You folks is weird.

I’ve seen some odd pics from you in the past, but you outdid yourselves this time. I’m not sure how many of them I believe are legitÒ€¦

Impressive. Some are safe, some not so much, which is why I am hiding them in the excerpt. I don’t want anyone fired. πŸ˜›

In other news, if you are a registered Davezilla reader, you now have the ability to add avatars (little icons of yourselves) next to your posts! Just login to the link in the upper right (it will ask you to register first), go to your user page and use the Your Avatar tab.

Icons lead to fullsize versions

I hope you’re happy now.

Mandyjulesg o t h i k aBillP
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Show 56 Comments


  1. Mandy

    1. Me. Fat ass. 😳
    2. Klassy :dead:
    3. Cute! πŸ˜€
    4. must…..bleach……eyes :puke:
    5. Ummm :wtf:
    6. Klassy πŸ™„
    7. mikeb? I didn’t realize what a prick you were

  2. if you think those photos are weird, you should check out this:

    the new cuttlefish condom.

    Cuttlefish are animals of the order Sepiida, and are marine cephalopods, small relatives of squids and nautilus.

  3. Spud

    1. Cute :undies:
    2. Winner! :boob: :boob:
    3. Goths at play πŸ™
    4. must ….. bleach ….. eyes :puke:
    5. umm … :puke:
    6. :wtf:
    7. Cute

  4. Mandy and Spud, you both need to register so you can have a pic by your name, too! :mrgreen:

  5. the little hedgehogs are SO INCREDIBLY CUTE!!!! omg, their little tiny hands and feet!!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWW…. I’m all cuddly now! I’m in love!!! πŸ˜€

  6. Never mind, my avatar is up. I love this feature! πŸ˜†

  7. Suddenly, memories of my Renaissnace Faire days come drifting back…mixed with scenes from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” and “Gremlins”. πŸ˜•

  8. Spud

    [Comment ID #26447 will be quoted here]

    I’m game…


  9. frisko

    Is that guy getting spray cheeze on his chest?

  10. 1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. No
    4. No
    5. No
    6. No!!
    7. Awww

  11. Mandy

    Is mine working? I fucked it up the first time. 😳

  12. Mandy

    Yay! I love this Dave! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

  13. Look how cute these avatars are. I have attractive readers. Well, in some cases. Sorry, Bill.

  14. brainchallenged

    1. :puke: 2. πŸ˜• 3. πŸ™ 4. πŸ’‘ 5. :kiss: 6. :dead: 7. sooooooooocute!!!

  15. Craig

    “I think you’ve hit a hole in 1 with this avatar thing”

  16. Thor

    Mandy you still get my vote. Nice ass, pretty face, good sense of humor, you gots the whole package baby!

  17. Mandy

    Thanks, Thor! :kiss: :thong:

  18. Mandy

    [Comment ID #26445 will be quoted here]

    That’s really gros, Tian. I didn’t need to see that right after breakfast :puke:

  19. Ron

    1. :wang: 2. :wang: 3. :geek: :geek: 4. OMG My eyes!! It burns so bad! :puke: 5.I’ii never eat cheese whiz again! :puke: 6.Is she using the fence to remove the dingle berries? :puke: :puke: :puke: 7. Cute critters. πŸ™‚

  20. greyoutlook

    that cuttlefish is the reason i won’t eat fish ever again ❓

  21. Thor

    Anytime Mandy, just keep those photos a’comin’! :kiss: πŸ™‚

  22. greyoutlook

    that link is ❓ ❓

  23. cows go moo

    omg, that cuttlefish condom thing burned out my eyes
    :puke: :dead:

  24. cows go moo

    [Comment ID #26466 will be quoted here]

    i second that :dead: :puke:

  25. cows go moo

    how do i get tha avitar to appear?

  26. cows go moo

    how do i get my avatar 2 work?

  27. I have no clue if I’m “registered” or not.
    Maybe I didn’t get the invite.
    I’m not special. ❓
    *sniff* *sniff*

  28. scamper

    either that dinglberry thing or a hardball in a soft place.

  29. Peaches

    This is cool!!

  30. Peaches

    Its not working for me.

  31. mitch

    Dave, my man, admit it. We who follow you are one fucked up (in a good way) army. But we love you and are here for you. Keep it up and we will keep being weird.

  32. Susanne

    looks like my ass, looks too young to be posing :boob: :boob:, fright night party at the munsters, head doesn’t match body :P, no beads at mardi gras?, been there myself-when u gotta go…., cute pets?

  33. Susanne

    looks like my ass:undies: , looks too young to be posing :boob: :boob:, fright night party at the munsters, head doesn’t match body :P, no beads at mardi gras?, been there myself-when u gotta go…., cute pets?

  34. mitch

    And I still love Fran.

  35. Cuttle Fish Condom?**£$$”! Dave you have some strange readers, where the hell was that dug out from…

  36. Bjorn Freeh

    Dave, something’s wrong with the pics! I clicked on Jules’, but instead of the “fullsize version”, it only filled my screen!


  37. I know what you mean. I keep hoping Mandy’s bum will do the same.

  38. Mitch, would you still love me if you knew I was a …..registered Republican??? πŸ˜•

  39. Darrell

    Oh, this is just getting too fancy. Do you like what I’ve done with my hair?

  40. Peaches

    You’re right Dave……….these folks are weird!!!

  41. Wasn’t there a famous quote that went “If you want to know a man’s character, take a look at his friends” ? πŸ˜†

  42. [Comment ID #26607 will be quoted here]

    That needs to be updated for TEH Intarweb. “If you want to know a man’s character, take a look at his blogroll.”

  43. [Comment ID #26642 will be quoted here]

    As in “You show me your blogroll, I’ll show you mine?” 😈

  44. Dixie Chick

    1. nice ass, looks like mine too
    2 thru 5, what the hell are they thinking
    6. very cute

    you guys really are weird πŸ™„

  45. wantwit

    hrm…i go away for a while and look at what happens.

  46. I’m still stuck looking at the first picture…what a magnificent posterior! The rest of the pics I *may* look at later, but I doubt it!

  47. Hmmm…I’m not the Craig from comment #18, but I see the same avatar is showing up…strange. Maybe if I change the name a bit…

  48. logan

    damn what the hell is up with the weird people around here and why does that person have baby hedge hogs or porcupines or what ever πŸ‘Ώ

  49. Ace

    Woe is the day I joined the freak show

  50. Ace

    What’s with the icons? OoOooohh…

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