
You may have noticed a lot of hiccups on the site lately. This is due to several things:

  1. Asshole spammers hitting the server at an unbelievable rate
  2. The Recent Comments feature is suddenly eating up server resources, meaning lots of you are getting 403 errors
  3. Extra long comments. Spammers leave lengthy comments and the spam-catching software looks for that. Some of you have been getting rather chatty, lately. Try breaking the comment up into a few comments, or email it to me directly and I can manually add it.
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Show 33 Comments


  1. Bigwavdave

    Thanks Dave – Try to stay mellow.

  2. If there’s any more spammers, they’re gonna get a whippin’! 👿

  3. I’m hoping there is a special level of Hell just for spammers. May they have to watch Borat having sex with Rosanne, eat liver & onions, drink seawater & piss and listen to Zamfir covrering Iron Maiden songs for all of eternity.

  4. [Comment ID #220242 will be quoted here]

    Uh, I could be a spammer :wang:

  5. *sigh* I guess no more illustrative stories. Gack.

  6. As I said on Facebook, I hate fucking spammers. 👿

  7. patrick

    It’s just proof positive of the old axiom, “no good deed goes unpunished”. Try to do something nice, fun, creative and a little spicy, and some slack-jawed, slope-headed, mono-browed, bottom feeding sycophant tries to fuck it up for the rest of us! :puke:

  8. DaPopster

    Meagan: Give it a rest cupcake, you’re getting repetitious and tedious. :puke: Patrick said it best
    true that !!

  9. Jay Laverdure

    ‘i love spam!” Well, not that kind of spam!
    Er… I guess I don’t know what I “like”…

  10. chainstay

    What exactly do you mean by “slope-headed”? You do realize that “slope-head” is a derogatory term for a Vietnamese person? This was coined by US troops during Viet Nam.

  11. Drusky

    [Comment ID #220259 will be quoted here]
    Speaking of ‘giving it a rest’, you might want to try some yourself. Personally, I get a kick out of Meagan’s online persona and her contributions to this site. Having some serious discussions tempered with thoughts of whipping, spanking, sex, as well as other general mayhem mixed with gentle(usually) pokes, prods, and well intentioned(again, usually) shots at each other is all the fun (for me, at least). In other words, lighten up! 💡

    BTW, I also think spammers should be horse whipped…

  12. TimM

    The only good spam is the spam sang about in the Monty Python skit. Which I have stuck in my mind right now. “spam, spam, spam, spam,
    spam, spam, spam, spam,…..”

  13. TimM

    I forgot to put (ha-ha):)

  14. patrick

    Uhh, no not accurate Chainstay? I am Vietnam era vet, served proudly in 3rd Armored Cavalry from 1973-1975. The derogatory term used was “slopes”. I am, in fact, referring to those morons who lack sufficient gray matter to fill their craniums, thus they are ‘slope-headed. BTW, I forgot to include “mouth-breathing”. So they are “slack-jawed, mono-browed, mouth-breathing, bottom-feeding sycophants”. And like we always say, “Joke ’em if they can’t take a fuck”.

  15. junkman

    omfg i’m a chatty cathy.

  16. junkman

    hi. my name is dapopster. i have a flying squirelz onda
    side of my retoaded head. do ya know why? because i’m really joey gonads badda bing balducci. true that mofo.

  17. junkman

    i love this site. where else could you find “my home made hot chocolate and a nice big cup of stfu” running neck and neck. just let me know what you need for dinkmas dave and it is yours.

  18. junkman

    ummmm. chatting way to much. but keeping the “dink” in dinkmas.

  19. chainstay

    Thank you TimM. I thought that I was the only one that had that song stuck in their head. Been walking around for a day mumdling spam spam spam spam. Been getting a lot of odd looks. (more than usual)

  20. [Comment ID #220268 will be quoted here]

    [Comment ID #220277 will be quoted here]

    I do believe that it may be the state song of Hawaii.

    [Comment ID #220259 will be quoted here]

    What’s up dapopster, run out of puppies to kick? Nobody is getting hurt that doesn’t want to be.

  21. [Comment ID #220259 will be quoted here]

    Such insolence shall not be tolerated! Just for that I’m gonna make you listen to Celine Dion while I run a cheese grater over your ass. 👿

  22. DaPopster

    [Comment ID #220282 will be quoted here] Hey, I like Celine Dion, substitute your tongue for the cheese grater and you’re on … Bye the bye, I DO love to get people going.

    :wang: :wtf:

  23. [Comment ID #220259 will be quoted here]

    If you don’t like her comments, skip past them. 🙄

  24. I think this website has created a time machine in the comments. I think we are back in 1995 in an AOL chat room. ASL?

  25. [Comment ID #220284 will be quoted here]

    You like Celine Dion? Seriously? :wtf:

  26. Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #220289 will be quoted here]

    Not nearly as much as I like another Canadian—
    the hawtie Shania Twain. I imagine AnnieB looking
    like her. AM I right, babe?
    Anyway, you hang in there Meagan. The rest of us
    love you.
    :kiss: :kiss: :wang: :wang:

  27. [Comment ID #220291 will be quoted here]

    Let’s see Flash. I’m 30, she’s 42. I’m 5’8″, she’s 5’4″.
    I’m blonde, she’s brunette.

    I’d say we’re practically twins, wouldn’t you? 😛

  28. Drusky

    [Comment ID #220295 will be quoted here]
    Well, twins where it counts…

    The only things you left out was cup size and if the curtains matched the rug… :kiss:
    [Comment ID #220289 will be quoted here]
    Seems appropriate. She sang the music on the Titantic soundtrack and Da Popster’s maiden comment on this topic pretty much hit an iceburg and sank… 😈

  29. Flash Gordon

    [Comment ID #220295 will be quoted here]

    But can you sing, hon? :kiss: :wtf: :wang: :wang:

  30. Psst: They changed the word for spam. The new word is officially ‘ronpaul’.

    Usage: “My inbox is full of ronpaul!” “I have a CAPTCHA to keep ronpaul off my blog.”, etc.

  31. Fleetwood

    [Comment ID #220299 will be quoted here]
    Ahhh..truth be told..American women are the most beautiful in the world..the rest are just wantabe’s

  32. Meshie

    Spam! Did you say “SPAM”! :puke:

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