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Show 23 Comments


  1. Spud

    “Big Paul Bunyon was a man, yes a big man, he chopped wood for Amerika to keep Amerika true, Big Paul Bunyon…”


  2. Marcus

    Hey, that’s my ex-boss, sans club and smile and add a ten pounds. Although, my ex-boss probably smells worse.

    I’m not sure God intended children to wear this stuff. What’s next Armor of God underwear? Protecting the virginity of all.

    Spare the child and spoil the rod
    I am not selling myself to God

  3. It’s the image of Grizzly Adams forever immortalized in wood.

  4. Don’t worry, Son. Some day, when you’re older, you might be lucky enough to have a cellmate just like him.

  5. family jules

    “MY dad packs some REAL wood!”

  6. armor of god pjs. christ on a cracker. next thing you know, they’ll say book burning is to warm baby jesus in heaven

  7. bhamm

    – Well, aren’t you just the biggest, strongest, most manly man in the forest? Yes you are!
    – Dad, if you don’t let me cut my hair, I will start dating this gentleman.

  8. Da Popster

    Lookit the Q Tip the guy is using ! :wtf: And no, son, I don’t care if he did follow you home, you can’t keep him. :puke:

  9. junkman

    -hey marcus. great patti smith quote. you’ll burn in hell for that!
    -if the kid’s going into Ventriloquism he might want a smaller dummy. i wouldn’t want him to have to sit in it’s lap.
    -are the armor of god pj’s for kids that die in their sleep so they can be equipped to fight god when they get up there? i never get the basics of religion.

  10. Wendyfb

    “Are you my daddy?” 😈

  11. Armor of God PJs… ensuring that future generations of spree killers grow up as warped as they need to be.

    As for the pic, I’m on the fritz this morning, but all I can think of is “Oh, IIIIIIII’m a lumberjack and I’m OK, I sleep all night and I work all day!”

  12. Am I the only one here spontaneously clenching into Kegels at the sight of that wooden dildo in Paul Bunyan’s hand? It’s splintery delicious!!! :wang:

  13. Drusky

    No wonder the kids seem to get close to him with big smiles. Look at the size of the joint he’s holding… Rasta Gods unite! 😆

    Let’s watch some misfortunate kid wear the ‘Armor of God PJ’s’ to a sleep over or to scout camp… Those PJ’s better be KEVLAR… 😈

  14. Drusky

    [Comment ID #73881 will be quoted here]

    Nice Monty Python reset… Beat me to it…

  15. Someone should introduce wood guy to the snake-handling leprechaun from the previous post. I bet they’d be BFF.

  16. Marcus

    [Comment ID #73867 will be quoted here]

    I am glad you liked it. I am not anti-christian, just anti-stupidity. Those pjs were as stupid as you could get. I guess mommy needs a beer and a lay. lol

  17. the mom that invented those pj’s needs to get off the “jesus juice” and get some “deep dickin”. :wang:

  18. Peaches

    [Comment ID #73889 will be quoted here]

    I didn’t look at the dildo……..I was too busy checking out his “package”

  19. Myra

    Does that guy have a really big head compared to the rest of him or what? Where the heck is that thing? I’m a Christian but those pajamas give me the creeps. The armor of God is figurative (i.e. shield of faith) not something literal. Weird. One more thing to make Christians look like idiots (of course, many are)

  20. Irene

    But Moooooommmmmmm!!!!!!! I Wanna pair of bearpelt undies TOoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! :wtf:

  21. He really should have started with something much smaller when practicing to become a ventriloquist.

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