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Show 36 Comments


  1. pablo

    Got to love the paintball geek in full attire. I prefer to drink after the game myself.

  2. Anna

    daddy ..? ..?

  3. Cindy

    Looks like he might have something caught in a drawer……yikes! :wtf:

  4. Da Popster

    Know the feeling ……………. ❓

  5. djemm

    GOD DAMNIT EARL !!! I told you we can’t do that no more the paint makes me itch somthin mighty down there

  6. StevieC

    Ummmmm ….. those aren’t paintballs in your hopper. Here’s my impression of the look – :wtf:

  7. Bigwavdave

    “Doc, I think there’s one caught between my molars”

    Re: Barbie very distrubing and I think you know why.

  8. cbatdux

    I wanna kiw a bunny wabbit!

  9. MJaz

    Mister Yuck is mean… Mr. Yuck is greeeeeeeeeen! 🙁

  10. Uhh I was walkin through the for – ist an there it was..
    It had claws big as a ….i cant think… big (naration with hand jesture)
    An tett … big fannggss
    Ise fell over

  11. sledge

    he looks like the north end of a southbound mule

  12. Mitch

    Elmer Fudd has never looked so REAL!
    I knew he had a lisp, but the X eyes explain how he missed the Wabbit so often.
    (Wabbit Season!, Duck Season!)

  13. Shrubby

    A paintball re-enactment of Full Metal Jacket’s private Pile just after he blew his brains all over the bathroom wall.
    “God Dammit pvt. Pile…WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION!” :dead:

  14. junkman

    hulk mad. hulk smash barbies.
    stitchy mcyarnpants can be found hanging around the mitten tree waiting for ripe ones to fall to the ground.
    i think im in love with tinkebell.
    ps. i was not calling cbatdux a dumb ass yesterday EBITDA users are dumb asses

  15. scamper

    Hey I think I know that guy, he owes child support to some women, and everyone else money

  16. Brad K.

    It didn’t work. John had so looked forward to the MinneCon science fiction convention. He had decided on a ‘Mars Attacks’ green man look, but it didn’t take well. The four hours he spent on the Gopher team was bad enough. Now his ‘tastegful Green Cheese’ paint job was starting to draw. And the most attention he got was from the !*##()@ seven year olds that thought was as ‘predator’, or a really bad ‘Incredible Hulk’, and wanted a fierce expression. Well, his fierce expression wouldn’t have worked on the Space Quest set, let along an A list movie.

    No, the fierce expression, no matter how hard John tried, still looked like he spent too long in the line for the porta-potties.

    Maybe next year he would go back to the FurVersion outfit. At least as a randy man-squirrel-oppossum, he usually got laid at least once each Con. He just had to be on the lookout with the usual SF Con Weapons Policy (“You kill it, you eat it!”). Always some wiseguy with a genuine original Star Trek cardboard ‘communicator’ and ‘phaser pistol’.

  17. Whenever I tell ya I have a lot of balls, it doesn’t mean you have to check! Leggo!!!! ❗

  18. Mandy

    “So doc. I’s in Bangkok and I’s banging this whooore and the next mornin’ muh face is green! Don’t that beat all?” :puke:

  19. Sher

    Homer would have joined the Militia,but he just couldn’t get the whole paint your face in camouflage right.

  20. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #81100 will be quoted here]

    I know – just givin ya a hard time. ; )

  21. Knkangaroo

    Was doing this green jello thing, and well, think we missed a spot on my nose………

  22. Knkangaroo

    [Comment ID #81117 will be quoted here] Miss Barbie Pageant, ultimate in child abuse………..

  23. mesmereyes

    THe barbie thing… if you read scroll to the end there a picture of a creepy guy saying “Mr Tim….are you ready to have some fun??!!”

  24. Ducatisti

    Mr. Tim….and 3 year-olds with false eyelashes (probably other false things, I didn’t want to look that close)…. what is it about this that DOESN’T just scream ‘wrong in every way’?

    I mean, good gawd. How much more horribly yukky could this situation get?


  25. Bigwavdave

    [Comment ID #81149 will be quoted here]

    I say again, “Very disturbing, and I think you know why.”

  26. cronewynd

    Okay, beauty pagents for little, little girls, that require them to wear makeup and evening “gowns” and look like little grownups, is WRONG. Absolutely, morally, karmically, spiritually, ethically WRONG.

    And, is mr. “Tim” at the bottom there, “Ready” to do WHAT to those poor, innocent girls??? OMG…. pandering to PERVERTS.

    Seriously. That’s bad ju jus.

  27. Timm

    Gee! Mr. Tim, Thanks for disgracing my name. From now on I’m …(?)… “Bob”

    But seriously, that’s just “sick.”

  28. MJaz

    I initially hit the pageant site and left asap.. but based on your comments, I went back today to see Mr. Tim. (*SHUDDER*)

    In the course of scrolling down, I saw the pic of one “Maddie Cummings” billed as “7-8 Beauty Queen”. You know, if I wasn’t told that she was a 7 year old, I would have guessed that she was a 30-something local newcaster from Bent Elbow, Idaho, or somewhere similar.

    I am sorry you guys lured me back. I will be having horrible nightmares about Mr. Tim and those poor little girls for quite some time….

  29. On that Barbie pageant link: I don’t care if it did slow my whole computer to a crawl with the buggy Javascript; those drifting colored squares were really worth every glorious minute of it! Seriously, this page is the finest that Win 95 Front Page Express has to offer! 8)

    The last time I saw code eat it that bad, it had line numbers and lots of GOTOs.

  30. Myra

    So that’s where JonBenet went. Seriously, pageants that make little girls look like grown ups is just asking for some pedophile to take them. This should be illegal.

  31. [Comment ID #81076 will be quoted here] They must have relaxed the laws about aiming for the head although his expression suggests he would not have felt much!!

  32. Timm

    Caption: Poor Dennis! Years of paint-ball fumes have really taken a toll on him.

  33. Infernos

    His mother was right… his face froze like that as a child.

    Miss Barbie Pink Pageant … more like Daddy’s Little Hooker Pageant 🙁

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