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22 responses to “I’m not sure I can do that”

  1. April Avatar

    That’s because you’re not as flexible as I am.

  2. Bigwavdave Avatar

    It sounds interesting – What the hell, let’s give it a shot. :wtf:

    Re: Microsquish :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

  3. Lung the Younger Avatar

    I couldn’t do it either Dave. In fact I think the only people who could use those restrooms would be Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd.

  4. Spud Avatar

    If you are behind your back, you’re in front of the game.

  5. Randy Avatar

    English translation: you are screwed; tie a knot in it or put a plug in it.

  6. Nikki Avatar

    No worries, there’s another bathroom here.

  7. adognamedgromit Avatar

    I am sure that this particular airport is a complex maze also. Just like its roads and parking lots etc. Truth is the whole place is like that, this is just your 28th clue.

  8. adognamedgromit Avatar

    ha… Nikki’s example must be the one where the door locks behind you and you find yourself outside. No bathroom in sight.

  9. Penguin Pete Avatar

    Ahh, thank you for the Microshaft video, Dave. Warms my chilly (Tux) penguin heart…

    [Comment ID #83556 will be quoted here]

    OK, Nikki, we’re waiting on an explanation for that icon guy on the right of the sign. Looks like he’s bent over laying a stack of logs, in synergy with the phrase “emergency exit” :wtf:

  10. junkman Avatar

    -burqini swimwear – armor of god p.j.’s by any other name?
    -given the day…..we should be going back toward our friends behind.

  11. Brad K. Avatar

    “For Restrooms, Go back toward your behind”

    For those of you living in the ‘Here and the Now’ (according to Geoffrey Lewis’ ‘The Lunch Stop’, Celestial Navigations II), the behind refers to the sequence of ‘now’s that you have already experienced, and obliquely refers to the space that you occupied in those recent and not-so-recent moments. Taken consecutively, you might retrace your steps to encounter the nearest restroom.

    However, the admonition ‘For Restrooms’ is strengthened by the taunting ‘Go back’. As the current moment passes into history, we consider that we *might* be able to retrace our steps through the space we lately traversed, but we can never move forward to the times that went before. This is an oriental expression of the English homily ‘You can’t go home again’. The gist of these two phrases is what Mommy always worried about – ‘Now, before we leave, does anyone have to go to the bathroom?’. That is, *you missed your best, last chance*.

    Or as Randy put it — you’re screwed. Put a plug in it.

  12. nessa Avatar

    If I dont find the bathroom fast noone is gonna want to be back to my behind. 😕 ❓

  13. beth Avatar

    Does any one know if Muslim women actually wear those things? Yikes…

  14. pablo Avatar

    Going backward toward your behind makes perfect sense to me. What I don’t understand is a bathing suit with a resevour tip.

  15. Astryd Avatar

    My behind!! ❗ I told you to stay directly on my backside!! 😡 Bad behind!! You’re going back in the panties!! :undies:

  16. MJaz Avatar

    I dunno.. the “slim fit” burquini is a bit risque’ dont ya think? I mean.. it only comes to the THIGHS for Allah’s sake! Only a total tramp would be caught dead in THAT. I bet that the kind of thing that Muslim teens hide and change into when they are out of the house.. if Dad found out, he would ground her for a month!

  17. sledge Avatar

    Better than go forward from your front

  18. Sher Avatar

    Does this restroom make my butt look big?

  19. cronewynd Avatar

    [Comment ID #83584 will be quoted here]


  20. mikeB Avatar

    [Comment ID #83532 will be quoted here]

    We require photographic proof, April.

  21. Rosalind Avatar

    Sounds painful! :wtf:

  22. Meagan Avatar

    Re: Touch your friend’s bottom day:
    “Nothing says respect like a nice open-palm slap on the ass.” 😳

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