to the Sultan. Even so, errosion was a concern.

  31. “Let me state this for the record: I … never … inhaled!”

  32. Bigwavdave

    [Comment ID #223744 will appear here]

    Of course, YOU can play with my tail whenever you like. And let me tell you…Once you try mouse tail, you’ll never go back! 😀 😈

  33. Maddog

    The next “Big Rockstar” looking for his next big “HIT” 😈 😎

  34. DaPopster

    Hadda boss like that once but he wasn’t as funny……………. :puke:

  35. inner-voice

    “Sigh….. Does Dave really think this is working? I mean, come on….. How dumb does he think I am? For fuck sakes, it’s a gigantic boulder! I swear to God, if Dave doesn’t straighten up his attitude, I’m….

    Oh who am I kidding. I’ll see Dave in a day or two and I’ll be all like….

    “Dave, we gotta talk”

    ..and he’ll be all like

    “WTF man! Can’t see I’m burried here?!?”

    .. and I’ll be all like

    “For fuck sakes Dave, maybe if you’d show up for work every once in a while, you’d actually get something done!”

    .. and he’d be like

    “GO FUCK YOUR SELF YOU DOUCHE BAG!! Do you have ANY fricking idea how god damn hard it is to stay up all night taking pictures of your damn cat, whom I might add, happens to somehow know what the fuck a camera is?!?!? It’s next to impossible!!”

    “Fuck your god damn cat Dave! You have a JOB!”

    “Well fuck your job! AND FUCK YOU TOO!!”

    ….. well….

    “It IS pretty hard trying to get all those funny pictures ‘n stuff”

    “You’re god damn right it is asshole, so just get the fuck outa my office!!!”

    ….. and this is where I just tell Dave that he’s on probation, and he should seriously take a second look at where his carreer is going… completely letting him off the hook.

    … I’m such a pussy”

  36. Spud

    Between a rock and a hard place…

  37. [Comment ID #223889 will appear here]

    YOU, hopelessly out of date? NEVER! You’re quite hip and cool for a man YOUR age. 😛

  38. [Comment ID #223889 will appear here]

    So did you have to transfer to the Flint Michigan office?

  39. J

    Porno talk makes me rock hard

  40. Lake Effect


    with offices in Rockville, MD; Stone Mtn, GA; Rock City (“See 7 States”), GA; Flint, MI; Little Rock, AR; Granite City, IL; Rock Springs, WY; Rockwall, TX; Pebble Beach, CA; Big Sandy, TX; & Flintridge, OH.

    -Sharon Stone, Customer Servicing.

  41. TimM

    Oops, Lake Effect, you left one out; Slippery Rock, PA

  42. Bjorn Freeh

    This is the longest birthday I’ve ever had. Feels like it’s lasted for days…

  43. [Comment ID #223915 will appear here]

    Well, thanks! That really is my office, btw.

  44. [Comment ID #224098 will appear here]

    It takes some real stones to do what you do Dave!

  45. Drusky

    [Comment ID #224098 will appear here]

    Really? What do you keep in the little frige in the background? Something alcoholic for your victims… errrr…. CLIENTS? 😀

  46. WARNING! Working 3 to 5 years in the future for extended periods can lead to hardening of the brain and surrounding extremities. Traveling 3 to 4 days a week can alleviate these symptoms. Don’t become another statistic.

  47. Ah. I see you’ve met one of my coworkers.

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